Bulletproof Glass Collection

Im just saying I have been patiently waiting for you to do SOMETHING for me. Originally was suppose to be Oil rig. No big deal dont need one anymore, I asked for stickyless dome, never got it. I asked for honeybee dome, never got it. I asked for maybe raw glass instead, never got anything. I mean honestly all I want now is my glass returned. I could of sold it for more than I am going to get from you anyway. Honestly after reading all these posts I felt like I was never going to get anything. When you constantly talk about how busy you are and all these people are saying they have been getting strung along for months, I read that and feel like I got ripped off. That's what makes me mad. I gave you high quality, name brand, expensive glass. I would expect to be squared up by spring when I sent it out before Christmas. I dont want to be that guy messaging you everyday saying WHERES MY GLASS. I am quiet and respectful expecting that you would take care of business. It became very clear in this thread you are not taking care of business. I have NEVER ONCE posted in this thread asking where my glass was in 4 MONTHS. I have patiently and respectfully waited for you. I am becoming very tired of waiting.
So you ship me glass, can't make up your mind, now I have to ship it back? That's lame.. I don't really want it. It just sits in the box u shipped it in. The bunch of people complaining are two other people. One that claimed it was a mistake. The other someone I owed free merch too. Them being the only one with the right to complain. You never instructed me what to ship. You said Maybee some tools. When I replied what tools I had you didn't respond. Was I just supposed to ship two domes and random tools?? Wtf? You lost connection with me.
Just saying folks... I always get my glass.. I understand how busy some folks can be, and how much in THIS industry people can forget things even with positive intentions!

reading these posts you guys (maybe not purposely) are making dankshizzle to be a bad dude... I just wanted to add some positivity and say that he's not.

I'd gladly cover shipping costs, for any glass for dankshizzle to ship back to you guys. To make everybody happy :).

Dank- You've always hooked me up, some $5 and $10 usps fees aren't anything compared to what you've given me.. So no worries! pm me about it ;).

nothing against anyone but it seems like you guys are being really critical! not giving him a chance to work things out ! you have to post on this thread, and if he misses it post again... :) If you go back you see me politely poking him about my bee dome, my sticklyess dome and more - all those things he promptly sent me after I made contact.. and even made it right with some free glass, which i why I (bro)love the dude!

one love everybody :peace:
So you ship me glass, can't make up your mind, now I have to ship it back? That's lame.. I don't really want it. It just sits in the box u shipped it in. The bunch of people complaining are two other people. One that claimed it was a mistake. The other someone I owed free merch too. Them being the only one with the right to complain. You never instructed me what to ship. You said Maybee some tools. When I replied what tools I had you didn't respond. Was I just supposed to ship two domes and random tools?? Wtf? You lost connection with me.

Cant make up my mind? The only reason I changed my mind was because you took so long I got it elsewhere. So I need to constantly nag you is the only way to get glass from you? Ok that makes sense.... I asked for a stickyless dome and Honeybee dome when u made them and they got sent to dablab and Verde instead of me.... prob because they had cash and I traded. But thats ok, I didnt complain. I messages you and said hey if you dont got it anymore its cool, Send me something else. What did you do in response to my message? Dank this is real easy, no need to get mad. Just square up with me. Thats all im asking for here. Im sorry if I over reacted when I saw all the negative posts but I felt like you were ripping people off here and I was one of them.
Just saying folks... I always get my glass.. I understand how busy some folks can be, and how much in THIS industry people can forget things even with positive intentions!

reading these posts you guys (maybe not purposely) are making dankshizzle to be a bad dude... I just wanted to add some positivity and say that he's not.

I'd gladly cover shipping costs, for any glass for dankshizzle to ship back to you guys. To make everybody happy :).

Dank- You've always hooked me up, some $5 and $10 usps fees aren't anything compared to what you've given me.. So no worries! pm me about it ;).

nothing against anyone but it seems like you guys are being really critical! not giving him a chance to work things out ! you have to post on this thread, and if he misses it post again... :) If you go back you see me politely poking him about my bee dome, my sticklyess dome and more - all those things he promptly sent me after I made contact.. and even made it right with some free glass, which i why I (bro)love the dude!

one love everybody :peace:


I respect Danks work. I have purchased from him in the past. There is nothing wrong with his glass work. The reason I am posting this in his thread instead of private messages is simply because I have already tried private messages. I don't want other people to make the same mistake as me. If he takes care of business I will delete my posts and give dank the credit where its due. But right now you must understand my frustration. I paid the shipping to ship the glass to him, Im willing to pay shipping on anything he wants to ship to me. So not only did I ship him over 500$ in retail glass and paid the shipping for it, and rushed it out so he would get it before Christmas. If you think having to constantly poke someone to get something you paid for is good business, I dont agree.
I don't want to get in on the hate, but I just don't see why you shipped him a $500 glass piece when he had nothing to send yet? I tend not to advance people money, unless it's a nominal amount of cash.. And that always works for me because when he has things, I pay him, and he sends them.. not bashing you, it just seems like a bad idea to me..

I was waiting for him to make a bee dome for months, after he sent the ones he had over to dablab .. I poked at him to make me one, and when he did I paid him and he sent it :). He even honored the original price he quoted me on, months before, and this was before i paid him..

I feel you, that you should have had your glass - but I also feel him when hes caught off guard, having to defend himself on a public forum, after he hasn't heard from somebody in a few months. I understand that he would want to move away from RIU now, because it's more stress than its worth.. Any mistakes he made I'm sure were honest mistakes, as were any of yours..!

And I stopped PMing him for business stuff... I just post in this thread for notes on what I want, so he can't accidently delete my post like he may do in accidently do with a PM. :)
I don't want to get in on the hate, but I just don't see why you shipped him a $500 glass piece when he had nothing to send yet? I tend not to advance people money, unless it's a nominal amount of cash.. And that always works for me because when he has things, I pay him, and he sends them.. not bashing you, it just seems like a bad idea to me..

I was waiting for him to make a bee dome for months, after he sent the ones he had over to dablab .. I poked at him to make me one, and when he did I paid him and he sent it :). He even honored the original price he quoted me on, months before, and this was before i paid him..

I feel you, that you should have had your glass - but I also feel him when hes caught off guard, having to defend himself on a public forum, after he hasn't heard from somebody in a few months. I understand that he would want to move away from RIU now, because it's more stress than its worth.. Any mistakes he made I'm sure were honest mistakes, as were any of yours..!

And I stopped PMing him for business stuff... I just post in this thread for notes on what I want, so he can't accidently delete my post like he may do in accidently do with a PM. :)

I agree with everything you say, but there was not months between communications. Conveniently, RIU makes me delete my history so I cant prove it. I shipped the glass first because i had purchased things off of him, and thought he was a straight up dude. I went 4 MONTHS without mentioning one thing about it publicly. If you think it was a bad idea for me to send it to him what is that saying about him??? And if he is going to quit RIU and run from his problems, that is really saying something about how he does business.
It's not a bad idea to just front him, it's a bad idea to front anybody.. Which is why I don't do it :).

He has to delete his history, just like you - which is likely why he missed your messages...

I dont know specifics, I haven't read any PM's nor do I plan to.. I just felt like someone besides dankshizzle needed to elaborate on perhaps why dankshizzle has been lacking on your folks orders..

Trust me though dude, I feel you.

I've had to wait 5 months for glass, after I paid for it, $500, from everyonedoesit.com... despite about 25 emails, telling them to send my shit, twice a week for months it still took them 5 months :lol:. I was to the point where I had American Express ready to reverse the charges, if I didn't recieve my shit THAT week. I recieved it that week, missing the FUCKING item I was waiting the last 2 months for.. Had to dispute *that* charge in the end!

Trust me dude, I know... Not getting things you paid for in some way sucks, but he's just one man! not an entire company like the people that tried to screw me! I'm sure he's more than willing to make it right.
U never mentioned Christmas.. you never responded when I asked what tools you want. I have a bunch of extra like new tools I never use. Paddles and graphite I.have a large amount of. I have a 18m bees dome and a bunch of stickyless. I have no.problem shipping them to you. Or I.can ship your bong back. I don't care. The last thin you pm me was about Vegas. You habnt mentioned anything since I asked what tools. I would like to ship.them all at once. Not one at a time.
Gastanker is taken care of. You will be happy. I think supriaed also. I don't need you posting anything when you get it. Just be happy you got something or aomethings free. I apologize for the wait. It's been a long ride.
Panda-I'm good on trading. Sorry. The panda bowl is for sale at the place you posted for everyone to see. If you want it go there and buy it.
Verde-thanks bro. I'm working on a sick design for a rig. When I post it if u want it it is urs. It's fucking cool..

I don't need you to delete anything. I could delete all the posts myself if I wanted too. I'm not worried about it. Fuck.it...
Ive been showing off a picture that Bee-Dome to all my buddies down here in the South. Everyone loves it man.
U never mentioned Christmas.. you never responded when I asked what tools you want. I have a bunch of extra like new tools I never use. Paddles and graphite I.have a large amount of. I have a 18m bees dome and a bunch of stickyless. I have no.problem shipping them to you. Or I.can ship your bong back. I don't care. The last thin you pm me was about Vegas. You habnt mentioned anything since I asked what tools. I would like to ship.them all at once. Not one at a time.
Gastanker is taken care of. You will be happy. I think supriaed also. I don't need you posting anything when you get it. Just be happy you got something or aomethings free. I apologize for the wait. It's been a long ride.
Panda-I'm good on trading. Sorry. The panda bowl is for sale at the place you posted for everyone to see. If you want it go there and buy it.
Verde-thanks bro. I'm working on a sick design for a rig. When I post it if u want it it is urs. It's fucking cool..

I don't need you to delete anything. I could delete all the posts myself if I wanted too. I'm not worried about it. Fuck.it...

Dank, just because I am not constantly messaging you does not mean you don't need to fulfill your obligations. I gave you plenty of things I would of liked to receive. I told you a number to make it and would of liked any tools you sent as long as they equaled the number we discussed.. I was clear about this. I dont want to argue about stupid things. I would like you to return my glass. You said its still in the original box so obviously you still have my address. If you need money for shipping let me know.
Ok. I'll let you know how much it is.
And there's a difference between constantly messaging me and responding to messages. It's like you went from wanting to meet up to dab in Vegas, t freaking out with nothing between..
Gastanker-I thought i posted this two days ago.. the dish and the stickyless dome have your name on it. Already shipped. And a stand up orange encassed dabber. 18m dome
Do you happen to have any more domes for sale? Would love to purchase one, those hand ground joints are badass!