pistils are the hairs...you should not pull those off...you are looking for ball like things...if you want to get some smpke just leave the plant to do what it does...if it is a hermie you will have to pick seeds out of your weed...it isn't the same as having a male...a hermie in the growroom will cause a few seeds amongst the plants...a male will turn every female in the tent into a mass of seeds...you still get smoke with a hermie, but most plants that have been fully pollinated by a male plant worth a shit are so loaded with seeds there is little bud left...I seeded purposefully my last autoflower girl so I could continue with seeds of course...and man it was her and 3 males...and I just let them stay together...and off of a 8 inch double headed plant...I didn't top her, she was just a 2 fer...anyway 8 inches bottom to top colas...amazing but small....dried it up and had to sweep seeds out from under where I dried it...anyway once it was all said and done I harvested an ounce of weed and only 4 grams wasn't seeds...I literally just got to pack all the seed husks in the vaporizer...there was no weed...lots of trichs stuck to seed housings...lol. But whatever I have hundreds, and I do mean hundreds of seeds...I have used hermie pollen to make few seeds, and you get nowhere neat the volume of seeds...