Who THE FUCK can't swim?!

I personally can't imagine what from curling could save your life... other than the ability to move efficiently over ice...

Good call on the Curling Metasynth...

I hadn't thought of that one...
Karate used to be in the olympics... Its saved my life countless times. Well, probably. Knowing how to fall and tumble.. Knowing how to break an attackers arm.. Helps a lot. What would Chuck Norris be without karate?
I swam competitively, I wasn't very good but I enjoyed it.

My hubby can't swim at all. I saved him at resort he tried to doggie paddle in their pool from one side to the other. You know the width not the length I got to him just as he was going under. Thank goodness for Lifesaving classes.
You're right on that one Mickey.

I don't remember the bible ever mentioning Jesus taking a dump either... but he was a man...

lol! exactly. Not even a single fart. That must be why everybody else but him labeled him the Son of God. And not once was he ever naked and jerking it in San Diego, thats gotta say something.
Some people just grow up in the city and never bother to explore nature or hit up a pool or have the parents who care enough to teach them.

It's becoming more common as the world urbanizes itself. It's sad. I'll always teach my kids to swim.
Okay, but when you find the exceptions, how do you dispose of them? cn

Now that is the million dollar question!

But seriously, it blows my mind the people I have met that can't swim! I have a couple friends that live on a lake, and they never learned to swim. WTF! No currents or crazy rapids. The only thing to worry about is the lake monsters! I understand if some people have a fear of swimming in open water, but not being able to swim in a pool?
i can't swim. no one ever taught me when i was a kid, and when i was 13 or so i was pretty fat and never wanted to take off my shirt so i just avoided the water altogether. then when i was about 18 or so a friend offered to teach me but only after everyone made fun of me and i got all pissed off and never really bothered since.

there's not many places around here to swim, anyway. more public pools close every year and it's only once in a while that i even meet someone who has a pool. the lakes and ponds are gross. when i go to the beach i play in the waves like a 10 year old but i never go past where my feet touch the ground.

just give me a noodle and i'm fine :cool:
it always flabbergasted me as well....there's absolutely nothing to learn. I have a cousin that has no legs below the knee and he could swim by the time he was 7
Karate used to be in the olympics... Its saved my life countless times. Well, probably. Knowing how to fall and tumble.. Knowing how to break an attackers arm.. Helps a lot. What would Chuck Norris be without karate?

Reminds me of the joke about the "shallow end of the gene pool" :peace:
If a child has not been taught to swim, the parents need to reach them.....and if they haven't been taught to swim they are leading sheltered lives. No pools, camping, trips to the lake etc??? Sad...