Hey kkday- hope you are well. Not sure if you're poking fun at me, but the topics today are actually along the things my knowledge is focused in. I was usually here to learn more about soil growing from people who know more about it like you, Cooter and Sheck, it's a shame somehow we became alienated from eachother. I hope time heals all wounds and things will be back to normal sometime soon. We all live in this small patch of the world together- and life's too short for dramas.
No tric not at all, it was in reference to the new kids, last time I checked this thread they were asking
How to germ. Now they got there masters in horticulture and working on agricultural Geneticaly modified hybrid strains that will provide smoke and fruits to stop their munchys all on the same plant.
Its mean the info you get from this thread. Guru over nite!
by the way I don't think the old crew fell apart its just easyer to pick up the phone. Alot of big projects with the boys, no time to play on the computer now days.
And I don't know shit about shit just use it to grow good shit.