Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

nice looking plant for ol' potting mix gas! everything is looking nice and green! so what's happening with that big plant? is she flowering yet?
Yup, that big ones been flowering for the last week or two. Should start seeing some bud development any day now. Those of us without PGRs have that damned initial two week stretch... :(
Yup, that big ones been flowering for the last week or two. Should start seeing some bud development any day now. Those of us without PGRs have that damned initial two week stretch... :(

ooohhh! in with a quick one gas ;)

i should of said, she looked like she's flowering!, getting darker green

lol hehe PGR's do you think PGR's would speed flowering time? i would like to see my scrog without one day, i would think just further training, and flowering a week earlier maybe, thoughts?

love the show Gas, Veggie man
I really need to plant those veggies and start some more - been awfully lazy recently when it comes to gardening.

I definitely think the PGRs have a huge impact on growth. They essentially stop the stretch and throw the plant right into flower along with increasing the 'berry-set' and everything else. As much as I love organics I would love to fool around with some straight non nutrient PGRs right at the start of flower - shame most of them are banned here.
I really need to plant those veggies and start some more - been awfully lazy recently when it comes to gardening.

I definitely think the PGRs have a huge impact on growth. They essentially stop the stretch and throw the plant right into flower along with increasing the 'berry-set' and everything else. As much as I love organics I would love to fool around with some straight non nutrient PGRs right at the start of flower - shame most of them are banned here.

i keep near clicking that like button ;)
not using as much PGR's this grow has deffinately made a difference, to the point of where i look at my large pile of drying buds, and it looks like a big pile, but the buds themselves don't have nowhere near the density that my last 3 grows, it looks alot like my outdoor, only bigger buds....i can't wait to try my tester buds, i got my UVB Nug and the other drying away, they are both very sticky, and looking under a scope i see little difference really, now that they are drying, and the trichs are shrinking up, did you notice your buds feeling more greasy? like unbearably? u touch them and it leaves shiny smears on you hands, and the smell ranks for ages, i wonder if the UVB has done some magic??

that sucks on the Pgr's in the states :(
In all honesty I think you need more UV if you're going the UV route. Flouro UV bulbs are decent when very very close but still put out pretty small amounts of UV and don't throw it all that far - of course any additional is always better. I wouldn't be surprised if you saw little to no difference between your buds simply due to them receiving similar amounts of UV; from the distance you kept your light there was more than enough room for the light to fairly evenly disperse. If you want to use one larger UV spotlight from a far distance I would really recommend a zoo quality/large monitor lizard MV bulb of at least 160w. Or just place multiple CFLs really really close.

The largest notable changes I've documented are an increase in trichome length, cloudiness earlier in flower, earlier trich production (could be attributed to increase in length and vice versa), and when it's real warm the plants seem to produce more resin - not trichs but actual sap. A couple times, seemingly always when the enclosure is very warm/hot, the plant will produce ridiculous amounts of resin to the point that they seem to never dry out. I had one run and the buds, regardless of how long I let them sit out in very dry weather, were just grossly sticky and wouldn't dry up - not sure if this was a good thing as it made joints very difficult to smoke and would gum up grinders. Weighed a ton though. Perhaps someday I'll decide to get em tested with and without.
Hey there Gastanker, I live right below you in butte creek canyon! I pretty much just lurk and read on here but since you are so reputable and so close I thought Id say hey! I just started my second indoor run so im reading up on everything indoor and your thread is awesome man!
Hey there Gastanker, I live right below you in butte creek canyon! I pretty much just lurk and read on here but since you are so reputable and so close I thought Id say hey! I just started my second indoor run so im reading up on everything indoor and your thread is awesome man!

Awesome! Glad to have you here.

Woot, another thread? Are you back for good? :) That a cucumber you're trying to get to grow in circles?
So I never realized it but I can purchase germicidal UV bulb for my side-lighting... I wonder what a strong 30 second dose of UVC once a day would do to mites - from what I hear it can kill em.
In all honesty I think you need more UV if you're going the UV route. Flouro UV bulbs are decent when very very close but still put out pretty small amounts of UV and don't throw it all that far - of course any additional is always better. I wouldn't be surprised if you saw little to no difference between your buds simply due to them receiving similar amounts of UV; from the distance you kept your light there was more than enough room for the light to fairly evenly disperse. If you want to use one larger UV spotlight from a far distance I would really recommend a zoo quality/large monitor lizard MV bulb of at least 160w. Or just place multiple CFLs really really close.

The largest notable changes I've documented are an increase in trichome length, cloudiness earlier in flower, earlier trich production (could be attributed to increase in length and vice versa), and when it's real warm the plants seem to produce more resin - not trichs but actual sap. A couple times, seemingly always when the enclosure is very warm/hot, the plant will produce ridiculous amounts of resin to the point that they seem to never dry out. I had one run and the buds, regardless of how long I let them sit out in very dry weather, were just grossly sticky and wouldn't dry up - not sure if this was a good thing as it made joints very difficult to smoke and would gum up grinders. Weighed a ton though. Perhaps someday I'll decide to get em tested with and without.

thanx man, a very in depth thoughtful reply! i wish there was a way to test my light! my buds do feel stickier than usual, especially the tips, i will think about adding some additional UV lighting, i think maybe even just 1 more of these lamps, 1 either side of the tent in the corners, i'm not sure i would go the terrarium lamps, as they put out huge amounts of heat, something to think about anyway....
thanx again, always great advice rep+
Woot, another thread? Are you back for good? :) That a cucumber you're trying to get to grow in circles?

nope still just lurking, not going to journal but ill toss pics up in random spots here and there, Im going to have a nice e mail for you and Rad soon, my flower tent is starting to look great.

the thing growing in circles is a ivy plant, my brother is getting maried in a few months so i setup a wedding cake looking frame for the ivy to vine around, hopefully in a few weeks it looks like i want it to, my step son gave the ivy plant to my girlfriend for her B day a year or so ago and they just left it in this tiny pot so i transplanted it into a much bigger container with some nice potting soil and soem Epsoma garden tone fertilizer, then tossed it under the MH light, should grow like crazy under the 400w
thanx man, a very in depth thoughtful reply! i wish there was a way to test my light! my buds do feel stickier than usual, especially the tips, i will think about adding some additional UV lighting, i think maybe even just 1 more of these lamps, 1 either side of the tent in the corners, i'm not sure i would go the terrarium lamps, as they put out huge amounts of heat, something to think about anyway....
thanx again, always great advice rep+

They definitely put out a bit of heat but I'd compare it to most other HIDs. 150w HID is definitely a bit of heat but not terrible to deal with, especially when you can keep the bulb 3' away. Without my side lighting I'm thinking that might just be my next purchase. Although I should probably test a batch of UV supplemented vs not before I spend the money on more UV.

nope still just lurking, not going to journal but ill toss pics up in random spots here and there, Im going to have a nice e mail for you and Rad soon, my flower tent is starting to look great.

the thing growing in circles is a ivy plant, my brother is getting maried in a few months so i setup a wedding cake looking frame for the ivy to vine around, hopefully in a few weeks it looks like i want it to, my step son gave the ivy plant to my girlfriend for her B day a year or so ago and they just left it in this tiny pot so i transplanted it into a much bigger container with some nice potting soil and soem Epsoma garden tone fertilizer, then tossed it under the MH light, should grow like crazy under the 400w

Looking forward to seeing it. The Ivy idea sounds great. Let me know how it turns out.

I'm spending the day making beef jerky. I LOVE jerky and home made has got to be a thousand times better than that crap nitrate loaded store bought stuff - but god damn does it suck to smell highly seasoned meat for 12 hours non stop without being able to eat any of it.
They definitely put out a bit of heat but I'd compare it to most other HIDs. 150w HID is definitely a bit of heat but not terrible to deal with, especially when you can keep the bulb 3' away. Without my side lighting I'm thinking that might just be my next purchase. Although I should probably test a batch of UV supplemented vs not before I spend the money on more UV.

Looking forward to seeing it. The Ivy idea sounds great. Let me know how it turns out.

I'm spending the day making beef jerky. I LOVE jerky and home made has got to be a thousand times better than that crap nitrate loaded store bought stuff - but god damn does it suck to smell highly seasoned meat for 12 hours non stop without being able to eat any of it.

i'll see how my coolin setup goes like after my inspection, i'm going to run my hood on an angle so my ducting can go directly up into the extraction fan, i think i could get it down another couple of degrees
Just as rewarding as growing and so much faster - turned ~10lbs of lean steak into 1lb 14oz (two large ziplocks) of amazing jerky. Thank you buy one get one free meat :)

never tried that stuff before!! looks chewy, but tasty is it marinated??

You've never had beef jerky? Oh jeez, I feel terrible for you. How much do you think it would cost to send a small package to Australia? And yes, pretty heavily marinated - tastiest boot leather you'll ever chew on ;)
oohh man, seeing that really makes me want to try it, i love my schnitzels and steak, most meats i like , i dont expect you to send me down some gas lol! but what you have made me do is go buy some at a butcher next time i go shopping!..... i gotta try it, ive always looked past it, but that pile u got there looks deeeelish! it last for ages right??
Yeah. If you do it right it lasts quite a while with no refrigeration necessary. Essentially just find really cheap lean steak (fat will go rancid and make it taste gross), stick it in the freezer till its just starting to get hard (to help cutting it), cut it into thin slices, add marinade and let it sit for a day or two in the fridge, and then either use a dehydrator, line dry on a hot dry day, or hang on skewers in the oven with the door cracked and set it on warm. I generally use the oven and it always comes out great. It does take about 12 hours though.

Best part is that you can create whatever type you like and its much cheaper than store bought stuff and tastes way way better. Most of my recipes are soy sauce based but I've also had great success with cajun spices and beer. This last go used a soy sauce and dry white wine base but 1/4 had rosemary, 1/4 sweet basil and rosemary, 1/4 cajun spices, 1/4 Chinese 5 spice. Once you try it you'll be hooked as it's pretty much the perfect stoner food.