Trying again the newbie adventure....


Well-Known Member
I am looking for signs of sex I cant find anything i thought i saw hairs but they turned brown I dont see any balls at all so I dont knwo wtf is goign on


White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Hey BigD - The HBs look great. Don't know what to say about your girls that are flowering, I mean they are about half way done by now and normally you see the sex within 7-10 days after going to 12/12. I don't think that the extra 15 mins of light should matter. Hopefully someone that this has happened to will chime in.


Well-Known Member
thanks WWW I dont know whats wrong wither I should see buds or balls by now and no clear sign of either and I cant find any post on the matter, and the HB's are so damn easy of the plants I have in HB's were in my AG with a mild case of root rot, they are both healthy now....


Well-Known Member
well I got some advise from another forum, and since I put them in 12/12 at such a young age after a very rocky start its not surprising it has taken so long to show sex.......also I was calculating wrong today made day 21 of 12/12 and I have one confirmed male, one confirmed female and one not sure but looking very girly, anybody that is watching they are just showing sex today, I think I am going to take a clone from the biggest on in the morning maybe 2 and see how it goes I will be reading up on it.... I was able to remove the male with no problem the roots came apart pretty easy just took my time I will do a res change tomorrow just to make sure I dont have any dead roots floating around.... I am setting up my closet after much debate and thought I am going 100% cfls so far they are doing ok for me and I am not running the most eficent operation..... when it is all said and done my flower area will be about 1.5 feet deep 2 feet wide and my max height is about 6 ft it will be lined with reflective material I will use this room only to flower I am going to make my own cfl fixture with 12 bulbs total 6 42w warms 4 26w blue 2 30w mixed spectrum i think 4500 or something, I will flower 4-6 palnts in the area all plants will sprout and veg for 14 days in my rubbermaid grow box, and then go to the flower room...... I am getting very confident in my abilities, I will be ordring seeds for my next grow whats a good plce to order if you are in the US

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I'm glad to hear that your girls are coming along!

I'm not in the states (Niagara Falls, ON so close enough; I can wave at u guys across the river) but Joey Seeds from the Hemp Depot Joey Weed Seeds is a great place for seeds.

You just print out their order form and go to the post office for an International money order. Oh and don't be fooled by their Express Delivery though, save your money and it get the regular shipping, it only takes about 4 days once they recieve your money order.

I got my White Widow from them a while ago and more recently, this is where I got my AK99 (if you don't know about this cross - go to IC Mag and search for SoQuick, it is truly amazing!!!)

Actually, just thinking about it made me want to view the thread again so I went and grabbed the link for you International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - IC is boring as shit!!

Here's a taste...



Well-Known Member
quick update I had another catastrophe, plant in the res again, luckily I was there and heard it as it happened and was able to get it, but that was the last straw for me, I took my 2 girls out of the dwc and put them in HB's I hope the tranplant takes if not my other 4 that have been in the grow box are each 4-6 tall and I am going to start flowering them next week hopefully, I will post updated pics later......


Well-Known Member
I am 100% convinved that the HB method works... the 2nd pic is of a seedling that was in my AG, I trasfered it too a HB the 1st picture is the same plant 6 days later......



Well-Known Member
You really should Dave, combine this with that rubbermaid grow box and I think you have a real winner, I built the grow box to fit the light from the AG I am only vegging in it right now


Well-Known Member
Whats up bigd, I am also considering going HB. I read the same thread a couple of weeks back and was sold, but then was sold on another soil method with air buckets and air sponge and I could also go 100% organic. The thing is hydro methods are known to be a bit faster and can produce larger yields, and i need that since I'm a heavy smoker. It seems like you guys are new as well as I am, and I see you are having a nice and easy time with the hempy method. What were your problems with soil when you triedit?


Well-Known Member
Whats up bigd, I am also considering going HB. I read the same thread a couple of weeks back and was sold, but then was sold on another soil method with air buckets and air sponge and I could also go 100% organic. The thing is hydro methods are known to be a bit faster and can produce larger yields, and i need that since I'm a heavy smoker. It seems like you guys are new as well as I am, and I see you are having a nice and easy time with the hempy method. What were your problems with soil when you triedit?
My first grow attempt was in soil.. I grew a healthy male lol... I would go with HB over soil, the speed of growth will be better, and it sounds like this method you are talking about is more complicated than the HB... but my only problems with soil.... first bugs, second the mess, if I spill perlite, its nothing to vacum it up, you ever spilled damp sol on carpet?? no fun my friend...oh and did i mention the bugs lol, and with the HB i never have to worry about overwatering, since I use cfls I dont generate as much heat so I water every other day now, and alternate between plain ph water and nutes, and thats it....hope that helps, there is a ton of info all over the net about the HB method,I am glad I found it, and until they come up with a method where I dont have to do anything at all..... this is what I will use


Well-Known Member
good stuff man thx, I appreciate it. I guess hempy will be my way. I read the same thread you did but still haven't started my grow so still checking on other methods.

I will be going with a 1000 hps to help with yield since im trying to keep it as few plants as possible


Well-Known Member
good stuff man thx, I appreciate it. I guess hempy will be my way. I read the same thread you did but still haven't started my grow so still checking on other methods.

I will be going with a 1000 hps to help with yield since im trying to keep it as few plants as possible
good luck.... are you going to do a journal?? if so stop by a give me the link so I can check it out


Well-Known Member
Well I figured I would update, it has been a couple of days since the transplant from the dwc to the HB's the first day was a little scarry plants kind of looked a little sad, but they are all good now, and have grown more!!!!!, also since the transplant the white hairs are really starting to pop up all over the place....... HEMPY FOR LIFE!!!!!!!! a few leaves grew into the light and burned.. i snipped them off, the largest plant is about 2ft tall and almost 2 feet across very bushy the other is just as tall but not nearly as bushy.... i went back thru my calendar so I could get all the dates together the largerst plant sprouted in soil on 3-1-08 the smaller one sprouted 3-04-08 making them 42 and 39 days old, they have both been on 12/12 for 27 days as of today, as you can see not much veg time, there was alot of problems and stress at the begining of there lives so its almost like 12/12 from seed... but the hairs are coming fast and I see a bud developing on the top of the larger one very exciting... I took 2 plants from the growbox and put those in the flower closet so they can get started, I still have 2 in the grow box, along with 2 seeds that I got from a buddy that are supposed to be great...he said the strain is jerry berry (sp) but we will see,also in the grow box is my frst clone attempt not looking too good going to do some more reading on the subject.... anyways I thinks thats all I took some pics with my crappy camera phone (bro comes back with the good camera in a week) any comments or suggestions welcome... I have a question for anyone watching I ordered some gh nutes and such and I havent gotten my shipment, can anyone recomend some nutes that are ok for hydro that I can get at walmart or loews until my shipment comes, I am using the AG nutes and they are working but I am alomst out....


White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Well I figured I would update, it has been a couple of days since the transplant from the dwc to the HB's the first day was a little scarry plants kind of looked a little sad, but they are all good now, and have grown more!!!!!, also since the transplant the white hairs are really starting to pop up all over the place....... HEMPY FOR LIFE!!!!!!!! a few leaves grew into the light and burned.. i snipped them off, the largest plant is about 2ft tall and almost 2 feet across very bushy the other is just as tall but not nearly as bushy.... i went back thru my calendar so I could get all the dates together the largerst plant sprouted in soil on 3-1-08 the smaller one sprouted 3-04-08 making them 42 and 39 days old, they have both been on 12/12 for 27 days as of today, as you can see not much veg time, there was alot of problems and stress at the begining of there lives so its almost like 12/12 from seed... but the hairs are coming fast and I see a bud developing on the top of the larger one very exciting... I took 2 plants from the growbox and put those in the flower closet so they can get started, I still have 2 in the grow box, along with 2 seeds that I got from a buddy that are supposed to be great...he said the strain is jerry berry (sp) but we will see,also in the grow box is my frst clone attempt not looking too good going to do some more reading on the subject.... anyways I thinks thats all I took some pics with my crappy camera phone (bro comes back with the good camera in a week) any comments or suggestions welcome... I have a question for anyone watching I ordered some gh nutes and such and I havent gotten my shipment, can anyone recomend some nutes that are ok for hydro that I can get at walmart or loews until my shipment comes, I am using the AG nutes and they are working but I am alomst out....

Hey BigD - thought I would stop in to see how things are going and man, your babies look good!

How was it changing over from DWC? Had your roots grown together? And if so, what did you do to de-tangle them?

I'm currently switching all mine over, started with the clones; then the seedlings and 3 girls that were flowering but had not been attached to the others yet. They are all doing great. My next task is the big DWC - it's a 45 gal Rubbermaid tub and has 8 plants growing in it. I have 4 of them and had planned to get a perpetual DWC grow going, but now I am Hempy all the way! Anyway, all the plants in the big tub have their roots intertwined and I am scared to pull them apart... any suggestions?


White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
My first grow attempt was in soil.. I grew a healthy male lol... I would go with HB over soil, the speed of growth will be better, and it sounds like this method you are talking about is more complicated than the HB... but my only problems with soil.... first bugs, second the mess, if I spill perlite, its nothing to vacum it up, you ever spilled damp sol on carpet?? no fun my friend...oh and did i mention the bugs lol, and with the HB i never have to worry about overwatering, since I use cfls I dont generate as much heat so I water every other day now, and alternate between plain ph water and nutes, and thats it....hope that helps, there is a ton of info all over the net about the HB method,I am glad I found it, and until they come up with a method where I dont have to do anything at all..... this is what I will use

LMAO... that's exactly the way I feel about this system!



Well-Known Member
Hey BigD - thought I would stop in to see how things are going and man, your babies look good!

How was it changing over from DWC? Had your roots grown together? And if so, what did you do to de-tangle them?

I'm currently switching all mine over, started with the clones; then the seedlings and 3 girls that were flowering but had not been attached to the others yet. They are all doing great. My next task is the big DWC - it's a 45 gal Rubbermaid tub and has 8 plants growing in it. I have 4 of them and had planned to get a perpetual DWC grow going, but now I am Hempy all the way! Anyway, all the plants in the big tub have their roots intertwined and I am scared to pull them apart... any suggestions?

I had the same fear, just take your time and ease them apart, mine were more twisted together so I just untwited them and they pretty much came apart. I found it was easier to work with the roots while they were submerged.... they may look a little sad the next day after the transplant but they will bounce back ......

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I had the same fear, just take your time and ease them apart, mine were more twisted together so I just untwited them and they pretty much came apart. I found it was easier to work with the roots while they were submerged.... they may look a little sad the next day after the transplant but they will bounce back ......

Okay, I'm gonna give it a try... Thanks



Well-Known Member
nothing special today white hairs all over my girls, the smell is so great... now its just time to wait and let the magic happen... update on my setup in the closet I am running 12 cfls combo of 42w and 26w, i am at about 300w, 9 warm light 1 mixed (5000) 2 blue (6500) hairs all over so we will see how it goes I am not expecting much of a yield from the first 2 but I will be happy with whatever it is.. when I am done with my setup I plan to have 12 42w bulbs total still 9 warm 1 mixed and 2 blue, just have to keep buying the 42w as can and swapping out the 26w, i plan to flower 4 plants at a time in the closet