Winter Woman
Well-Known Member
There's a fault line that runs very near my childhood home.
There's a fault line that runs very near my childhood home.
I know this is double posting but I gotta say!! Dafuq???![]()
Just watched this online its half an hour long and its well weird. They have 250 mats out and lots of positions... Its weird because they all do the same things at the same time, its like an army of FUCKERS! Not LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT, more like IN OUT IN OUT.... Get in line perform intercourse SOLDIERS!! LOL
They put on some chillout Japanese music on at the end and all lie down together with there partners, thought that was cool
And no, I didn`t fap![]()
And they do it in Michigan now too. Expect funny movements in the future.
I'd like to see a 250 to 1 bukkake (from balconies in a rotunda or something) and have everyone to finish at the same time. That would be something.
I had one this morning ... that's one down ... cn
LOL, out of the mouth of babes.
That kid is 4 and into blackmail? We'll see him here in about 14 years.
ewwwwy lmfao need a wet nap![]()
I have a bizarre story my brother reminded me of.
I ran a cleaning company and I used to take my 70 pound Black Lab with me to do quality control checks in the middle of the night. There was one building that gave me the creeps, it was a small stamping plant. My hair would stand on end, chills, uncomfortable and my dog didn't like it there either.
Slowly, things began to happen. Doors would slowly close- explainable. Lights would go off-explainable. Then something must have happened to the staff, adult full grown men started to refuse to go into the shop alone. No one would talk about it.
Then one night I went to unlock the door on the empty, dark building. I got the key half way turned and it forcibly went back to the locked position. When I finally got it unlocked I started to turn the knob and it stuck and then suddenly there was no tension and it opened right up. But, my dog's hair went straight up all the way to his tail. I stepped in and turned on all the lights at the electrical panel, didn't see anything. My dog didn't want to come in but he did.
Now I have to tell you that all the power to the presses were turned off. They never chalked the presses don't know why they just didn't. Anyway, I'm in the front office of the building with my dog checking the work of my employees. All of a sudden two presses in the back made 2 cycles each. First, one machine way in the back. BOOM, cycling noise and then BOOM, cycling noise; then nothing. I stepped into the shop to see what was going on, then one in the front by the exit door about 20 feet away from me cycled BOOM, cycling noise, BOOM.
My dog stood looking at the shop foreman's office growling low deep in his throat. Head down, tail down. We left immediately. The next day I gave them the keys and I never went back. I don't know what was happening in that building but it was more than anyone could handle. The people working during the day said they never had issues.
Now if the presses had cycled once maybe it was finishing cycle belatedly which could be explained or weight making it drop. But two full cycles-no power. I know it had no power because I checked the panel on the way out, it was the next panel over for the electrical panel for the front office.
Strange things do happen at night.
Do they have Kosher ghosts? I wonder.Kosher salt keeps ghosts away? No wonder I never see any. How does that work?
Do they have Kosher ghosts? I wonder.
I swear to all that's holy the one that crawled across my BARE chest the other day was the same damned size (not really but it sure looked like it while it was running from nipple to nipple).