See you didn't refute that statement. You just said No he isn't NA NA NA. Paul is for smaller government. I don't know how you missed that being a cancer on his left nut and knowing everything there is to know about him.
All you're doing is repeating the same old song and dance line that Paulista's have used since the '90s. Do you *really* think he's for " small government" , if so then your concept of "small govt" is one hell of a lot larger than mine is.
Now you actually have anything other than the usual asinine ad hominem? care to give some examples of what you consider "small" as regards government?
Heard Paul talk about A C T U A L reforms that will ACTUALLY have an effect on the common man have you? Or just pie in the sky rhetoric , the same shit he's been feeding all those who came and went before you , and EVERY time Paul makes a run at a given political office the rabid ones such as yourself , the fervent cultists types come outa the woodwork , then they burn out and they're gone to be replaced by a whole fresh batch of the deluded to be led by the nose and exploited and then discarded.
Ron Paul is a frigging INCUMBENT POLITICIAN , not some freaking savior , Now *detail* just WHAT you think will be better for you with Paul in office , and then I'll tel you where you're wrong.
You're forgetting something in all this , you're talking to an *actual* Libertarian and a staunch minarchist , put that in perspective. Not frigging " small" government , that term being subject to who controls the definition of SMALL being applied.
M I N I M A L government. NO lobbyists. Poltical salaries duplicated at the level of the middle class wage earner , term limits , elimination of the electoral college and application of the popular I can go on for a coupla hours but you get my drift.
Paul is a F A K E , a false panacea held out to the public to make 'em think they *might* get something. If the fat and happy bastard was going to take any sort of real risk in DC he'd have done it in the previous twenty four years.
Not only does Ron Paul not freaking well go FAR enough , he's never even *gotten started*.