This is it ladies and Gentlemen - Ron Paul Minneapolis, MN - Rally to the Whitehouse

that makes sense, because i am not making the claim that ronald is a racist. i hold that belief, and honestly believe ronald is an old bigot, just the same as my grandma is, but i don't try to argue it because it is pointless to argue the contents of a man's heart.

but my main aim is to simply shut up lifegoeson and parker and mr. neutron and anyone else who is too engaged in ronald worship to believe that he defended those racist newsletters as his own writings during the 1996 campaign. how long did those clowns write off those newspaper articles i cited as propaganda, bad reporting, a conspiracy, hearsay, untrue, or otherwise not accurate?

a natural corollary of the above claim is that ronald is a liar to boot. that should surprise no one.

now go ahead, paulbots, switch the subject, QUICK!
You have no proof he defended the racist writings or you'd show it. Honesty isn't your best suit.
You have no proof he defended the racist writings or you'd show it. Honesty isn't your best suit.

dude, did you miss the video i posted? the one where he tells hannity to check the texas monthly article on him where he admits to defending the newsletters as his own writings during the 1996 campaign?

derp dee der.
Anybody that's on Rollitup and believes they should have the freedom to choose what they put in their bodys and actually knows a little about the candidates would choose Ron Paul.
Anybody that's on Rollitup and believes they should have the freedom to choose what they put in their bodys and actually knows a little about the candidates would choose Ron Paul.

People like you must have only been exposed to such a philosophy by Ron Paul. There are plenty of others who stand on that side of the fence.
dude, did you miss the video i posted? the one where he tells hannity to check the texas monthly article on him where he admits to defending the newsletters as his own writings during the 1996 campaign?

derp dee der.
You didn't post squat. Ron Paul has never said he defended the newsletters and you have no video of him saying it either. Like I said honesty isn't your strong suit. You'll say anything without a care in the world as to the truth of it.
you must be dumb.

at 5:13, hannity asks him about the newsletters and he refers to the texas monthly article, "dr. no" by s.c. gwynn.

that article, written in october 2001, has ron paul on record saying he defended those racist newsletters during the 1996 campaign as his own writings.

he says that was not the truth, which means he lied for political gain.

i remember you calling him an honest politician, this proves otherwise. he is on video referring hannity to that interview, so you can't say it's some conspiracy of bad reporting.

suck it, bitch.
Ron Paul never defended it in that interview just as he never said he wrote the articles your vid proves nothing excpet what we already know. You're a dishonest fool who can't be two and two together to save his life and cares not about the truth.
Call me anything you want... I'm not the liar. You're saying he defended what the newsletter said and that just is not true. He took responsibility for what was printed in it but does not agree with it. I know it's difficult for you to understand and where did I insult you, I made a genuine plea for you to seek help, I am concerned that maybe you took some bad shit and got brain damage.
Agreed Buck will lie about anything that much is obvious.
LOL This is hilarious. The last dying gasps of a cult whose God is a flawed racist senile old southerner with delusions of grandeur. I told you so. told ya told ya told ya so. Oh that felt good.
I'm going to feel like shit having to vote for Sanatorium or Romney =(, but what choice will be left with, i really can't stand Newt.
Ron Paul never defended it in that interview just as he never said he wrote the articles your vid proves nothing excpet what we already know. You're a dishonest fool who can't be two and two together to save his life and cares not about the truth.

in that video, racist old ronnie points to a texas monthly article titled "dr. no" by s.c. gwynn. in that article, he admits that he defended the racist newsletters as his own writing during the 1996 campaign.

watching you have a conniption over this is like eating a good grilled cheese with some tomato soup, it brings joy to my soul.
LOL This is hilarious. The last dying gasps of a cult whose God is a flawed racist senile old southerner with delusions of grandeur. I told you so. told ya told ya told ya so. Oh that felt good.
LMAO the economy is suffering and the ones defending it have no clue why it is going bad except to blame it on one party or anyone but government. Fools. Any party that manipulates the economy caused booms and busts.
How is your dollars purchasing power? Does that feel good as it continues to plummet? prices are rising alot faster than wages but you continue on your merry way like the town drunk. To inebriated to seperate fact from fiction.

Was he senile when he told us to expect the Housing crash years before it happened? Was he senile when he told us our foreign policy would make us less safe and to expect a retaliation?
you wont answer. you'll continue to run like a pussy and back failed policies. The Cubs are more successful than you.
in that video, racist old ronnie points to a texas monthly article titled "dr. no" by s.c. gwynn. in that article, he admits that he defended the racist newsletters as his own writing during the 1996 campaign.
I watched the video have you? he never said it in that video and never said it at all.

watching you have a conniption over this is like eating a good grilled cheese with some tomato soup, it brings joy to my soul.
LMAO You come out and admit you are a sorry human being. Not surprising. You would love to think you are controlling people dont you? The ones who don't have very much success in life make things up about people. Nothing but jealousy. The funny thing is you don't learn from your mistakes. That's what happens when you hang with 16 year olds.
Why work to bring yourself up when you can make things up about others? That is your entire mo. Make things up, throw mud, and hopes it sticks. Take a shower you stink.
tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich?? thats what you have that brings joy to your heart? Not a steak or a big meal? That's what usually happens when you aren't a good worker and can't make and save money. You can'tafford things. Although the Federal reserve by inflating the money supply and therefore devaluing the dollar doesn't help you out.
LOL This is hilarious. The last dying gasps of a cult whose God is a flawed racist senile old southerner with delusions of grandeur. I told you so. told ya told ya told ya so. Oh that felt good.

C'mon now Carne.. While UB is right about the admission, he is not right about who wrote those.
Ron Paul says that if he had to have a Secret Service nickname, he'd be known as "Bulldog." But if he really had his way, he wouldn't have Secret Service protection as president at all. Why? Well, as Elise Foley reported earlier Wednesday, it's because Secret Service protection just doesn't fit within his libertarian worldview:
Paul, the only candidate without Secret Service protection, said having that security would be a "form of welfare." "You know, you're having the taxpayers pay to take care of somebody," he told Leno. "I'm an ordinary citizen and I would think I should pay for my own protection."
Okay, Ron Paul! Surely free market forces should dictate whether or not presidents of the United States are kidnapped or murdered. Did the framers of the Constitution imagine that Big Government would position itself between a head of state and a hail of assassin's bullets? Actually, they didn't. The legislation that created the Secret Service wasn't signed into law until April 14, 1865. It was signed by then-President Abraham Lincoln, as one of the important things he had to tend to that day before going off to Ford's Theater later that night.

Huffington Post's bias spin has hit it's max. Wow, no longer am I taking them as any where near a credible source. Chalk them up right beneath Fox News.
I watched the video have you? he never said it in that video and never said it at all.

at 5:13, he references a texas monthly article about him. checking back on texas monthly archives, it is clear he references the one by s.c. gwynn.

watch the video again, old man.