The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Active Member
Yeah its just a very basic form of LST,I just bend them over when I feel they are at the height I want,and just tie them so they are the shape you see,doesnt effect it too much stress wise,as you can see from the pics,anything more than that would put it back a week or so,and as I want my plants to not be retarded growth wise I just do what you see,:)


Well-Known Member
Not that worried I'm sure she'll fill in nicely when she's ready.. She was the only one not to get any training..

Those TDs do look slow, and in likely need of support soon. Lots of space between the nodes.

That Volcano looks sweet. Easy to over-do it on vapie. I find it doesn't seem to hit with the immediate force of a joint or pipe, so you vape a little more...and the next thing you know you're over-stoned!
How long does a bag usually last you? I've heard people say 2 months.. If that's the case it works out to $7.50 a month.. Not bad IMO .. I found a couple of tutorials on replacing the bags on the easy valve.. Doesn't look too hard once you get the knack.. Will send them through later tonight when near pc.

congratulations on the volcano mantizm. wow imissed that post before i was so stoned. YOur tent looks awesome and so very lush and healthy. super gardening dude. IM very happy you bought a volcano . It is very important to take care of you lungs while mediccating and vaporizing is so much betterer because its so much healthier for you. easier on you lungs and throat. iMportant to change your balloon regularly because it will build up wiht residue that is actully very hard on you throat. Im sure you will figure it out. Damn shame how expennsive the replacement balloons are. Here i just got a new box of 6 with the valve for a tearful $90.Do you know if there is a less expensive way . Maybe some how make your own..? take care,


Active Member
My cheesewreck did the best result that way look at this for a candelabra plant (for any one that wants to critasize that was my second grow,hence the picking of of fan leaves) still she yeilded nicely,gave me an oz of the dankest strawberry essential oil/cheese skunk rancid sweetness I have ever had,no cheese even the real exodus which I was smoking when I was also smoking this even compaires,I did her under a 125 dual spec cfl in a pc case lol.



Well-Known Member
The plants I super cropped didn't seem to slow at all. Probably something less stressful would be better, I can grow 51/2ft plants, some those sativa dom will shoot up fast and be about a foot from light and next morning be in the light. The SC kind of last minute thing. I am trying to grow one cola like Del.
Like that candelabra plant, too wide for me, I did the fan leave thing my first


Well-Known Member
Hey Dank you could have you own plant design gig. Dank Mj designer for the
I have a name for the plant in your name, "The Sea Horse".


Active Member
Hahaha,I just like messing about with the plant,at the moment making a cross,,then will be making several more,and then crossing them all,going to be some dank as you like buds trust ;)

Hey Dank you could have you own plant design gig. Dank Mj designer for the


Well-Known Member
Greenhouse exo? Or by real do you mean cut?

My cheesewreck did the best result that way look at this for a candelabra plant (for any one that wants to critasize that was my second grow,hence the picking of of fan leaves) still she yeilded nicely,gave me an oz of the dankest strawberry essential oil/cheese skunk rancid sweetness I have ever had,no cheese even the real exodus which I was smoking when I was also smoking this even compaires,I did her under a 125 dual spec cfl in a pc case lol.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Mantizzzz, im not quite sure how long those balloons last really. I guess it depends on a few factors. I really beat mine up. I squeeze and crumple them up, i prob shouldnt do I just got out a new one yesterday so i will take note as to how much i can get out of it before it starts to effect the vape.

ECP, another way to think about the similarities of Watts and Flouros is using Lumens.
for instance my Phototron has 36,000 lumens ( all flouros of course) that is eqivelant to 400 watts. (at least my research said so) How many lumens does a 250 have..?

have a nice day everyone, off to the grind...errrrr.


Well-Known Member
My TD is showing her first calyxes, finally. She's near the end of 7 weeks from sprouting.

She looks like a sativa dom. pheno and I now think that I've been feeding her too heavily at 1.9 EC. I'm now learning that most sativas are light feeders. I mean, she's plenty healthy but maybe with less nutes she would have gotten down to business more quickly...



Hello my friends, I'm just reading this thread for the second time and I couldn't wait more to say something!
No words to describe Del's work and all the others that along with him don't mind to share their wisdom.
Hope you guys and gurrls let me in to this fantastic thread! =D

I'm currently groin Sensi's Hindu Kush and some bagseed in soil, and also in coco (inspired by Del) Sensi's Four Way, Advanced Seeds Critical, Mr. Nice Shit, Dinafem Critical Jack and Advanced Seeds Auto Low Girl (was a freebie...)


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude,and its just how I grow them,evens out the plant auxin's meaning a more even plant canopy ;),so it all gets light, I don't get why people use them silly autoflowers,when I can yield the same if not better and have nicer buds,also costs me less electricity wise :D
This post deserves a like!!!!

East Coast Pro

Active Member
OK, until I can get my $ right for my 600w HPS tent grow..I've been doing a lot of research on 12-12fs with CFLs. It's something to do plus looks like a blast!! I'm getting a idea and list up now, I'll post a link when I get started!!

DEL66666 I would like to hear about your setup when you were running 12-12fs with CFLs..any pictures of the setup?

East Coast Pro

Active Member
Thanks RW!!! I've been posting and reading a while now, but I'm a perfectionists!! I like to know as much as I can before I jump into something..still not quite ready, trying to figure out my lighting. I think I'm going the route of bigger watts, less lights..I've seen it work great for a few. I've seengood results that way, and with more low watt lights..


Well-Known Member
ECP: I like to study things, but I like too learn on the Getting started could be the hardest part of it all, then stopping would be next. Head on


Well-Known Member
Just started 7 seeds in party cups with a 55 watt cfl.. 12/12 from seed. These will probably start flowering about the same time I harvest my current grow..

East Coast Pro

Active Member
Awesome Grapes!!!!! I've been searching for someone to talk to about 12-12fs with CFLs..accept my friend request please!! Got a journal or thread with some of your results?