i have it in a seperate room on a diff floor just to watch it out, but after pulling 4 males and seeing 1 fem you can almost tell rite away when the males get multi sacks starting as the fems seem to have 1 showing when early in sex to my eye.
ill post some picks of my 4 plants 12/12 from seed. they are just going into wk 2 ( 8days since sprouting). i did 4 plants .. 2 i transplanted from peat pellets into containers and they showed gd growth,1 went from peat pellet to 4" smaller pot and stayed small all around and last 1 is in peat pellet and hardly any growth. just shows the size of pots does make a big diff in growth even so young
ill post the picks it shows
i also have 1 6"pot thats a fem i did some LST to. she was from my 1st attempt doing cfl and just about died but slowly i brought her back to life but this is as newb lst as it goes 1st attempt. ill get some pics up soon