it was trayvon's gated community, too. no reason why a black person can't be in a private gated community (again, apologies for bringing in race, that was on zimmerman, not you).
he was within his rights to pursue martin, but he does lose his self defense under "stand your ground" laws. he is no longer standing his ground, he is aggressing.
No, it was his Dads gated community, where he doesn't live, where he was only staying because he'd been suspended from school for 10 days.
The "oh so innocent" Treyvon wasn't from there, and from an article I read with some of his Facebook and Twitter entries its clear he's also pot dealer who one entry states beat a bus driver a few weeks prior to his murder.
Is the neighbourhood watch guy really so bad for approaching (what appears to him) as a stranger who was just walking around? A stranger with a clearly questionable character, multiple tattoos and gold teeth?
Come on, his twitter name was "No_Limits_Nigga"...he's not just some innocent kid, and as Iv stated before its not a "cut and dried" case so it's premature to call for Zimmermans head.
EDIT: And I don't think he should've died, but as I said before, in a country with twice (or more) the amount of guns to people...what do you honestly expect to happen?