anybody gonna be trying TGA's new bagged super soil??????

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so wheres your cup lol or your forum? i like how you sidestep those, wow lol i been on this site for a short time so that means i havent grown anything lmfao your naivete is only proceeded by the dribble that comes out of your mouth. the funny part is that you have been here since 2009 and more people listen to my word than yours and im more well known. your a dumbass and making yourself look worse with every post, the funniest part out of all of this is that you know nothing about me, and obviously havent seen me in action. so back to my question, who is your breeder? what work have you done? and where the hell is your cup? have you even entered anything? you are making my day by making yourself look so bad lol theres a reason i bump elbows with who i do, and nobody knows who you are. ninja please.


Who are you again?
I just repped u banditt. I really enjoyed that part when you said "who are you again?". I am ultimately impressed with not only your style of prose but I commend you on the timing. I will forever be a better gardner because you are using a computer. Thank you, and I will force my children to thank you as well. You are basically like our own lil Savior, and for your services we will forever be grateful.
I just repped u banditt. I really enjoyed that part when you said "who are you again?". I am ultimately impressed with not only your style of prose but I commend you on the timing. I will forever be a better gardner because you are using a computer. Thank you, and I will force my children to thank you as well. You are basically like our own lil Savior, and for your services we will forever be grateful.
Well aren't you using a computer aswell aha.
Nice try, better luck next time.
Who are you again?

im Ccoastal. nuff said, im not about tooting my own horn, but ask about 18,000 people that question and see the answers that come in, hell even ask your buddy jim or joe and they will tell you im the man with the answers. i teach cannabis, at a level that you have yet to aspire for. but by all means keep sidestepping the questions i am gettin one helluva laugh out of it.

so who are you? nobody seems to have that answer.

im Ccoastal. nuff said, im not about tooting my own horn, but ask about 18,000 people that question and see the answers that come in, hell even ask your buddy jim or joe and they will tell you im the man with the answers. i teach cannabis, at a level that you have yet to aspire for. but by all means keep sidestepping the questions i am gettin one helluva laugh out of it.

so who are you? nobody seems to have that answer.


LMAO, and I am Jesus.

If you could actually back that claim would be one thing. But the truth is you're a nobody who carries sub's nuts around for him. Because the only mention I can find of you anywhere is on the weed nerd thread and on youtube commenting sub's videos. you have no grow journals etc. You are a name without a face. Keep thinking you're someone special though. ;)
lol im still laughin at you, you realize this right? like i said ask a few people who i am. you will find your answer. btw weed grows in real life, not on a computer. so keep wasting your time trying to make yourself sound like a cool guy, your failing miserably

i agree ,
his genes are weak and hermi prone
it all looks good and smells good ,, but no buzz ,, i like to call it fools gold , lol
im Ccoastal. nuff said, im not about tooting my own horn, but ask about 18,000 people that question and see the answers that come in, hell even ask your buddy jim or joe and they will tell you im the man with the answers. i teach cannabis, at a level that you have yet to aspire for. but by all means keep sidestepping the questions i am gettin one helluva laugh out of it.

so who are you? nobody seems to have that answer.


I'm Captain of the Millennium Falcon , It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. I've outrun Imperial starships. Not the local bulk cruisers mind you, I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now. She's fast enough for you old man.
I'm Captain of the Millennium Falcon , It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. I've outrun Imperial starships. Not the local bulk cruisers mind you, I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now. She's fast enough for you old man.

too funny +rep to you sir :lol:
Wow! Are you all naive?? You're all being conned.

MJ is just a plant, nothing more. It uses the same nutrients as all other plants.
Once you're able to accept that, your eyes might be opened to the shenanigans going on.
People like "NotSoCool" are abusing the medical aspect, lie-ing to people, and preying on the ignorant and uninformed.
Wake up, Knuckleheads! NotSoCool is not the person you think he is. EVERYTHING he does is for profit.

Here's just one of many links with NotSoCool ranting about nonsense:
Ah, nevermind. It must have been too embarrassing because now he's made it private.
The proof is out there people. You just have to open your eyes.

As a final note I'll leave you all with this:

There's absolutely no need to buy expensive soil mixes.
If your current soil is lacking, amend it. Pretty simple huh?

Well no shit sherlock. I wish I had a seed company and some of the best genetics out there...hell Id be selling whatever I can to make a buck. So would you...nothing wrong with turning a profit dipscot. He has helped me grow more killer weed then any other single source. He is educateing us about his growing style....and I respect his way of helping people. Profit or not. I someone doesnt have the time to make supersoil or doesnt want to mess with ammending their soil whats wrong with haveing it premade? If ya dont like whats being said in a thread then go over to need to interupt our peacefull thread by bashing someone.

Go bother someone else...nobody needs yer crap here
I'm Captain of the Millennium Falcon , It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. I've outrun Imperial starships. Not the local bulk cruisers mind you, I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now. She's fast enough for you old man.

ha ha, classic

Just to add, I have seen Ccoastals garden, lol... don't be stupid. He's legit.
Yo Jesus

Am i mistaken, or did you grow out some dank ass cheese quake and querkle? Also made some yummy hash right?

First of all, You sir are very immature. Iam NOT looking for your acceptance or anyone else's. Iam a nobody in these parts of the big bad internet and thats ok. I dont need anybody, Even "Subtool" himself to tell me what I should be doing and how to do it. I dont care if he's an asshole or the nicest guy in the world. Its about genetics and how they fit into MY regime. Im not a fan-boy and have no intention of kissing ass, the fact of the matter is that this guy has built a reputation for having great strains, i honestly cant disagree with him. Being as im in the process of growing my third strain by him, i can do nothing but agree. My clients always want nothing but his work also.

Also NO HERMIES. Maybe you get hermies because you fill your plants up with a bunch of useless chemicals. ADVANCED NUTRIENTS????? And your telling everyone here theyre getting ripped off?

If i need a big bad posse of internet trolls to come fuck up such a simple thread I'll make sure i hit you up buddy =]
I did subcool but only an idiot would pay for soil that he has posted the recipe for on just about every weed site known to mankind.

Have you thought about people in wheel chairs?
What about people with bad backs.
These are just a few of the reason I agreed to test the product and have the nerds access to it for testing as well, thats all I have agreed to so far.

Look It still have to pass my testing which means it has to be as good or better than whats in my cans out back that I been perfecting for a very long time.
Then it has to pass USDA heavy metals test. Then it has to not cause problems or Drama I am a breeder not a soil company. If the people working on this project sort out all of these issues then its possible maybe you will see
the product for retail sale.

If you had ever made the recipe you know its work and if there was a product for real that did exactly what my soil does I wouldnt be out back busting my ass and back I'd be buying pallets of it.

Yo Jesus

Am i mistaken, or did you grow out some dank ass cheese quake and querkle? Also made some yummy hash right?

First of all, You sir are very immature. Iam NOT looking for your acceptance or anyone else's. Iam a nobody in these parts of the big bad internet and thats ok. I dont need anybody, Even "Subtool" himself to tell me what I should be doing and how to do it. I dont care if he's an asshole or the nicest guy in the world. Its about genetics and how they fit into MY regime. Im not a fan-boy and have no intention of kissing ass, the fact of the matter is that this guy has built a reputation for having great strains, i honestly cant disagree with him. Being as im in the process of growing my third strain by him, i can do nothing but agree. My clients always want nothing but his work also.

Also NO HERMIES. Maybe you get hermies because you fill your plants up with a bunch of useless chemicals. ADVANCED NUTRIENTS????? And your telling everyone here theyre getting ripped off?

If i need a big bad posse of internet trolls to come fuck up such a simple thread I'll make sure i hit you up buddy =]

I did, and if I'm not mistaken the journal is still here on riu. I really liked the Cheesequake. Great flavor, not exactly a knockout in potency but I liked its fragrance and taste a lot. The querkle I had tasted just like JTR I had grown back in the day. Very lemony. Smelled lemony also. Was not really a big fan. The querkle also hermied religously, much like the JTR did... Figured it coulda been my fault first run. Ran it again and bam herm'd again. Both the JTR and Querkle. Not a huge deal, and it was only nanners not full blown herms. But still annoying when it seeds your shit. So those were the last of my tga runs. I have a pack of dairy queen here I'll prolly never pop because I don't trust the gear in my garden anymore.

As for trolling the thread, stop addressing me in your posts if you don't want to hear my responses.
Give it up bandit.

If you don't like him, cool. The fact that you continue on and obsess over it indicates a deficiency in your life. Maybe your happiness is being locked out by all the negative unhappy people you attract with your behavior.

Find yourself.
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