Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

^^^ Even got the little terrorist, kill em all let GOD seperate out the good ones.
Sorry couldn't help it. This is ment to be a fun thread my bad.
But if you don't like having another contry going there, and trying to settle all the school yard fighting that goes on over there
then educate your selves!!!
Holy Crap I go on here to get a laugh during the day & I have to read your posts. Talk about wasting oxygen. There are 5 minutes I will never get back.

What's DEcember 21'st? YOu mean the end of the world thing? Laugh. & you say the person supporting the troops is a waste of oxygen? Laugh..

Grab a gun & walk a post. Till then just say thanks. If it wasnt for those nasty americans spreading their hated capitalism about half the world would have starved to death already. THose bastards eh? How dare they try to give people freedom.

You sir are a waste of oxygen & I really hope once you get out of puberty that you will take a few minutes & actually get to know what's going on in the world.

Oh well, enjoy the day. THis is not the forum for this type of response but it pisses me off when you see people insulting soldiers. No matter which side. THey are all away from their families trying to make the world a better place. Regardless of their point of view. There has to be respect.
If it wasnt for those nasty americans spreading their hated capitalism about half the world would have starved to death already. THose bastards eh? How dare they try to give people freedom.
So the measure of our society is by how much Aid we give? In a truly free society, some people make it and others don't. If the supermarkets crashed, for whatever the forthcoming reason, would you be able to survive? After sucking our supreme federal governments dick your whole life, probably.. Could you sustain on your own? Provide food and shelter, Grow crops and manage your own livestock? Freedom isn't about money. It's not about spreading ideology. The majority of American citizens are so out of touch with reality. If thw power grid went off for a month over a 1/3 of the population would perish. They can thank they're freedom loving government. We are submitting to a form of gentle tyranny..
Hijacking over back to funnies. Please.

Behold the wonder and glory that is ... MANICORN. cn

Birdwatching for the nearsighted.

Ordering "Home Box Office" in Somalia might not be what you imagine. cn

And added for max cute factor. cn
This made me laugh so hard for a few minutes. That cat just freaks the fuck out when it's face goes in the water.

I have dogs and cats, so they all drink out of the toilet. I learned when you sneak up on a cat trying to drink out of the toilet, bump it in, drop the lid, and flush...You have no idea how fast a cat to go spastic. :)