What would you do? Rollitup style.


Well-Known Member
So Im sure a lot of us have seen those hidden camera shows that watch how people react to stomach churning social situations. Well on my way out to my car tonight I saw one of the kids that lives around me with his gf. He was walking and grabbing her wrist then tugging on her arm hard like he was throwing a 5 year old temper tantrum. I wasnt sure though if he was just dicking around or actually hurting her. He then like bear hugged her and smashed her up against him hard 2 times as I was getting out of my car to say something he grabbed her wrist then snapped it back towards her and then walked away yelling. Now I feel like a dick for not jumping to action before the bear hugs. Since I wasnt sure I didnt want to be the guy who says someones beating on their girlfriend when there just joking around. I was unsure if it was a guy who lived around me, so I went to my roommate and asked if it was the same kid he saw earlier in the week. It was. What he saw a week ago was the same shit but in another area of our neighborhood and the cops showed up. So realizing that I waited just a second to long to confront him screwed up my chances of doing something. I tried saying something to the girl as she ran back into their place and he walked away but idk if she heard me or not. I informed the correct resources and filed a report.

Most of us would say something if they were in a group of people. When your alone though you tend to try to over analyse the situation before speaking out and usually its to late by then.

So how long does it take you guys in real social situations where you are alone to actually speak up to something ridiculous? and youve been in that situation before what happened?


Well-Known Member
Damn Johnny, that is some shit! If I were in that situation I am sure I would have done the same thing, although without the same power. It might of taken me and my friends at least 3 or 4 punches to inflict that type of damage. Good job on sticking up for that cunt, even though she is dumb as rocks and protects the guy that was beating her. You still did the correct thing, fuck that douchebag.


Well-Known Member
just keep your eyes out for it happening again, which it most likely will.
in these situations the girl always ends up going right back to the asshole after he makes his false promises of never doing it again.

you hear about shit like this all the time, and in a lot of cases the situation usually gets worse.
and then one day she's in the hospital, or in worst cases dead.


Well-Known Member
So Im sure a lot of us have seen those hidden camera shows that watch how people react to stomach churning social situations. Well on my way out to my car tonight I saw one of the kids that lives around me with his gf. He was walking and grabbing her wrist then tugging on her arm hard like he was throwing a 5 year old temper tantrum. I wasnt sure though if he was just dicking around or actually hurting her. He then like bear hugged her and smashed her up against him hard 2 times as I was getting out of my car to say something he grabbed her wrist then snapped it back towards her and then walked away yelling. Now I feel like a dick for not jumping to action before the bear hugs. Since I wasnt sure I didnt want to be the guy who says someones beating on their girlfriend when there just joking around. I was unsure if it was a guy who lived around me, so I went to my roommate and asked if it was the same kid he saw earlier in the week. It was. What he saw a week ago was the same shit but in another area of our neighborhood and the cops showed up. So realizing that I waited just a second to long to confront him screwed up my chances of doing something. I tried saying something to the girl as she ran back into their place and he walked away but idk if she heard me or not. I informed the correct resources and filed a report.

Most of us would say something if they were in a group of people. When your alone though you tend to try to over analyse the situation before speaking out and usually its to late by then.

So how long does it take you guys in real social situations where you are alone to actually speak up to something ridiculous? and youve been in that situation before what happened?
That isn't an easy situation to deal with, especially when it only lasts a couple of seconds. I understand not wanting to overreact but also not wanting to just ignore it. You reported it so you did the right thing. Karma is a bitch, dude will get what's coming.


Well-Known Member
Damn Johnny, that is some shit! If I were in that situation I am sure I would have done the same thing, although without the same power. It might of taken me and my friends at least 3 or 4 punches to inflict that type of damage. Good job on sticking up for that cunt, even though she is dumb as rocks and protects the guy that was beating her. You still did the correct thing, fuck that douchebag.
He was clearly on something and freaking the fuck out. I'd suspect the dust, but it could have been meth too. You usually see that violent freakout and gorilla strength associated with the pcp.


Well-Known Member
Well now that I know for sure what the kid looks like I may say something even if hes alone not waiting for the next time I see it happen.

Fucking adrenaline is still not fully gone lol.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Tough call , usually you end up being the bad guy , at least to the woman . I can't stand to see some punk ass dude beating on a woman . I boxed for a lot of years , so I got heavy hands and a head like a rock . Got to be careful cause I do not want to seriously injure or kill anyone . Johnny you guys are lucky , I'd probably get arrested and charged . The last guy I saw who smashed his girl in the face and busted it open ended up in the ICU for almost two weeks . Scared the crap out of me cause the cops were looking for me afterward , they just didn't know my name . I thought he was going to die . His buddies were there and they all tried to kick my ass , but they just couldn't . I never hit a woman in my life for any reason , it's just not anything a man should ever do .


Well-Known Member
Tough call , usually you end up being the bad guy , at least to the woman . I can't stand to see some punk ass dude beating on a woman . I boxed for a lot of years , so I got heavy hands and a head like a rock . Got to be careful cause I do not want to seriously injure or kill anyone . Johnny you guys are lucky , I'd probably get arrested and charged . The last guy I saw who smashed his girl in the face and busted it open ended up in the ICU for almost two weeks . Scared the crap out of me cause the cops were looking for me afterward , they just didn't know my name . I thought he was going to die . His buddies were there and they all tried to kick my ass , but they just couldn't . I never hit a woman in my life for any reason , it's just not anything a man should ever do .
We might have took off, that was my first instinct after, but it happened in front of a whole crowd of people waiting to get in the bar less than a block away, many who knew who we were. That is what saved us, because they had dozens of accounts telling the exact same story. Had this taken place in a parking lot with no witnesses I'm sure they would have stuck us with vehicular homicide and I'd still be in prison.

EDIT: OP, if you have to get involved, try to have a witness or video running on your phone or something. You never know.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
We might have took off, that was my first instinct after, but it happened in front of a whole crowd of people waiting to get in the bar less than a block away, many who knew who we were. That is what saved us, because they had dozens of accounts telling the exact same story. Had this taken place in a parking lot with no witnesses I'm sure they would have stuck us with vehicular homicide and I'd still be in prison.

EDIT: OP, if you have to get involved, try to have a witness or video running on your phone or something. You never know.
Only witnesses I know were his buddies who also got beat down and the girl . It was a lynch mob for me bro . I couldn't help myself . He slapped her and I told him to lay off the girl and then he smashed her in the nose and said or what . Like cause of me he did it . I couldn't stop hitting him , even after I tried to the punches just kept going . He was laying on the ground not moving and I ran my tail off . Moral : Punks that hit women get beat to the ground .


Well-Known Member
Only witnesses I know were his buddies who also got beat down and the girl . It was a lynch mob for me bro . I couldn't help myself . He slapped her and I told him to lay off the girl and then he smashed her in the nose and said or what . Like cause of me he did it . I couldn't stop hitting him , even after I tried to the punches just kept going . He was laying on the ground not moving and I ran my tail off . Moral : Punks that hit women get beat to the ground .
Yeah, karma. I meant for the guy who made the thread tho, maybe try to have video if it's an ongoing thing. But come to think about it, he has already made a report so that's a positive if anything happens.


Well-Known Member
I'd do it alone, too. I punched out a former neighbor once and took his dog from him because he beat it all the time. I warned him once that if I see him hit it again he'd answer for it, so within a couple days he was in his front yard kicking the snot out of it. Friends of my sister still have the dog. I'll protect an animal even faster than a person, for obvious reasons.


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong I'm a pretty big dude. I'm not worried about getting into it with him. Its not even about that though. Things just happen faster then you can think. So even if I didn't stop it directly this time, I will next time and hopefully a few people off of here will too if put in situations like this (did what I could filed a report with the police and told the neighborhood office about it because they just had dealt with it last week and are keeping records of it ). Then even trying to say something to her but being ignored. I think these situations give perspective so that the next time shit hits the fan your not thinking your just doing.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
I'd do it alone, too. I punched out a former neighbor once and took his dog from him because he beat it all the time. I warned him once that if I see him hit it again he'd answer for it, so within a couple days he was in his front yard kicking the snot out of it. Friends of my sister still have the dog. I'll protect an animal even faster than a person, for obvious reasons.
Most def . I just get concerned that what if the guy falls onto something or hits his head and dies , I really dont care about them just I don't want to be the bad guy over stuff like that . I have 6 dogs who I love dearly . Good job Johnny .


Well-Known Member
Most def . I just get concerned that what if the guy falls onto something or hits his head and dies , I really dont care about them just I don't want to be the bad guy over stuff like that . I have 6 dogs who I love dearly . Good job Johnny .
This guy was such a douche, I wanted to hit him anyway. Big puffy loud mouth biker who thought his tattoos would scare someone. Lol in fucking Detroit! This is how smart he was. He gets a yellow lab puppy. He's too lazy to go outside and chain it to pee in the snow, so he lets it out the back door. 3 doors down they had a young female rottie in a fenced front yard. Everyone on the planet can figure out exactly where that puppy is going when he gets let out. Right down to see her. So toughguy would yell for the dog, who in turn would not come to him out of fear. So toughguy would storm down there, snatch it by the head and smack the bejeesus out of it all the way home. He's lucky he got one warning. When I smacked him and took the dog, I double dog dared him to even let me see him with a goldfish. He was gone in a few months. I hate people, dogs are my people.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
This guy was such a douche, I wanted to hit him anyway. Big puffy loud mouth biker who thought his tattoos would scare someone. Lol in fucking Detroit! This is how smart he was. He gets a yellow lab puppy. He's too lazy to go outside and chain it to pee in the snow, so he lets it out the back door. 3 doors down they had a young female rottie in a fenced front yard. Everyone on the planet can figure out exactly where that puppy is going when he gets let out. Right down to see her. So toughguy would yell for the dog, who in turn would not come to him out of fear. So toughguy would storm down there, snatch it by the head and smack the bejeesus out of it all the way home. He's lucky he got one warning. When I smacked him and took the dog, I double dog dared him to even let me see him with a goldfish. He was gone in a few months. I hate people, dogs are my people.
Mine sleep in the bed wth me , get better medical attention than I do and eat bacon and other treats more than me . They are my dogs bro . Always there for you . The only reason I want to be home is so I can be with them .