Havnt had sex in three weeks :(

ahaha you think you aren't getting sex now? just wait until you tell her that shit...

you won't even be able to kiss the pussy goodbye, you'll only get to wave.

Hahaha. My girl loves me bro. If she wasn't in pain I could tap it whenever I want. This is the longest I've went w/o sex since I first started having sex.
Dudes! She wants to have sex too. Its not like she's growning in pain or anything. She wants to please me. She's giveing me a bj all the time anyway. Whats wrong with getting her to give me one the right way...
My girl just had a c section like three weeks ago. The baby (Allysa) was three months early so she's still in the hospital. Me and my girl have been just sitting at home smokin and chillin and shit. We both get real horny but were not allowed to have sex untill she is completely healed and it has been hard as fuck! I'm high as fuck. Thought id get it off my chest as I don't have any stoner buddies to talk about my problems with. Any one else having any sex problems??? Post!!!!
Three weeks without any twang is no big deal to a married man.

And then if and when the marriage gradually disintegrates and dies, sex will be a distant memory.

It will be that way until the divorce is final.

That's what you will have to look forward to after you graduate high school.
Well I have 3 kids and when you finally get to do it again after that break it is so awesome....I can have sex, and do...it just isn't very good...lol.
Yea and when they finally get old enough to move out and do OK on their own, your Prostate swells up and it's no pussy for you buddy..............
Again, don't sweat it grab it when you can and do it like it's your last time.
It will be here someday.
Hmmm I'm pretty to sure our case will be different. Me and my girl are both stoners and are very open with each other. We grew up in the same fostee home. Haha but yea. Right now I'm sure our sexuality will stay strong
What your problem is your like a rat.
There was this experiment in the 60s where they took a male rat and put him in a cage with a female rat that was in heat.
The male did his business and when he took his after sex nap they placed him in a new cage and female that was in heat.
Again the male preformed well and passed out, this went on till the male rat collapsed and died from exhaustion.

So theres your problem. LOL!
My girl just had a c section like three weeks ago. The baby (Allysa) was three months early so she's still in the hospital. Me and my girl have been just sitting at home smokin and chillin and shit. We both get real horny but were not allowed to have sex untill she is completely healed and it has been hard as fuck! I'm high as fuck. Thought id get it off my chest as I don't have any stoner buddies to talk about my problems with. Any one else having any sex problems??? Post!!!!

very considerate And mature of you although i think you can fuck up her arse no worries, don't tear her a new arsehole obviously but you can use her anus for your 2 minute affair until her vagina heals. you can't fail as she'll get used too and enjoy the anal. Though you are still at highschool so not sure how you take it?

Epic way to fail your late teens
Three weeks without any twang is no big deal to a married man.

did anyone else catch on to a baby and still in highschool? sex should be the least of your problems.....
Plus I'm still in highschool so there are lots of hot girls always walking around and flirting. Jeeez god help me. I'm not a cheater but this INSANE.

...dude, we all get that. But, please, don't. Just don't. Think about the daughter, waaaaay more important than tang ;) There's too many fckd up kids out there already.
What your problem is your like a rat.
There was this experiment in the 60s where they took a male rat and put him in a cage with a female rat that was in heat.
The male did his business and when he took his after sex nap they placed him in a new cage and female that was in heat.
Again the male preformed well and passed out, this went on till the male rat collapsed and died from exhaustion.

So theres your problem. LOL!

Haha that's the way I wanna go.
Just smoked my first bit of trainwreck. Good stuff. Feel mind gone. I TOTALLY forgot about anal. I'm totily gonna go.for that