Ron Paul again?

do you also think it's sexist that every candidate in the race has a "women for [candidate]" movement? what about latinos "for [candidate]", which is common to all candidates?

why do you think it's racist to court certain parts of the electorate?

nice deflection from the fact that ron paul does not like to talk about how he proudly defended those racist newsletters as his own writing and profited off said racism.
keep trying and lying.
Whats the matter bro? Your career as a writer for Triumph the comic insult dog dry up? I do sympathize with your situation bro.

can you attempt to come up with something a bit better than the above. I mean really ? Seems like everytime I see one of your posts Mr.T. is in the background saying " pity the fool ".......
Excellent Rubttle, your point about "Blah bl BLLLLEATTTT baaaBBAAA Baaa BLEEEEAATTTT" in particular really hit it out of the park. Yes I have looked at his stance on abortion and his stance is that it can't be policed and that the government shouldn't be involved. It doesn't seem that you have looked at his stance on abortion.

Onto your next point since I simply cant refute your excellent giberish skills. Paul hasn't been much of "a part of the government" when he doesn't participate with insiders and constitently votes NO. Dr Paul is very much an outsider that managed to get into office. One of the last true statesmen.

Bullshit. All the way through. He's fed at the HogTrough inside the Beltway for 24 years. And don't bother trying to tell me what an "outsider" he is , I'm originally from Victoria , right smack dab in Pauls home district so there really isn't shit you can tell me about him that I don't aleady know.

And he's a " Texas Politician " and he fits right in with the rest of the assorted trash of that stripe. And as usual with Paulista's you drove in with yet another Used Dodge , you didn't refute squat.

Your man is a career politician , bought and paid for just like any other politician , and just like all the others he's a puke that's out to serve specific interests.
Bullshit. All the way through. He's fed at the HogTrough inside the Beltway for 24 years. And don't bother trying to tell me what an "outsider" he is , I'm originally from Victoria , right smack dab in Pauls home district so there really isn't shit you can tell me about him that I don't aleady know.

And he's a " Texas Politician " and he fits right in with the rest of the assorted trash of that stripe. And as usual with Paulista's you drove in with yet another Used Dodge , you didn't refute squat.

Your man is a career politician , bought and paid for just like any other politician , and just like all the others he's a puke that's out to serve specific interests.

Why does he seem to not get along with Perry? they were videoed in a heated argument before. Im just asking if you know why cause I dont.
Pull your head out of your backside. Paul is for smaller government. Big difference.
His stance on abortion is the baby has rights. The right to life trumps all others. Without the right to life the other rights are meaningless.

Fuck you. Got that? Your hands , Pauls hands the GOVTs hands stay the fuck out of womens reproductive organs. HER decision so you can take your Right Wing Fundie bullshit and cram it. You don't want to do a dance with *me* on religion and abortion. You'll just end up REALLY insulted , especially if you bring up any number of Fundie Clown Preachers.......

And bullshit Pauls for smaller government , another subject you really don't want to yap at me about , I'm a minarchist and an *actual* LIbertarian , not a Paulista Cliffs Notes Libertarian. We haven't even gotten to his ridiculous foreign trade policies and the like.
Why does he seem to not get along with Perry? they were videoed in a heated argument before. Im just asking if you know why cause I dont.

Two different Stud Horses in the same home corral , they've never liked each other , all the way back to when Perry was a Democrat , and Perry has always been real busy trying to be the next incarnation of Huey Long.............

On the newsletters........... we can start here.,0
And bullshit Pauls for smaller government , another subject you really don't want to yap at me about , I'm a minarchist and an *actual* LIbertarian , not a Paulista Cliffs Notes Libertarian. We haven't even gotten to his ridiculous foreign trade policies and the like.
See you didn't refute that statement. You just said No he isn't NA NA NA. Paul is for smaller government. I don't know how you missed that being a cancer on his left nut and knowing everything there is to know about him.
See you didn't refute that statement. You just said No he isn't NA NA NA. Paul is for smaller government. I don't know how you missed that being a cancer on his left nut and knowing everything there is to know about him.

All you're doing is repeating the same old song and dance line that Paulista's have used since the '90s. Do you *really* think he's for " small government" , if so then your concept of "small govt" is one hell of a lot larger than mine is.

Now you actually have anything other than the usual asinine ad hominem? care to give some examples of what you consider "small" as regards government?

Heard Paul talk about A C T U A L reforms that will ACTUALLY have an effect on the common man have you? Or just pie in the sky rhetoric , the same shit he's been feeding all those who came and went before you , and EVERY time Paul makes a run at a given political office the rabid ones such as yourself , the fervent cultists types come outa the woodwork , then they burn out and they're gone to be replaced by a whole fresh batch of the deluded to be led by the nose and exploited and then discarded.

Ron Paul is a frigging INCUMBENT POLITICIAN , not some freaking savior , Now *detail* just WHAT you think will be better for you with Paul in office , and then I'll tel you where you're wrong.

You're forgetting something in all this , you're talking to an *actual* Libertarian and a staunch minarchist , put that in perspective. Not frigging " small" government , that term being subject to who controls the definition of SMALL being applied.

M I N I M A L government. NO lobbyists. Poltical salaries duplicated at the level of the middle class wage earner , term limits , elimination of the electoral college and application of the popular I can go on for a coupla hours but you get my drift.

Paul is a F A K E , a false panacea held out to the public to make 'em think they *might* get something. If the fat and happy bastard was going to take any sort of real risk in DC he'd have done it in the previous twenty four years.

Not only does Ron Paul not freaking well go FAR enough , he's never even *gotten started*.
No more government funded programs
No Federal interference with state issues
RP gets money from people, not corporations, actual individuals. Were not looking for a savior, just someone who hasn't been bought. We all know that no man is perfect, or has never said something questionable. We all have, and will continue to do so.
oh and save me all the paulista this and that and just get to the fucking point in your posts. it takes to damn long to skip all your bullshit. But i am interested in the conversation otherwise.
What's with the Paulistas acting in an abusive maner towards any and all who hold a different opinion of Paul? Real efficient way of winning votes isn't it?

1. I'm a Paul supporter, and I don't do that.
2. I see you doing exactly the same.
There is a guy named John Locke of whom you may have heard. After reading his thesis on government it can be easily seen that Thomas Jefferson got his information or rather the majority of his writings display the same principles, in some cases word for word. I have been a libertarian since I was a kid being brought up and taught these principles. It is clear to me that Paul speaks of the same things, things no other candidate speaks of. The way he has voted will show this also to be true of his action, leading me to believe he at least knows this material to some extent. If John Locke or Thomas Jefferson were running for office today I would want them to be elected. Since they are not, Paul would be my choice. No other candidate speaks of these things, like our Constitutional rights being of importance and not to be infringed. What will any man do no one can say, neither can I of Paul. I would like to see smaller government that does not start wars in foriegn nations, killing thousands of Americans in the process while some wealthy bussiness people benefit from the demise of others being paid for with our tax dollars and my own blood. Anything can be perverted and misappropriated, too bad that the system we have has done things that it was never intended to and also become something it never should have. I love this country not for what it is so much as what it could be again. A strong healthy nation at the top of the list in the world in all the areas it used to be. One that puts forth all that is necessary to preserve freedoms here for its citizens and truly stands for its citizens Constitutional rights and one that does not abuse its power so frequently.
oh and save me all the paulista this and that and just get to the fucking point in your posts. it takes to damn long to skip all your bullshit. But i am interested in the conversation otherwise.

Save your orders for someone else. I'll post how I damn please and not according to your personal dictates and I could care less whether you like that or not.
There is a guy named John Locke of whom you may have heard. After reading his thesis on government it can be easily seen that Thomas Jefferson got his information or rather the majority of his writings display the same principles, in some cases word for word. I have been a libertarian since I was a kid being brought up and taught these principles. It is clear to me that Paul speaks of the same things, things no other candidate speaks of. The way he has voted will show this also to be true of his action, leading me to believe he at least knows this material to some extent. If John Locke or Thomas Jefferson were running for office today I would want them to be elected. Since they are not, Paul would be my choice. No other candidate speaks of these things, like our Constitutional rights being of importance and not to be infringed. What will any man do no one can say, neither can I of Paul. I would like to see smaller government that does not start wars in foriegn nations, killing thousands of Americans in the process while some wealthy bussiness people benefit from the demise of others being paid for with our tax dollars and my own blood. Anything can be perverted and misappropriated, too bad that the system we have has done things that it was never intended to and also become something it never should have. I love this country not for what it is so much as what it could be again. A strong healthy nation at the top of the list in the world in all the areas it used to be. One that puts forth all that is necessary to preserve freedoms here for its citizens and truly stands for its citizens Constitutional rights and one that does not abuse its power so frequently.

While Paul will paraphrase Locke ( among others......see Spooner , Rothbard , Rockwell , Von Mises) he in reality does only that , pays lipservice to the concepts advanced and that's about it.

If we just gotta have politicos then we need ones that move beyond speaking or even endorsement to implementation.