The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
A young woman goes to the doctors complaining about pains and headaches. Upon examining her, he notices large bruises scattered around her body.

"Miss Jones," he said "Is there something you're not telling me?"

After hesitating for a moment, the woman broke down into tears.

"I can't take it anymore!" she sobbed, "It's my boyfriend, he's abusive to me all the time, especially when drunk. He told me that if I mentioned anything today then he would give me the beating of my life!"

"That is outrageous" exclaims the doctor, "Please excuse me while I make a phonecall"

The woman dries her eyes and perks up a little.

"Hello? Yes this is Doctor Stevens. Looks like you owe her another beating mate."


Well-Known Member
i am ill..............this will continue for some time i imagine...5 days drunk outta 6 and i really ahm far too old for it. can barely walk coz ah fucked for scotland last nite.....oh god ....and where the fuck did i sore the coke from???
Wit was his name???


Active Member
Hi folks, well here are some pics of my Big Buddha cheese - in 4th week into flowering under 600w hps and in batmix soil. Just wanted to know if the yellowing of the leaves is normal at this stage or are they lacking something?

All help most grateful.IMG-20120329-00255.jpgIMG-20120329-00256.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like a little grow nutes would do them good, but I aint no soil grower.....I wouldn't worry too much, instead of flower nutes next feed just give her grow. Before I went coco I always gave my plants grow nutes for week 1 & 2 of flower, then 50/50 for week 3, 70/30 week 4, 100% flower and boost for the remainder


Well-Known Member
Hi folks, well here are some pics of my Big Buddha cheese - in 4th week into flowering under 600w hps and in batmix soil. Just wanted to know if the yellowing of the leaves is normal at this stage or are they lacking something?

All help most grateful.View attachment 2096492View attachment 2096493
If its all at the bottom a wouldnt worry. Start worryin if it spreads right through the plant. Dnt much light is gettin into some of it either??


Active Member
If its all at the bottom a wouldnt worry. Start worryin if it spreads right through the plant. Dnt much light is gettin into some of it either??
i have fed them pk 13/14 once this week along with Terra bloom. as for the light not getting to some of them please what is the solution?? i have 600w HPS but how would i get to the lower branches?


Well-Known Member
Ma thoughts exactly Bill...

Give it a bit of a lollipoppin m8. Cut the popcorn from the lower third away,anythin not gettin light. This'l make the plant focus on the bud sites which are gettin light. It will improve airflow as well n reduce the risk of mold ;-)


Well-Known Member
Well, I am not a great advocate of trimming off leaves. Yes to removing some lower crap though. And pull all that dead leaf matter off the bottom of them as well. If that gets wet from watering or something its mold time-arrama, that's just general plant maintenance. I give leaves that look dodgy a gentle nudge, if they feel like they are coming off they get pulled. Some plants are hungry nitrogen monsters, which may be the case in your one. When growing in soil you can almost just stick to the same nute throughout your whole grow.
How much pk did you use? Go easy with that, try a gentle build up.


Well-Known Member
FUCK!!!!! Seed has been planted. (the only thing thats stoppin me is Im scared of the grief......thats right I'M SCARED EVERYONE....YOU HEAR ME.....ITS NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED ABOUT. lol)