The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ah, would you look at that, a moderator abusing his powers, who'd have thought :D Perma ban threats though, maybe he'll put the two together and start to understand the point to my rhetoric. He'll protect a grass, who cares, it's just a grass, nothing to do with me, right up until hey, maybe he could be grassed then he's happy to start thinking about perma bans. This is what we would call double standards :D

Morning all :D
lols double mate...........look whos in the cats thread ;)


Active Member
Morning all, was gone for a day to take the little one home and the thread gets moved, really cant be arsed to read 19 pages, so can someone give us a quick summary as to whats happened please.


Well-Known Member
Morning all, was gone for a day to take the little one home and the thread gets moved, really cant be arsed to read 19 pages, so can someone give us a quick summary as to whats happened please.
lol dnt know dnt care but sum1 will ;)


Active Member
lol dnt know dnt care but sum1 will ;)
Oh well if the old bill ever bring the website up if it ever goes tits up, I will just say yeah im a newbie look :)
I have just had a quick scan through some of it and it seems like a yanks power as a mod has gone to the soft lads head.


Well-Known Member
morning sphincter rippers.. basically a mod came on and said we had been outta line over the cataract business...everybody went nuts...the mod put us in here and threatened possibility of annhiliation and perma bans...was basically told to get to fuck and leave the uk thread alone...everybody accused mod of supporting a known grass and prevously banned member...mod went away leaving us ,apparently under the jurisdiction of the newbie central mod (potroast, i believe)....think that kinda sum it up..every body fucked off and i was left chatting to a couple of yanks, nice guys actually. think that kinda sumarises it.....


Well-Known Member
Oh well if the old bill ever bring the website up if it ever goes tits up, I will just say yeah im a newbie look :)
I have just had a quick scan through some of it and it seems like a yanks power as a mod has gone to the soft lads head.
if their good enough to get to me i will applaude them as they walk through the door but i im proud to be a grower and what ive done and am going to do :) it seems that way mate, i was gunna drag a picture of a big wooden spoon there it is, seems like he bored ;)


Well-Known Member
morning sphincter rippers.. basically a mod came on and said we had been outta line over the cataract business...everybody went nuts...the mod put us in here and threatened possibility of annhiliation and perma bans...was basically told to get to fuck and leave the uk thread alone...everybody accused mod of supporting a known grass and prevously banned member...mod went away leaving us ,apparently under the jurisdiction of the newbie central mod (potroast, i believe)....think that kinda sum it up..every body fucked off and i was left chatting to a couple of yanks, nice guys actually. think that kinda sumarises it.....
thanx dura ;)......... i dnt care because its been pointed out................. its got fuck all to do with me ;)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
morning lads, aye the docs a good guy for a yank lol made for a bit of entertainment though, I wonder if the mod or the cat will be back? hopefully they'll both fuck off, the irish lads have been telling him to do the same aswell lmao


Well-Known Member
well i just wondered if they were gonna get our original thread back from newbie central where we were dumped yesterday after a slight moderator issue. not gonna go into the details but the mod was in to give us a warning about abusive behaviour , the problem was the guy he was defending was a previously banned member, having been banned under a number of different name, and i dont think the mod was aware of this. anyway it all went tits up and we got launched into newbie central. so lets try again.


Active Member
morning sphincter rippers.. basically a mod came on and said we had been outta line over the cataract business...everybody went nuts...the mod put us in here and threatened possibility of annhiliation and perma bans...was basically told to get to fuck and leave the uk thread alone...everybody accused mod of supporting a known grass and prevously banned member...mod went away leaving us ,apparently under the jurisdiction of the newbie central mod (potroast, i believe)....think that kinda sum it up..every body fucked off and i was left chatting to a couple of yanks, nice guys actually. think that kinda sumarises it.....
Sound thanks for that, how is outing a grass so NO ONE else falls into their trap a bad thing? Some yanks are decent but those with power seem to let it go to their head. Mind you that happens all over the world!

Right now onto the core business of growing, I have very limited funds so gonna go out and put together a bit of a small operation until payday when I will get everything else I need to get it running properly, due to the lack of hydro shops in my area Im going to start my seeds in soil then when I take the clones move the clones into hydro, gonna have to start the veg process with CFL's. Gonna have a look round to find some 6500k bulbs in my area. Do you think I should start ghetto just to get them going or should I wait until payday to just start them all out in hydro? decisions decisions.....I just wanna get going


Well-Known Member
Morning guys, potroast is sound. Trust me business as usual. I got headbutted on Sat night by a huge fat cow. Broke my nose and Ive got 2 massive panda There was a guy standing next to her, fuck know if he was anything to do with her but I delivered the best punch ever

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Right now onto the core business of growing, I have very limited funds so gonna go out and put together a bit of a small operation until payday when I will get everything else I need to get it running properly, due to the lack of hydro shops in my area Im going to start my seeds in soil then when I take the clones move the clones into hydro, gonna have to start the veg process with CFL's. Gonna have a look round to find some 6500k bulbs in my area. Do you think I should start ghetto just to get them going or should I wait until payday to just start them all out in hydro? decisions decisions.....I just wanna get going

ghetto fabulous Del! i started out with a fire hazard in an alcove. sheet to cover it and no filtration or extraction. those were the days....


Well-Known Member
did someone say cataract is actually ludacris?! thought we'd seen the last of that divvy
apparentlly so, and supposedly a few other names as well, think he's just a fuckin serial troll....btw ive just started a new uk thread in to see if any mod bites....jump over and say sumthin fact come over and lets havea pretend fight...give it large about shagging each others moms....dont say mums ....jist moms...should get a reaction


Well-Known Member
did someone say cataract is actually ludacris?! thought we'd seen the last of that divvy
.................ive been told off a few he is mate but???
pyramid seeds is so under rated, easily best bang for buck
just fancied somthing new is all..................

Pyramid Seeds - [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Tutankhamun
[/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This plant is an AK-47 selection, as you know, a very expected variety in the market of feminised seeds.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]With an intense Skunk flavour, it has one of the highest percentages of THC, that's why Pyramid are pleased to present this strain to everyone.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]A perfect variety to be used as a mother plant; because of its small and compact size and the quantity of branches you can get lots of clones. It is easy to cultivate indoor. Outdoor you should try to avoid areas with high humidity to prevent fungus problems that may arise due to its compact buds. [/FONT]

  • [FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Type: Sativa / Indica [/FONT]
  • [FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Genetics: Feminized Pyramid Seeds [/FONT]
  • [FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Flowering Time: 60 - 65 days[/FONT]
  • [FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Outdoor Harvest: October [/FONT]
  • [FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Height: 80 - 110cm [/FONT]
  • [FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Characteristics: Super strong (up to 22% THC)[/FONT]
..................but ive read and heard she grows a dream and aint as nute sensative as i thought ;)