I understand why you shut it off for awhile, I have read all of this and was curious if you could drop a link to the other site that you use I thought you had some journals there. I am jarred up with 1 qt jars for my very first run as we speak. Its penis envy, I suffer from cluster head aches and have read the shrooms will help with not having to deal with them.
The question that I am looking for an answer is I plan on going bulk instead of cakes and was curious how thick of a layer of case and popcorn in my situation you are doing with your bulk cakes. I have not settled on wether to use verm, cow poo, hourse, ect. I am up in the air with wich to use. I picked up a green house like the one you have and academy has the dehydrator on sale so I have 1 coming.I just need a controler and a humidifier, wich I read in hear you use a cool version.
I have read alot but all of the articles I have read do not say how thick to make the layers. I plan on using the large rubber maid bin to fruit with then get it out of the tub after the first flush. I think that is how you do yours and any input I would be gratefull for. Thank you for this article it has answered alot of questions already