My Little Greenhouse

That green stuff looks awesome. And for only 48 days. That is really fast. I think that after I start working with LC, I'll try out some WBS. The dolloar store has WBS for less than 90 cents per pound. I could always add popcorn to the bulk any way.
That green stuff looks awesome. And for only 48 days. That is really fast. I think that after I start working with LC, I'll try out some WBS. The dolloar store has WBS for less than 90 cents per pound. I could always add popcorn to the bulk any way.

Yea I was interested in the WBS too. What am I looking for? High millet content and as few sun flower seeds as possible correct?
As for WBS I just buy the cheapest with the least black oil seeds and high millet content, black seeds are skimmed off the top during the cleaning and soaking anyway. Last 5 pound bag at Walmart ran me $4

Yes the CSSH is incredible at day 48, but how about my C99 at day 49? ;) She smells just like Froot Loops cereal, nice and chunky with a good yield. Taken at 10% amber and the rest cloudy.

C99 harvested an hour ago and added to the drying box with the CSSH

Or, you could get some rye berries, one can get them for as little as 50 cents a lb and they don't need any cleaning at all. The down side is if you are working for spawn, you have fewer innoculation points.
Whole Food's carries rye berries in bulk for $1.26lb locally, wbs is just easier to pick up while at wally-world
Or, you could get some rye berries, one can get them for as little as 50 cents a lb and they don't need any cleaning at all. The down side is if you are working for spawn, you have fewer innoculation points.

Yeah I'm spawning in the Rye berries and it's much slower then Batcaves that's for sure. Out of my 4 bags only my Golden Teacher and Hawaiian seem to be successfully germed also. But at this rate I could see it taking 4-6 weeks to completely colonize the whole 3lbs of rye berries. I think WBS is much more effective from spore from what I've seen. Gonna get an American PC 921 when I get some spare money...might be a month or two out though.
I totally forgot about whole foods. I'd have to out to the island for wally mart though. The popcorn and wbs is just more locally convenient though. A few blocks walk as opposed to a train or bus ride.
As for WBS I just buy the cheapest with the least black oil seeds and high millet content, black seeds are skimmed off the top during the cleaning and soaking anyway. Last 5 pound bag at Walmart ran me $4

Yes the CSSH is incredible at day 48, but how about my C99 at day 49? ;) She smells just like Froot Loops cereal, nice and chunky with a good yield. Taken at 10% amber and the rest cloudy.

C99 harvested an hour ago and added to the drying box with the CSSH

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what if i got like a ton of spray millet?

or half spray millet and some random what ever bird seed i can find
I usually use this big bag of parakeet food but wife stole it from me for her 4 birds :(

This time I used this
lol yep thats what i was asking about just straight spray millet ican get it by the bale

Hmmm, don't know about the millet still attached to the stems, guess if removed and then soaked and PC'ed it could work.

Canndo typically has the best answers, hopefully he will zip by and drop an answer for you.