mmma down???


Active Member
I did not suggest that sales are not permitted purklize. Pay attention.
Perhaps you just need to write more clearly? You said retail operations are forbidden under the MMMA. What else can possibly be inferred from this other than that you believe sales to be illegal?


Well-Known Member
Then that would work bliss. There is no good reason to move forward with dispensary legislation.


Well-Known Member
The bigger words to hide bigger picture syndrome. Dispensary are convenient as fuck.
In/Out 7-11. I can still grow my own. Compassion club sounds like scam only cuz no one can fucking explain it.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Bob listen real close ok. If you or anyone ever admits to having overages then you are committing a felony. understand?
First of all, there is no admission in Hypothetical discussion. Hence no crime. I can talk about robbing a bank all I want..I just can't rob one.

Second, to avoid a discussion of overages, Completely defeats any distribution model. Markets or Dispensary have to have meds. Where do they come from? It's either overages, or state authorized pick.

SELLING overages is a crime. Getting caught with overages is a crime. But god man..I can tell you almost spot on, what my dry weight will be after the first few days of the drying soon as its manicured and ready for paper bags, and it's nowhere near dry yet. I never have the current situation the only thing you can do is throw them away legally.

But if there were a legal outlet..they could certainly take the meds during the drying process.

The other concern is "how much overage are we talking about? I mean the courts (not the cops maybe) will acknowledge the difference between a guy that grew out 2 small plants for himself and had 3 oz dry when they got him, and a cg who had 3lbs of overages after his patients were taken care of.


Active Member
The term "overages" is for sure concerning. People should just call it "extras" instead. "Overage" implies "over my legal limit."

bob harris

Well-Known Member
That is why I dont understand them closing most the stores? Guess they say its some health code infraction?
"public nuisance" was the term. Unsavory aperance in some cases..but mostly our AG's opinion that NO transfer are legal other than direct cg to patient. Following that logic, they were drug houses..since the inside transfers were illegal.


New Member
there is that word again ...overage. its never necessary. you don't have to harvest a whole plant at once, you don,t have to grow ten pounds at once. if you have bud coming out of your ears give some away. good god you act like its the funking end of the world because your pushing three ounces.


Well-Known Member
"public nuisance" was the term. Unsavory aperance in some cases..but mostly our AG's opinion that NO transfer are legal other than direct cg to patient. Following that logic, they were drug houses..since the inside transfers were illegal.
Has anyone asked Bill how a non-resident card holder is supposed to get their meds?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
The term "overages" is for sure concerning. People should just call it "extras" instead. "Overage" implies "over my legal limit."
Why can't overage imply over my needs, Not over my limit? I'm a light 2.5, but I only need 1oz till my next two weeks..because I stage my plants..


Active Member
Why can't overage imply over my needs, Not over my limit? I'm a light 2.5, but I only need 1oz till my next two weeks..because I stage my plants..
I guess you're right... I just hear "overage" so often in the context of "over my limit," almost universally so in fact, that it gives me the jitters.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
I guess you're right... I just hear "overage" so often in the context of "over my limit," almost universally so in fact, that it gives me the jitters.
I've been bashing reps with wording on a bill for just that reason...eventually I hope to see "reasonable overages" and or "temporary overages" worded into some bills and worked into the law.

Quite simply, it's impossible to grow 2.5 oz per cycle, per patient. It a plant, sometimes it will bear more flowers, sometimes less. But until the plants are dry, you don't know exactly what you have. You can be close in an estimate..but dead on? Impossible.

Hence, the need for modification to the law, for clarification purposes.