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thats shaiqueesha.... my lil baby nefhew half cousin auntie. three snaps in a Z formation. mmmmhhmmmmmm.
I wouldnt waste a blunt on her. She needs a B-52; 50mg benadryl, 5mg haldol, 2mg ativan.
Ok, the video isn't working for me but religion has nothing to do with it. She may be a crazy, racist bitch but that's about it. If she believed in god she'd believe that we were all created our own race and god loves all of them them. Maybe the Jews are a little segregated but they got their own lordly spanking. As for screaming and cussing in class, it's just unacceptable, whatever your beliefs. Black people who hate other races are unpicking years and years of work towards eliminating prejudice. It drives me crazy, because it helps no one. Why perpetuate the hate?
as for race,what is race, a sparrow and a pigeon are both birds,their coloration doesn't matter,
yes it does. its lets you know that one is a sparrow and the pther is a pigeon.
which only really matters to humans,you missed my point,they are both birds,species doesn't matter outside of labeling,and we only do that as we are human and want to feel in control of every thing including nature, we all share common ancestry,we all evolved from Africa, even china that spent billions on genetic tests to prove they are a different "race" actually proved themselves wrong,as they still have the same genes that came from Africa,we are all humans at the end of the day,we all bleed red,breathe the same air,eat shit n piss, only weak minded people buy into the controlling powers ways of dividing us,and finger pointing to cover up their b/s, like in the uk, the government has fucked the country so lets blame it on immigrants same with the states,even though both countries are made up of mongrel genetics from round the globe, to call yourself English or American is a joke, real celtic genes(English) are from Anglo Germanic/eastern Europe, so aren't English,the term "Caucasian" comes from the caucus region of the world, and where any thing but white,they are more like light brown but just had blue/green eyes, so its all b/s,used by governments to keep us hating each other and therefor easier to keep in control of, after all if we all got on instead of hating each other,we could fix the planet and live happily side by side sharing all the wealth that 3 familys own 80% of,still each to their own as I said before
Nonsense. And I mean that with all due respect. You put different breeds of chickens or birds together and they will fight. You put different species of cat together, they will fight. Same with fish. Same with mammals in the ocean. We aren't the only species who fights with our own kind over subtle differences. We are, however, the only ones who seem to have the logical ability to deal with the issue, but choose not to do so.
No disrespect taken-specially as you just kind of agreed with what I was saying pretty much,I was making the point that people choose to continue this b/s,I didnt say that in nature animals don't fight, I did however say it is used as a tool of control,and that most people go along with it as seems most people are stupid and sheep like,
That bitch CRAY!!
I'd of speared a bitch if she touched me or started screaming in my face and it would have been toooooooootally justifiable! Damn!
My fault sir, I was on the phone and skimming. I should have paid closer attention.
i dont subscribe to hitting women but woulda had to kick that ragged ghetto bitch in the face.
Feminist want equality except when it's equal responsibility for your actions.Women aren't equal and need to be treated more lightly in a situation like this. Don't curb stomp the bitch, but give her a good slap.