1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

I think your lady and my lady could share some sympathy stories. Death seems to be a common thing for white outs/bummers. When you think about it, it's hilarious. YOU CANNOT DIE FROM A WHITEY!!!! lol.
it's a fine balance. perfecting it is near impossible. too many unknown factors. tolerance, how strong your weed is etc. funniest bit i the weed farts the next day.
Sorry to hear about your grandfather's passing, but it sounds like a royal send off. Thanks for sharing.

Good to see you're getting your grow on....they are looking healthy and happy.

We have a large St Patrick's day parade each year and I have several friends that participate. It's a huge, alcohol fueled street party. One friend who is accustom to my medibles had one and two bloody mary's and marched in the parade; the pictures and everyone's comments state he had a good time, he just doesn't remember....he made the comment about alcohol and cookies not mixing. Everyone has different tolerence levels and should be cautious in their dosage until they become comfortable with them.

Another time I had given some cookies to friends that had two different strength cookies. Somehow the message about the different dosages did not get passed around. One person had been listening to the stories of how they were like 3 glasses of wine and everything was rosy and decided to try one on a Saturday morning on a football day in a college town. He was downtown playing in traffic and running errands prior to the game when it came on and he was in the grocery store and it was so strong that he had a panic attack and had to call his wife to come get him. Once he got used to them he thoroughly enjoys them, but it was a shakey start. He tells the story with a hilarious point of view.

Weed farts???? Im off tae the boozer with the father in law. Great guy, pissed turns into a maniac. Typical West of Scotland bloke
yup weed farts, especially off weed wine i found. hilarious at work the next day...

enjoy the trip to the battle cruiser. i'm sat supping a large brandy myself thinking about watching something or rather dozing off for an hour...
Thc really gives you the ten bob bits when you eat too much lol. I love edibles but can't function of em
aye that's the body saying wtf this isn't the norm eject eject, maximum velocity.
Sorry to hear about your grandfather's passing, but it sounds like a royal send off. Thanks for sharing.

Good to see you're getting your grow on....they are looking healthy and happy.

We have a large St Patrick's day parade each year and I have several friends that participate. It's a huge, alcohol fueled street party. One friend who is accustom to my medibles had one and two bloody mary's and marched in the parade; the pictures and everyone's comments state he had a good time, he just doesn't remember....he made the comment about alcohol and cookies not mixing. Everyone has different tolerence levels and should be cautious in their dosage until they become comfortable with them.

Another time I had given some cookies to friends that had two different strength cookies. Somehow the message about the different dosages did not get passed around. One person had been listening to the stories of how they were like 3 glasses of wine and everything was rosy and decided to try one on a Saturday morning on a football day in a college town. He was downtown playing in traffic and running errands prior to the game when it came on and he was in the grocery store and it was so strong that he had a panic attack and had to call his wife to come get him. Once he got used to them he thoroughly enjoys them, but it was a shakey start. He tells the story with a hilarious point of view.

ah cof it was a riotous affair, not without the odd family feud / kick off here and there. some of the family haven't spoken in nearly 20 years. there was some harsh things said and a lot of pissed off relatives. but some bridges built as well so not all bad.

i forgot to mention. the next day when we arrived to pick the ashes up from the crematorium they'd only gone and lost him. we had to drive to two different funeral parlours to see if he was there only to arrive and find a note on the door saying were now closed for easter! my father was incandescent. the major argument within the family was over the scattering of the ashes. luckily the funeral director managed to locate him and drive him over. though we have no real guarantee it's actually him!!>!?!?!

ah man i've had some good times on the weed cookies/cake, the last time i got the dose wrong as i usually do, kinda on purpose. we had friends round who weren't imbibing so i made normal and space cookies. the square plate for non weed the round for weed. half way through my gf got the plates wrong. was fine for about an hour then everything went pear shaped. extreme fear, i had to make the company leave my poor lass was in a right pickle. thought her back was in spasm and allsorts. but 3 seconds later would be laughin her arse off. good times lol.

i'd eat medibles more often but i generally have too much to do and need to function to do them.
a little while ago i think it was WBW was asking what i had in the tent.

2 x Laotian Sativa
1 OG#18 x Sour D x CD
2 x Larry OG x Chem valley Kush
2 x Smelly Cherry (purp pheno)
2 x Smelly Cherry (tall pheno)
3 x Smelly Cherry (fast finish)
2 x SLH

I've been quite fortunate with the males it's really quite easy to split these into 3 crops, the sativas will come out last, half the smelly cherry are going back into veg for a couple of weeks then will be spluffed and the quickest out should be the other half of the smelly cherry and the cali kush mix ups.
Thanks as you are the first to actually run these can't wait to see them flower up.. The male was a very chem smelling male the mom was a lemon pledge smell so it should be some dripping resin of lemon stench;)