• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

trayvan martin

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Man I don't think I could ever imagine my kid being put to death in that situation. I see no remorse from this guy who is trying to play the victim card as much as possible. I mean how do you walk up behind someone, engage them physically, fatally wound your "attacker" or "suspicious party" and all of a sudden become a victim?

The fact is this guy clearly and obviously murdered. He made very poor judgement calls, as well as the dispatcher. The dispatcher has no way of being able to tell the mental health of this "citizen" , let alone the capacity to properly handle a weapon in that situation. The dispatcher should never promoted this guy engaging another based solely on the fact that the dispatcher knew he was armed and had no way of telling that he would make this sort of piss poor judgement.

All around its murder in the first degree for him and the dispatcher should be charged with aiding a felony at the very least. She failed to do her job, and she failed to save the life of an innocent citizen. Like most in Law Enforcement they are good at fucking up and are disgraceful to think they "serve and protect". More people have died at the hands of LEO then LEO have died at the hands of a citizen. Yet they say "to serve and PROTECT"
Our great first responder did a disservice to the community and failed to protect the life of a innocent young citizen. With as much respect as possible, it does not surprise me.

If you don't think race played any role...let me tell you what the first officer on seen reported to dispatch...1 WHITE MALE...1 BLACK MALE....Yet race ain't important? Every officer follows the protocol of identifying people FULLY and that INCLUDES RACE!
Judgment call on my part, but Mixedmelody seems to be bringing the racial angle into question on page 14. Still no reference to the noted racists, desert dude and NLSX...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
wow, an endorsement for fox news.

there are enough facts already for any person of sound mind to conclude that zimmerman was not acting in self defense and furthermore that he committed a hate crime.

you go ahead and sit in coward's corner, the rest of us with eyeballs and ears will press for justice.
Page 14... Unclebuck is working up his racial animosity...

Still no reference to race by desert dude or NLSX...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I'm surprised a certain element on this board didn't jump on the name Zimmerman and scream, JEW!!!!

I knew this thread was going to sink into the shitter. Great job guys.
Page 18...

I wonder who the "certain element" is? Still no reference to race by desert dude...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
you're a shitty troll.

the only thing zimmerman knew about the guy was that he was black. he uttered a racial slur while pursuing the kid who was half his size, and killed him.

not only was it not self-defense, it was racially motivated.

as i have pointed out before, and as cannabineer was kind enough to point out, hate crimes can apply to anyone.

you gonna try to argue that this was self defense? no? then shut the fuck up and get back to watching fox news. the o'reilly repeat comes on soon.
Page 18...

Unclebuck in full on, frothy mouthed, race-baiting mode. Still no racial comments by desert dude.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
excuse me, jackass.

i heard the 911 tapes. i know by zimmerman's own words that he was not acting in self defense, he was the aggressor.

the "eyewitness" is the only thing you have seen about this incident? if so, my condolences at your inability to consume information.

great job on sticking up for a guy who was clearly not acting in self defense. what's your next move? you gonna try to race bait like your fellow fox news cohort NLXSK?

you're betting the house and farm on an unnamed "eyewitness" that fox news, the mecca and acme of reliable information is trotting out.

you are clearly a shitty consumer of information.
UB, in righteous indignation calling out NXLS and pleading with him to join the race fruckus...

Still no racial comments by desert dude.

Frankly, I am tiring of this forensic investigation, but I will continue until I find the first comment regarding race by desert dude.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Are you liberals are the trolls making this about race. If it weren't, then no one would care. You would then have to find some other pathetic cause to bitch about. Free Dewey!
Page 18...

Canna has taken the bait. He is annoyed with the "liberals" turning this into a racial debate.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
this was clearly racially-motivated.

we already try people based on intent and motive. when the motive has to do with race, that makes it more heinous in the eyes of the law (and anyone with a heart).

i knew you fuckers would be more than happy to make this a racial thing. sad little bunch of fucks you are.
Page 19...

Unclebuck, highly annoyed at the lack of response from the racists, castigating them for their racist comments.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
excuse me?

take a look back at this thread, and tell me who brought race into it.

you are fucked in the head.

Page 19...

Unclebuck, in a frenzy now and totally pissed off that all the racists have started talking about race.

Still no racial comments by desert dude. Geesh, I am beginning to think maybe desert dude is not racist. Puzzling???


Well-Known Member
I wish I could *like* the 12 or so comments above :P

BTW, my post dripped sarcasm if anyone missed it.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
the tape of zimmerman's call to 911.


go ahead, tell me he is saying "fucking brooms".

Page 20...

Unclebuck posts the first (of many) pictures of ten year old Trayvon, and brings in the "fucking coon" comment.

Still no racial comments from desert dude... Disappointing.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
never put anything past a closet racist.
Page 21...

Unclebuck uttering words to live by.

Still no racial comments by desert dude.

I am tired of this and will not quote anybody else on my investigation of "who started the race baiting" on this thread, but I will continue until I find the first racial post by desert dude. I think I have made my point.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Quit with the eye witness accounts and facts already. This is a "hate crime" pure and simple. We have heard from the "haters" and we have heard from those who are pure of thought. Zimmer's guilty, all we have to do now is figure out all the charges.
Page 22...

Finally, desert dude takes the bait and enters the fray with a sarcastic comment about "hate crimes". Not exactly a racial comment, but close enough.

Unclebuck, you made the charge over and over that desert dude and NXLS started all the race baiting in this thread. Enough said on this topic.

I hereby end my quest to determine "who is the racist". Readers, you decide.


Well-Known Member
page 22...

Finally, desert dude takes the bait and enters the fray with a sarcastic comment about "hate crimes". Not exactly a racial comment, but close enough.

Unclebuck, you made the charge over and over that desert dude and nxls started all the race baiting in this thread. Enough said on this topic.

I hereby end my quest to determine "who is the racist". Readers, you decide.


desert dude

Well-Known Member
I guess I will make one last comment to UB. If you make ugly accusations against somebody here, you ought to have your shit in order lest you wind up covered in shit yourself.


Well-Known Member
you're right, nigger deserved it for looking so black. just like women wearing skirts are asking to be raped, trayvon martin was asking to be killed just for looking a certain way.

did anyone mention he might have sold pot? on this website, that will surely earn the guy a lynching.

good Dog.
Looking so black? wtf you rambling about, the guy had a gold grill like some gangsta. I think it surely speaks for its self.
Stop using the n word, even if you say it is facetious, your taking advantage of the claim, i take it personal. If you were in front of me and my cousin we would both beat your ass using that word so much honkie, even if you were being so called "faceitous".

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
Looking so black? wtf you rambling about, the guy had a gold grill like some gangsta. I think it surely speaks for its self.
Stop using the n word, even if you say it is facetious, your taking advantage of the claim, i take it personal. If you were in front of me and my cousin we would both beat your ass using that word so much honkie, even if you were being so called "faceitous".
yeah i bet you and your cousin are real badass :lol:


Well-Known Member
yeah i bet you and your cousin are real badass :lol:
I grew up in so cal so did my cousin, what you know about that? Had to fight nearly every day in school, grades k-12 and no matter if you wanted to or not.
Id say that makes me and my cousin pretty bad ass.
Anyone from so cal or knows exactly what im talking about.
Socal not another state like it.


Well-Known Member
someone who was guilty of no more than looking black while being somewhere. seriously, don't make this about race.
The crux of your argument is ALL ABOUT RACE!

Initial 911 call Zim says that they have had a lot of break ins recently and he sees a "guy" acting real suspicious slowly walking around as if he is casing homes, while its raining.

THE DISPATCHER (Racist fucker) ASK ZIMMERMAN" Is he white, black or Hispanic"?. Zimmerman replies that the guy "looks" black.

Then MARTIN stares at Zimmerman and with his hands in his waistband starts to Approach Zimmerman, not Zimmerman approaching Martin. Sounds like Martin might have been the one to aggress to me.

" he's comin towards me, he's got something in his hands (It was raining), I don't know what his deal is" said Zimmerman

"These assholes, they always get away"

then he gives instructions to the dispatcher on how to get there.

then Martin runs, zimmerman follows, but dispatcher says "you don't need to do that", Zimm responds, "OK" then he gives more instructions calmly and cool.

At that point Zimm isn't following him anymore cuz he clearly says "I have no idea where this kid is"

you guys should really listen to the tape

Listen to the damn tape people...http://www.sanfordfl.gov/investigation/911/call1.wav