Hermie plant! :( can i save it!?!?


Well-Known Member
that is spectacular flower growth for 4 days
i'd guess you had preflowers a bit before that, but a very nice result either way


Yeah, i'll admit to a bit of a trial period during sexing lol. A lot of the pistils slipped by me and already formed seeds. So when I was plucking "nuts", it was really already forming seeds :(. But am now plucking actual pistils when I see them lol.


Active Member
Yeah, i'll admit to a bit of a trial period during sexing lol. A lot of the pistils slipped by me and already formed seeds. So when I was plucking "nuts", it was really already forming seeds :(. But am now plucking actual pistils when I see them lol.
Can you maybe clarify what you are trying to say here? It sounds to me like you are really confused.


Well-Known Member
How early on in development do they actually produce pollen? Because I pulled off a little bunch of about three and they were all still full of that gooey green choloplasty looking kinda stuff, but no pollen came off them. I was planning on waiting a couple of days to pull any more off because I think I accidentally pulled off one calyx :/ saw the hair on the inside afterwards.. but will for sure spray in a few days regardless.

yeah not pollen yet...you can tell one that is getting ready to open and let loose pollen, or one that has pollen inside...they will be softer, and paler, and you will see faint yellow stripes easier...this means they have pollen and are getting ready to fire...the little hard ones that are just filled with goo do not yet have pollen...hermie pollen also doesn't make as many seeds as normal male pollen so you don't end up with as many seeds as if you actually pollinated a plant..


Well-Known Member
pistils are the hairs...you should not pull those off...you are looking for ball like things...if you want to get some smpke just leave the plant to do what it does...if it is a hermie you will have to pick seeds out of your weed...it isn't the same as having a male...a hermie in the growroom will cause a few seeds amongst the plants...a male will turn every female in the tent into a mass of seeds...you still get smoke with a hermie, but most plants that have been fully pollinated by a male plant worth a shit are so loaded with seeds there is little bud left...I seeded purposefully my last autoflower girl so I could continue with seeds of course...and man it was her and 3 males...and I just let them stay together...and off of a 8 inch double headed plant...I didn't top her, she was just a 2 fer...anyway 8 inches bottom to top colas...amazing but small....dried it up and had to sweep seeds out from under where I dried it...anyway once it was all said and done I harvested an ounce of weed and only 4 grams wasn't seeds...I literally just got to pack all the seed husks in the vaporizer...there was no weed...lots of trichs stuck to seed housings...lol. But whatever I have hundreds, and I do mean hundreds of seeds...I have used hermie pollen to make few seeds, and you get nowhere neat the volume of seeds...


Yeah, I apologize. I was distracted and a little under the influence on that update lol. But what I am seeing seems to on the plant is starting to genuinely confuse me a little bit though. I know not to pull the calyx, I just miss typed that one :P but what's confusing me now is this.. I see what looks to be grape looking clusters of larger looking balls, with what is starting to appear to me as seeds because they have those little tiger stripes starting to form on them. (I would usually pluck em when I saw them, but I decided to let a few go to see what they looked like more fully developed.) But I swear I started seeing these what i believe are seeds before i ever saw any pollen sacs on the plant? And it is good to know that these plants aren't in as much danger of just becoming seed bags like i thought they were going to before lol. I thought that true male or hermie, pollen would ruin a crop before.


Well-Known Member
one more thought, actually from experience
have a spray bottle of water when plucking balls, water will cause pollen to die very fast
spray nuts before touching, wet balls, wet pollen, and wet pollen is quickly dead pollen
makes a huge difference
This does work for pollen control.


Well-Known Member
those clusters sound like ball sacks, maybe, pics would help on this
this is the pattern on hermies, some of them, balls begin to appear in mass


Yeah, these plants are weird.. Some of the pollen sacs look like seeds, or more circular or oval in shape. And then some of them look like little clusters of green bananas. And I don't have a camera, just my phone. The quality on that thing sucks for close up pictures too. :(


Well-Known Member
i think you answered the question, banana's sound like more mature flowers, they will chuck pollen sooner


That's what i'm thinking. It's just very confusing. First real grow though, hoping afterwards all this stuff will come more naturally.