First CFL Grow!2 Moby Dick, White Rhino, ???, and a cup full of schwag!


Active Member
haha thanks! I am really impressed with it. I wish I would have planted it earlier so it could have vegged out for 5 weeks like the older plants. It seems to be maturing the quickest out of everyone.
yeah sure does make me more confident about growing with bagseed. though your other schwag turned out male right?

also i heard most schwag is mexican sativa which is kinda what your schwag plant looks like lol



Active Member
In pic. # 11, the leaves appear to be wilting a bit, what up with that girl?, I know she's not being neglected.


Well-Known Member
sounds good, I burned all mine recently so they've been getting plain water for about a week and a half, I'm getting sick of soil.


Well-Known Member
Nutes + time released ferts in MG?

Do you still have any of your hydro stuff from when you used to grow? Hydro seems awesome but I think I'm way too accident prone and not detail-oriented enough to run a dro grow with out fucking up terribly. But hey, that's what I thought about this grow and now I've got 4-5 weeks left!


Well-Known Member
I have a little bit, stuff's gotten lost or re used for other purposes over time, I have about 25 lbs of hydroton, some rockwool, and an air pump that's loud as fuck (not very stealthy). I'll have to buy at least one water pump, hoses, digital timer, something to use as a res and something to use as a tray or pot.


Active Member
This is AWESOME!!! I did almost the exact same thing this week. The house I moved into was full of stuff and finally I started cleaning this side room in the basement come to find out the guy that lived here before me must have been a grower himself. I came across a whole soil setup lights, fans, pots, etc. I also found about 75-100 seeds that were all seperetly packaged in bags, some had 2 others had up to 13. Figured most of been something other then just shake seeds so I grabed an unopened starter kit that I also found and started "germing" away!!!! Im a hydro grower so dont really know to much about soil but know some basics. Happy growing hope all goes well!!!


Active Member
Should have looked closer at the time stamp but owell after seeing the mystery seed post had to let you guys know about my findings!!


Well-Known Member
This is AWESOME!!! I did almost the exact same thing this week. The house I moved into was full of stuff and finally I started cleaning this side room in the basement come to find out the guy that lived here before me must have been a grower himself. I came across a whole soil setup lights, fans, pots, etc. I also found about 75-100 seeds that were all seperetly packaged in bags, some had 2 others had up to 13. Figured most of been something other then just shake seeds so I grabed an unopened starter kit that I also found and started "germing" away!!!! Im a hydro grower so dont really know to much about soil but know some basics. Happy growing hope all goes well!!!
Wow what a find! Looks like you've really uncovered quite a treasure trove there. Best of luck in your grow as well! Do you have a grow thread going? Would love to see how everything turns out


Active Member
I dont have a grow thread going right now on these but I have been taking notes and pictures!! If any pops up I will post one up just to get some feed back and help with things. Like I said have never grown in soil but since I discovered a whole setup plus a supply of seed to play with I figured WTF right!! :)


Well-Known Member
Well I'm out of lurking mode for a while so I'll post the scribd note here and state quite plainly that I'm looking forward to the schwag more than anything. I love mystery plants and after so many years I'm rather fond of growing out what far too many people consider mids or junk. Sure, you may have to wait 14-16 weeks on some of them, but there is neat stuff to be found in those genetic lines.

Crossing my fingers for some good daytime smoke for you out of that little one.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I can't wait to find out what kind of smoke it has in store for me. Definitely sativa looking, and I can tell there is more bud build up, but it seems to not be maturing as fast as the moby dick so looks like I'm in for longer flowering times as you said.

will post some bud porn later!


Well-Known Member
good shit.... is your white rhino from GHS.
My white rhino is From GHS and looks really indica