

Active Member
Sorry all as i know you get this all day. Ive already tossed 3 of 6 plants and im thinking this will be #4. Im almost ready to pull the plug till i get some real beans. its sucks lol.
male? im guessing yes


Well-Known Member
Wow, thats really hard to see for me. I better get a microscope or something. I missed a male last grow and it pollinated my other 4. Can't let that happen again.


Active Member
aye these were all about 1wk of 12/12. the 3 others showed easy to the eye this 1 was iffy but looking more its deff male. thanks again


New Member
thanks H thats what i figured. sucks i had it all doing well and the grow was good.
sorry bro
but hey even if it was a male u still learning right
even u said pplant was going good means u are learning how to keep plant health look on bright side and use some more bagseed till u can order seeds but always start several instead of one then better chance for a fem


Active Member
exactly if u can grow a male to be a good lookin plant its the same damn way with a female so dont b discouraged my brother keep growing


New Member
exactly if u can grow a male to be a good lookin plant its the same damn way with a female so dont b discouraged my brother keep growing
if i was him i would be dropping about 3-6 seeds into germnation right now
bagseed or not he ought to get 1 or 2 fems out of 3 i would hope


Active Member
i started with 6 so far 4 males and 1 fem showed tonite b4 lights out 1 is still to soon. so im down to 2. i did have 2 going 12/12 from seed to that are about 1wk also.
it would figure the runt was the fem but gives me something to go with.
grp shot b4 the chop


Active Member
Dam good lookin plants and figures on the runt lol but hey at least u will get bud right u have any pix of the 12/12 from seed??


Active Member
you could probably wait longer a week might not be enough time to tell. The picture didn't show any male flowers or pollen sacs. You don't want to throw good plants out because you are in a hurry


New Member
you could probably wait longer a week might not be enough time to tell. The picture didn't show any male flowers or pollen sacs. You don't want to throw good plants out because you are in a hurry

well since it seems it is his only plant give it more tme wtf
looks like nuts but a few days wont hurt right bro


Active Member
i have it in a seperate room on a diff floor just to watch it out, but after pulling 4 males and seeing 1 fem you can almost tell rite away when the males get multi sacks starting as the fems seem to have 1 showing when early in sex to my eye.

ill post some picks of my 4 plants 12/12 from seed. they are just going into wk 2 ( 8days since sprouting). i did 4 plants .. 2 i transplanted from peat pellets into containers and they showed gd growth,1 went from peat pellet to 4" smaller pot and stayed small all around and last 1 is in peat pellet and hardly any growth. just shows the size of pots does make a big diff in growth even so young
ill post the picks it shows
i also have 1 6"pot thats a fem i did some LST to. she was from my 1st attempt doing cfl and just about died but slowly i brought her back to life but this is as newb lst as it goes 1st attempt. ill get some pics up soon