Havnt had sex in three weeks :(

What your problem is your like a rat.
There was this experiment in the 60s where they took a male rat and put him in a cage with a female rat that was in heat.
The male did his business and when he took his after sex nap they placed him in a new cage and female that was in heat.
Again the male preformed well and passed out, this went on till the male rat collapsed and died from exhaustion.

So theres your problem. LOL!





...dude, we all get that. But, please, don't. Just don't. Think about the daughter, waaaaay more important than tang ;) There's too many fckd up kids out there already.
Our daughter is fine. She is two pounds and an ounce and improving. Why can't a stressef out dad enjoy himself for a bit?
when the street is closed for construction, sometimes you gotta take the dirt road..

...so long as she never has to install a draw-string :shock: There's all kinds of forks all over them curvy roads. After all these years I finally stopped for directions, then bought the map :)
...so long as she never has to install a draw-string :shock: There's all kinds of forks all over them curvy roads. After all these years I finally stopped for directions, then bought the map :)

i fisted a chick once and got lost.

i swear to god i evened up at a walmart because when i pulled my arm out i had a pack of hanes t-shirts on rollback.
Our daughter is fine. She is two pounds and an ounce and improving. Why can't a stressef out dad enjoy himself for a bit?

...no-no, I meant overall. It seems so easy these days to just go and get some. It's not worth it, that's all I was saying. But I remember those days, oh fck do I remember :)