Video of Blackwater Contractors Driving Over Iraqi Woman

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
just giving my two cents, its not freedom if your oppressing another nation, which is iraq. thats basically all we did. thats basically all we do in all wars, its all about economy. if there was a real threat, there would be a draft. people should look into the reasons why a war was started, but dont listen to the first two reasons. the real reason is usually to dark for our government to glorify. so think before you go off defending yourself, its great you wanted to serve for our country, but you fought in an oil war that was only significant because a couple of warlords like saddam. taliban wont ever be fully eliminated either, that country may as well nuke themselves because all they do is kill each other. and plenty of countries are developing wmd's, dont see us barging in there, running over women. we keep our distance, theres not resources in north korea anyways.
Right but in the 2 enlistments I served the war involvement we had was less than 25% of both combined. That was not even close to what I had in mind and because of that I refused to reenlist again. During peace time my unit saved lives by responding to aircraft that went down at sea and on land many times. We pulled pilots and aircrew out of the ocean on quite a few occassions and participated in removing mines from highly traveled waterways again helping to save lives. This was 75% of my combined service being involved in rescue type missions. The political leadership that starts wars and uses the military to strong arm foreign nations out of their resources are the real ones to blame. Unless they are held accountable they will continue to wage endless wars and cause a lot of innocent people to die. Our closest neighbor Mexico is a place that needs help, we could be helping ourselves and them if the leaders really cared about people. But sadly its all about money and power. Hard for 18 year olds to understand that when they enlist and want to do something good. We should be outraged at how these young people are manipulated and coerced into these wars by lying politicians. Many of them lose their lives so a few billionaires can get a few more billion and it is a shame.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
lol, most people on here talk out of their ass 24/7 so who cares. i dont see why people in the army are on a pot growing site anyways, i thought they were already too brainwashed by the us government :shock:
Many do get brainwashed, as soon as they see you arent they dont want you around and will do anything to get rid of some one who questions what is going on. Thats one reason why so few people make a career out of it. They see whats up and cant get away fast enough .


Well-Known Member
Many do get brainwashed, as soon as they see you arent they dont want you around and will do anything to get rid of some one who questions what is going on. Thats one reason why so few people make a career out of it. They see whats up and cant get away fast enough .
looks like the ones on riu havent completely turned into mindless followers, although their drill sargents really seemed to get into their heads most of the time. its like a modern form of nazi youth, ditch all your morals and fight for "freedom".

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
looks like the ones on riu havent completely turned into mindless followers, although their drill sargents really seemed to get into their heads most of the time. its like a modern form of nazi youth, ditch all your morals and fight for "freedom".
There really are bad guys and good guys. Sad that the bad guys are in power in our country. We need to kick them out and learn as a nation from all of this so that it doesn't keep on happening. Teach our children about this.


Well-Known Member
There really are bad guys and good guys. Sad that the bad guys are in power in our country. We need to kick them out and learn as a nation from all of this so that it doesn't keep on happening. Teach our children about this.
couldnt agree more, if i have kids im gonna make sure none of them are exposed to all this bullshit, id probably move to canada if this country remains this way.


Well-Known Member
Straight up delusional.

Unreasonable men can't be reasoned with.

Whats wrong simple truth just to tuff for ya PW.
it pretty straight up to me that you have never been in a war Zone serving in the US Military.
You guys act like we run around playin God, We don't, we got family too. no one wants war but the best way to discourage it, is by being prepared.
You really think we go out and just for the fuk of it kill people, come on... But when someone flies a plane into a building, the country that harbored and trained them is gonna get there ass kicked.
Remember if it was your Father Brother Mother Sister that got killed on 9/11 you might WANT ME ON THAT WALL.


Ursus marijanus
Whats wrong simple truth just to tuff for ya PW.
it pretty straight up to me that you have never been in a war Zone serving in the US Military.
You guys act like we run around playin God, We don't, we got family too. no one wants war but the best way to discourage it, is by being prepared.
You really think we go out and just for the fuk of it kill people, come on... But when someone flies a plane into a building, the country that harbored and trained them is gonna get there ass kicked.
Remember if it was your Father Brother Mother Sister that got killed on 9/11 you might WANT ME ON THAT WALL.
Imo applying a nation's military to fight a non-national threat (terrorists) is not the way to do business. It's a symptom of everything looking like a nail when you have a big hammer. cn


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong simple truth just to tuff for ya PW.
it pretty straight up to me that you have never been in a war Zone serving in the US Military.
You guys act like we run around playin God, We don't, we got family too. no one wants war but the best way to discourage it, is by being prepared.
You really think we go out and just for the fuk of it kill people, come on... But when someone flies a plane into a building, the country that harbored and trained them is gonna get there ass kicked.
Remember if it was your Father Brother Mother Sister that got killed on 9/11 you might WANT ME ON THAT WALL.
osama had nothing to do with 9/11 as far as we know, we went into that country for all the wrong reasons. it is a tragedy, but we've spilled lots of innocent blood on their land as well. were all glad you went in to defend your country with good intentions, but theres a lot more to the war in iraq than 9/11. its an oil war, its about resources much like many other wars in history. it just seems arrogant thats the way we go about solving problems. its modern imperialism, imperialism is never a good thing, it leads to nationalism, then more conflict. the US has no business over there, theres enough conflict among them already. theres lots of civil war happening all the time, we shouldnt get into those affairs unless dragged into them.


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong simple truth just to tuff for ya PW.
it pretty straight up to me that you have never been in a war Zone serving in the US Military.
You guys act like we run around playin God, We don't, we got family too. no one wants war but the best way to discourage it, is by being prepared.
You really think we go out and just for the fuk of it kill people, come on... But when someone flies a plane into a building, the country that harbored and trained them is gonna get there ass kicked.
Remember if it was your Father Brother Mother Sister that got killed on 9/11 you might WANT ME ON THAT WALL.
That's what I'm talking about ^^, that's called delusions of grandeur.

I think you fail to realize the bigger picture.

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osama had nothing to do with 9/11 as far as we know, we went into that country for all the wrong reasons. it is a tragedy, but we've spilled lots of innocent blood on their land as well. were all glad you went in to defend your country with good intentions, but theres a lot more to the war in iraq than 9/11. its an oil war, its about resources much like many other wars in history. it just seems arrogant thats the way we go about solving problems. its modern imperialism, imperialism is never a good thing, it leads to nationalism, then more conflict. the US has no business over there, theres enough conflict among them already. theres lots of civil war happening all the time, we shouldnt get into those affairs unless dragged into them.
Oh but we WERE dragged into it, when those planes hit our buildings... Hemlock remembers:

Whats wrong simple truth just to tuff for ya PW.
it pretty straight up to me that you have never been in a war Zone serving in the US Military.
You guys act like we run around playin God, We don't, we got family too. no one wants war but the best way to discourage it, is by being prepared.
You really think we go out and just for the fuk of it kill people, come on... But when someone flies a plane into a building, the country that harbored and trained them is gonna get there ass kicked.
Remember if it was your Father Brother Mother Sister that got killed on 9/11 you might WANT ME ON THAT WALL.
Honestly Hemlock are you still one of the dolts that think that more than 2 buildings were taken out by 2 planes, when ALL of said buildings were designed to withstand being struck by AT LEAST a dozen planes?


"Pull" do you know this term? It is a demolitions term, it's pretty easy to figure out what it means.

Wake up, you fought in a senseless war, your friends died who shouldn't have, innocent people died who shouldn't have, all in the name of a lie. Check the facts, open your mind and pull the wool out of your eyes! Else you remain a sheeple forever, while more innocents die...

Despite our harsh overtones, we still love you Brother Hemlock, you just need to open your mind and seek the truth.


What kind of dumbass walks right in front of a convoy?
I dunno about you, but when I'm walking down the street, listenin to mah walk-man, hittin mah jive like a smooth turkey, the last thing I'm expecting is a convoy comin at me at 100 miles an hour... Poor woman was just tryin to get funkey, I seen it!

No really though they were goin fuckin fast dodgin around traffic and shit, she probably did not see them coming and they didn't give a half a hoot about her...


Well-Known Member
we werent dragged into iraq because of 9/11, that was a mere excuse. it was a freight train, heading straight for war, fueled by the nationalism sprung up by 9/11. its just another excuse, a few terrorists arent responsible for an entire country.


Well-Known Member
we werent dragged into iraq because of 9/11, that was a mere excuse. it was a freight train, heading straight for war, fueled by the nationalism sprung up by 9/11. its just another excuse, a few terrorists arent responsible for an entire country.
yep, seeing that 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Nationals we should have invaded Saudi Arabia, but since we were in bed with them already our government lied its way into Iraq giving us a foothold and military bases in that part of the world to launch future wars on other nukeless countries who wont play ball.


Well-Known Member
yep, seeing that 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Nationals we should have invaded Saudi Arabia, but since we were in bed with them already our government lied its way into Iraq giving us a foothold and military bases in that part of the world to launch future wars on other nukeless countries who wont play ball.
my point exactly, thankyou smirgen.