Who THE FUCK can't swim?!

I don't remember ever learning to swim. I think I just swam. I've always been a fat boy so I'm sure that helped. As said in alot of previous post on this thread, that I for some reason read in entirety, a lot of people are scared of the water. Regardless of where, pool, river, ocean, lake, whatever. Some people just don't like to be wet. Whatever it is, people are weird.
it's for beginners starting out. instructors start you out by having you go on your back and use your head to float so you can practice your arm and leg motions in a more comfortable manner. didn't feel like explaining that in the previous post, figured anyone who ever learned how to swim knows what im saying.

You know I was just having fun, right? To use your head to (technically, as a) float, you'd have to fully immerse it. I'd say the purpose of learning the dead-man float is to use the natural buoyancy of your thorax in order to keep your face, or at least the airholes, above the water. cn
something like that. I can explain myself better but its hard when ya don't feel like typing a lot on some kush stone. those are true words though, you got to balance through your torso and head. I actually don't swim, and am not interested in it at all....so I'll just pass on this subject haha.
lol i hate swimming because my father was a pro swimmer he drilled it in my head and made me do it so many times i find no joy in it at all.
I taught swimming to get through College, I was a AAU swimmer for 7 years but could never really compete for the Olympics.

I only met 2 people I couldn't get to swim.

The first was a very muscular blank man. Damm he was just to heavy. I did get him to swim across the width, but that was with swim fins. The guy really tried too.

The second was a girl from Hungry, she was terrified to get into the water on a ladder in the shallow end. She took my class twice, I think her fingernail marks are still in my arm.

The most fun was teaching the kids in the summer, thousands.

Let's get stoned and get wet :joint::peace:
I've thought this was the weirdest shit ever since I was a kid, who THE FUCK can' swim?!

You live on a planet with 75% water, why THE FUCK haven't you learned to swim yet?!

Your ass has no excuse.

Tell me why you haven't learned to swim yet?! I find it inconceivable! Whhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!?!

I have a phobia about bodies of water. Showers only for me. Oceans, lakes, swimming pools, bathtubs...I don't even jump in puddles dude.