Club 600

we're doing the same ting Gen, except I put mine on a hot floor and the alcohol seems to vape quickly.
i put a heatpad under my iso and i take the ducts from my 600 extraction and put that over it , lol...usually when i make iso im out of weed, lol. so im rushing. how long does it take the ish to run thru the bag? because with coffee filters its takes forever and i'm thinking the iso is stripping more plant matter as well.

and shrnkman, u may be right, or id agree at least. i used a blender last time and not only was is black(which is normal in my case), it had a totally different texture to it. so i automatically placed blame on the blender since it was the only thing i had changed.
Grinding in a coffee grinder. My thinking is maybe not. You will tear open many more cells in the plant material, making chlorophyll and other things more available to your wash. You really just want to dissolve the trichomes which are on the surface of the material, so I recommend careful separation of the material before washing, but don't allow it to become too fine. My opinion.

Ya know, I totally can agree with this. I can't recall anyone who didn't grind up in some fashion, but it always troubled me.
does it blacken as u scrap it? because my bowls are that color on the sides but the bottom is black.

The thicker it is the darker it is, i started off with some moldy weed popped it in the jar covered with iso shook for about 20 seconds then strained through a pair of tights and repeated using strained iso until all was done
speaking of mold. On another topic, i smoked some moldy weedof my own for the first time bout a week ago, had about 9grams smoke maybe a gram gave the rest to my bro in law. But when we smoked it, it tasted just like Regular weed i'm used to buying off the street, that peppery dry spice. I will nevert do it again btw:shock:
So I inspected the painting, and from what I can see, it is made from silk, not paper. I can definitely see the weave of the fabric.

Regardless of its value, I am stoked that we got it for only $15 :)
If i were you i would take it to an art boutique or someone knowledgable. then if its worth it, cash in. You can buy new ones for your new place.
I would def keep it. Something that is worth a couple of grand now is going to be worth hundreds of grand for your kids. When you are broon bread, and Mr Lee is broon bread (which will probably be sooner), a painting like that will increase considerably I would have thought. Sweet find regardless, you can't get shit for 15, whatever currency your 15 is in....I bought a couple of packs of cereal, couple of bananas, some apples (6) and an avacado, 15 euro!! :shock:'ed I was, I can tell ya.
Come on T, admit it, you just want to see how much cash BC will get for it, lol....I am intrigued i admit. But I reckon BC could get it valued without selling it. Might be worthwhile for insurance purposes.

If i were you i would take it to an art boutique or someone knowledgable. then if its worth it, cash in. You can buy new ones for your new place.
Crazy how the World is producing more food, yet it seems to be getting dearer to feed oneself. I wonder about the additional costs of production that go into food, and what factor is actually the cost of the piece of food.....
I have a friend who is a rice and plum farmer here in California. He employed 4 people year round up until 2010 when the price of fuel, pesticides and fertilizer went up. Now he has 0 employees just the owner and his son. The wifes all help with harvest to keep the cost down. They work harder and longer for less pay in the end. I worked a few harvests and let me tell you those are some hardcore dudes that can handle that shit year round.
Step 1 of my organic transformation. All that dirt talk yesterday got me all excited. Adding a little perlite, pure coco and mycos to this already awesome soil. pick up my first batch of Worm Tea next week. I'm transplanting my soon to be mother plants and seedlings. So Happy to be making the change. :weed:

Organic prOn.

Go the 600's Morning all! thanx for reading my documented post!!!

I would def keep it. Something that is worth a couple of grand now is going to be worth hundreds of grand for your kids. When you are broon bread, and Mr Lee is broon bread (which will probably be sooner), a painting like that will increase considerably I would have thought. Sweet find regardless, you can't get shit for 15, whatever currency your 15 is in....I bought a couple of packs of cereal, couple of bananas, some apples (6) and an avacado, 15 euro!! :shock:'ed I was, I can tell ya.

For my $14.99 just now, I got:

1 gallon of milk
4 baker potatoes
1-lb of butter
12 eggs
4 cans of cat food
1 package of chocolate chip cookies
a box of Cap'n Crunch (I now have my 4 proofs of purchase to get my Cap'n Crunch t-shirt!)