The UK Growers Thread!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
good genetics to tho newuser. the exo lwys looks solid in the pics i seen, plants love the led in veg mtey its the flowering side they lack that lil extr. i will veg will led till i see something newer and more scientific haha.
cheers tho means alot.
am good got wee kiddo over over so having a good laugh, shes just gone off watch the lizards eat at the pet shop haha i thought wood get ten mins on here.
hows u matey?


Well-Known Member
good genetics to tho newuser. the exo lwys looks solid in the pics i seen, plants love the led in veg mtey its the flowering side they lack that lil extr. i will veg will led till i see something newer and more scientific haha.
cheers tho means alot.
am good got wee kiddo over over so having a good laugh, shes just gone off watch the lizards eat at the pet shop haha i thought wood get ten mins on here.
hows u matey?
yeah im all good m8 fucked alreadu but whats new, going to the missus 2mora so will all stop then part from a night spliff

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
www cool i got the wrong end off the stick. i was gunna offer us climbing up big ben doing a fathers for justice protest hhaha
glad i was wrong as i hte fucking heights im a land lover who htes anything above 10 foot hahha
yeah sickness never a good un around new borns, worst timing for u to gett it really.


Well-Known Member
www cool i got the wrong end off the stick. i was gunna offer us climbing up big ben doing a fathers for justice protest hhaha
glad i was wrong as i hte fucking heights im a land lover who htes anything above 10 foot hahha
yeah sickness never a good un around new borns, worst timing for u to gett it really.
u funny fucker lolol

talk bout timing!!! yeah from mon i already said i wana do all night feeds for a wk, then altertanate.

we got a 17mnth old aswel m8.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
I dont have a site ?
and the bullshit just keeps flowing, you must think were all as retarded as you, why don't you just fuck off to ya site ya grass or have they seen you for the scum you are aswell? either way take the hint and jog on you won't get no friendly convo's round here ya toss pot

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
im not a big sleeping especially when im not on anything which i wont be, im well looking forward to it
haha good man, better man then me i need 6 hour a night or i get like a mini hilter, well minus the gas chambers and lil gay boy tash haha.
how do dragon? hows ttricks

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
the whole thing bout this cat is unreal.
i mean some1 offers u something u either accept or say na thanks but thanks for the offer.
course some1 putting up th cash and risk is gunna wnt a reward to mke it worthy to do.
if didnt like the price y not say fuck u very much? y the need to threaten to grass?
mayb i was raised different but u dont grass even on ya most hated enermy, let alone some1 offering a service off sorts.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i no m8,

hows u today? u been eating proper?

im alrite had a lil baby boy last wk 9lb 9oz well the missus did lmao
Ah, big congrats to the both of you :) Although i never know why people tell em what it weighed, means nowt to me :D

I'm all good, and i been eating like a champion this weekend. Friday i used up all the leftover ingredients from my lunch at work and made a 3lb chicken fajita, and last night i had homemade lasagne, a sushi "feast" and a big charcuterie platter :) Don't think i've any money left in the bank for some cooking tonight though, might have to go rob work of some eggs and make omlette.

ttt u see the exo x br pics?
Someone showed me some pictures about a week ago, could have been you, could have been anyone :D By all means throw em up though, not enough porn in this here thread!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
just vegging but look strong i feel.
View attachment 2122494exo x br fem. will take some snaps the males exo x br wen no kiddies here.

if u sw exo x br budding it b scotias. our two looks very different, so defo two types phenos at least. i took a clone off mine as i think shes a lil stunner and wnna breed her to f2s and cross another with bc, just for fun really as im a sad fecker haha

oh and this had been topped once and i hd supercropped it that day too

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey MDB i'm good cheers mate, just being a lazy fucker would like to say because it's sunday but it's sunday 7days a wk for me lol plants are looking nice mate, how you been?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
not to bad ups and downs but im still here hahah, hd a whopping cheque from taxman and same week mrs lost her job. had change plans abit but it all good. morgage comes 1st after all.
yeah this run going alot better with the plants man, touch wood.
every day a sundy haha u must b a very highly religous man haha
hows the grow going? temps better now i hope for them