preppers on here got a question

You can do a search on youtube & watch dozens of videos of solar ovens in action. They work very well!
And a solar water heater works good too. A black plastic bag with water, left out in the sun!


I don't doubt this for one second have you ever put your hand infront of a hose that has been in the sun a while i done this the other day shit it was hot was more instant then my hot tap.

my dad and girlfriends dad is well into all that whats going to happen next type thing. i go on infowars regually but they both are starting to collect some food ones started a veggie patch im starting to buy silver myself. once i see a solar flare or ww3 comming ill be right at the supermarket buying all i can. how long do those protain powder last for anyways?
Maybe you should go out and TRY the above before spouting it's benefits. By the way solar stills are next to useless too , and you DO NOT get water out of a Barrel Cactus.

Actually, you can indeed build a solar oven out of a cardboard box and some tinfoil -- but mylar would be better, and to make it efficient takes some skill and practice.

Solar stills aren't bullshit, if you live somewhere that gets a decent amount of sunlight and it isn't the dead of winter. They need to be constructed properly so that all of the precipitation runs to your catch basins, and it helps to make a bunch of them to cover as much area as possible so you can distill as much water as possible.

Frankly, though, I wouldn't bother with either unless I really had to. Grog know how make fire! There'd be plenty of firewood for burning, in the form of buildings. And trees. With fire you can run a still, and all you need to make a still is some copper tubing and a pressure vessel -- a pressure cooker with removable rocker weight is remarkably convenient for this purpose.

The thing that I'd really, really want to have, going into a total-civilization-collapse situation (other than a rifle and a shotgun and plenty of ammo?) A small breeding flock of chickens -- or even a single hen and some fertilized eggs. And seed grain, corn, and bean and vegetable seeds. And a big stock of antibiotics.
Sounds good praxtical. Solar only came up because it was a good alternative To fire if you were trying to stay concealed. I agree guns and ammo first. Lots of good antibiotics and some rice and beans. The protein I can obtain in 1 form or another whether it be shellfish or a squirrel. If it comes to the point where I'm eating beans and squirrel I sure want to have plenty of guns and ammo. At least in that scenario if worst comes to worst I can steal for my family which will be what it boils down to.
I know for a fact solar ovens work.
Watch this, boiling water with a cardboard box & some tin foil


Yup Utube , the acknowledged " authority" for everything...............let me know how that solar stove works for you about this time of year out in the Kuskokwim. The get back to me.
I like butter dirtsufr and I like porn. When the disaster strikes what say you and I go over and take Amoks potatoes. LOL...:-| Maybe we will have to settle for "I can't believe it's not butter" in the hard times ahead. Amok is a good god fearing Christian so I sure he will share out of his love for the baby Jesus.
Amok.. Is that a sheep your holding in your Avatar?? Just curious cause it's one fine looking little ewe.:hump: Have you ever jacked a deer?

jj.. Solar power does not work and you can not produce heat or electricity with the damm wind and don't even talk to me about getting water from a barrel cactus until you can survive by eating dirt.

Amok.. I really am just joking around so don't feel the need to even respond to this post. (wink wink,, Amok fishing).. $10.00 says he takes the bait.

And the same ten bucks says that you're ssssssstiiilllll a butthurt FAKE that's still sniveling over having the fact that you're not the firearms expert you attempted to con folks into thinking you are exposed.

Hey tell me about all those Fantasy Chambering in " Casull".........ROTFLMAO.....
Solar stills aren't bullshit, if you live somewhere that gets a decent amount of sunlight and it isn't the dead of winter. They need to be constructed properly so that all of the precipitation runs to your catch basins, and it helps to make a bunch of them to cover as much area as possible so you can distill as much water as possible.


Uh HUH.........well at least you're somewhat aware of the drawbacks. Now start doing the math on what that roll of plastic weighs , then factor in that a buncha solar stills SCREAM " human here".

I suggest you do an experiment of your own , set up a single solar still in a *optimum* location , now measure the production resultant , then do the math on the number of solar stills ***per person*** you'd need just for basic drinking water.

You'd be infinitely better off **learning how to FIND water** , certain flora and fauna are highly indicative of the presence of water , learn to spot 'em , and learn your natural *vegetative* water sources.

And of course this thread is starting to trend towards the unrealistic yuppie version of " prepping " , already seem mention of " storing silver"......................for what? Think an economic system is going to rise right outa the ashes do you? Going to EAT precious metals are ya?

Silver and Gold are U S E L E S S ..............unless you want to sieve drop some REAL expensive shot for a muzzleloader or shotshell loading rig.

And don't talk to me about " trade value " , because in the event of a collapse a can of coffee , a bottle of Scotch , an extra box of ammuntition , extra meds............all those will have INFINITELY more trade value than USELESS precious metals.

Your last paragraph is fairly pragmatic , though it is oriented towards " shelter in place " and doesn't address a possible " bugout" scenario. And your assumption that fuel for a fire will *always* be available is a *very* weak point , and you need to keep in mind that you'll have to make provisions to both protect and feed those theoretical Chickens and/or other animals.
Sounds good praxtical. Solar only came up because it was a good alternative To fire if you were trying to stay concealed. I agree guns and ammo first. Lots of good antibiotics and some rice and beans. The protein I can obtain in 1 form or another whether it be shellfish or a squirrel. If it comes to the point where I'm eating beans and squirrel I sure want to have plenty of guns and ammo. At least in that scenario if worst comes to worst I can steal for my family which will be what it boils down to.

And now for an introduction to the REAL Prepping community and a bit of an education about some of it's denizens. Within the above you have a demonstration of one of the smaller but significant mindsets within the Prepper Community.

The above is a demonstration of what is known as The Goblin Mentality , Goblins intending to exist after a crash by being Well " Goblins" , ripping off others for the stuff that said OTHERS have had to foresight to store and prepare with , yup an unethical and immoral **parasite** such as those who are basically destroying the world presently.

Individuals such as " RottedRoots " will inevitably turn just as feral as the gangs and the like and will be deserving of exactly the same fate for the same actions. And will quite likely be MORE dangerous because they'll be much less upfront and much more cowardly about their end intentions.

The one saving grace is that once they've gotten past the point where they can abuse others , welll then Nature herself will take care of CULLING THEM FROM THE GENE POOL , we don't have to do it since for all their socalled " survival knowledge " they could be dropped right into the midst of plenty and would still manage to die of starvation or get themselves killed by Mother Nature.
Who worries about gangs? Ever seen a gangsta point a gun? Yeah, that's why some innocent bystander always gets killed. That would be like the gopher whacking game except with a gun imo.

But the rest of the shit you're saying is looking good.
I have a 4x4 truck & camper & I know dozens of ways to get out of town. I'm gonna use those 17hrs to put as much distance between me & a city as possible. If I can make it for 2-3 months, in good physical shape, I'll have a destinct advantage over most others that have survived that long. I figure that after the first 90 day blood bath, most will have killed each other off. Those that are left will either be other 'prepers' like myself & we can start to re-colonize, or they will be soo ravaged buy then, I'll have a real advantage. The river I'm gonna camp beside has lots of fish & there are deer & wild hogs, a plenty.
By then I'll scavage around & hopefully find some livestock, maybe a chicken or goat. Might be a cow or two still running around.

The point with solar ovens is, 'no fuel needed'. 1/2 of all trees cut down today are for cooking, because that's all they have. It takes energy to collect & burn fuel. With solar, you expend less energy, so you can eat less.

If I can get out of reach of the hungry hords from the cities, they will pretty much take each other out for food within 90 days. Every else will be left for me and a few Amish.

See you in hell!
Here's a video about how you can cook in Mid January in Minnesota with a solar oven, enjoy

I just ordered one of those "sport" solar ovens the lady was using to make chicken in Minn, $135.
I'll try it out as soon as I get it & let you guy's know.

S.O.S. Solar oven:

Who worries about gangs? Ever seen a gangsta point a gun? Yeah, that's why some innocent bystander always gets killed. That would be like the gopher whacking game except with a gun imo.

But the rest of the shit you're saying is looking good.

Gangsta's are more concerned about looking cool when they shoot, than shooting straight. Shooting using your sights just isn't cool, or maybe considered unfair. Like those fights on youtube where some gansta wannabe is harassing this white kid, and they make fun of him for wanting to fight with his feet because he has training... He's actually coerced into not using his feet! fool. But then he knocks the fucker out with a punch, and they stop laughing. Or as dumb as a stab-fight and you let your opponent go first. Dont fall for their mentality, they would convince you to fight with your hands tied behind your back, and some fucker will still try to blindside you. Look for the guy who's all shifty and moving a lot, he's trying to get you to ignore him so he can flank.
I just ordered one of those "sport" solar ovens the lady was using to make ckicken in Minn, $135.
I'll try it out as soon as I get it & let you guy's know.

S.O.S. Solar oven:


Here , lets put something in perspective for you , I speak from having lived Bush and made a living running trapline for a while in several different locales in the Far North , where you actually have to *count* on your equipment to work and to do so reliably and longterm..

As regards NorCal hogs and Deer , a lot of folks have your same plan. Game will get run deep into the backcountry right quicklike , and don't bother to argue the point , I get my deer every year by waiting out the first three days of hunting season and then going in way back behind Whiskey Saddle etc. where they've all been pushed too.

Here's another facet. Better keep in mind some way to *preserve* that meat and/or fish. Which is of course relatively speaking EASY , but too many folks aren't aware of such knowledge.

GOLDPLATED TRUTH.........failing to stay grounded in ***realities*** can get you D E A D in the true backcountry , and a failure of gear or supplies at just the wrong time can get you killed.

Here's an example , at my cabin up near Larsens Bay ,as a for instance , there's not just a set of axes ,wedges and mauls , there's a SPARE for each , spare figerglass handles , and the tools to make wooden replacement , there's not just ONE Marlin Guide Gun , there's a spare and spare parts.

True survival prepping isn't remotely like TV shows where they're geared towards surviving for three days until the S and R group finds you.

When you start storing essentials keep in mind " two is one , one is none" , if you've only got ONE of something critical you could end up in deep trouble sometime.

Y'all want to look at a case of slow suicide that did ***everything*** wrong and paid the ultimate price then look to Chris McCandless.................and yeah I *am* intimately familar with the Stampede Trail , the Stampede Mine , the Tek and that area north of the park.

And keep in mind that he died within walking distance of **FIVE* separate stocked cabins that were on maps he threw away , as is the Trolley line across the Tek that he could have gotten out on.

As regards your Solar Oven , I;m not saying that they're completely uselss , just for the most part , so get experience with it PRIOR to having to depend on the thing , and prepare ***backup*** cooking and heat/fire plans.

The *layered* approach , prepare in layers that back each other up.

And don't get me started on firearms choices and why some folks have their heads up their asses with some of those choices.