trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
Then why do you need to keep reminding everyone?

Who are you trying to convince? Yourself?
Who are you talking to? There are a couple of little boxes at the bottom right side of each post. If you click on the one that says "reply with quote" when replying to someone, it will be easier to tell who you are talking to.


Well-Known Member
Wrong friend! I wasn't a "Marine".......I was a Corpsman though. I don't have to remind anybody about shit. I know what I've done and that's good enough for me.:joint:
tbh I wasn't directing anything at you, and as much as it pains me to give Hemlock the satisfaction, I do respect the Corps, and I respect you, particularly since you immediately backed him up.

Neither of you have any idea what decorations grace my uniform because I don't need to keep reminding everyone just for some morsel of fake respect.


Well-Known Member
Then why do you need to keep reminding everyone?

Who are you trying to convince? Yourself?
"might makes right"

if they can convince themselves that they could kill us, then that makes whatever opinion they have correct.

for example, if i say 2+2=4, and captain caveman hemmedcock says 2+2=5, he feels, in his mind, that he can make it so by shooting me with a gun.

because a gun, after all, is the most important tool he has. it's certainly not his brain.


Well-Known Member
"might makes right"

if they can convince themselves that they could kill us, then that makes whatever opinion they have correct.

for example, if i say 2+2=4, and captain caveman hemmedcock says 2+2=5, he feels, in his mind, that he can make it so by shooting me with a gun.

because a gun, after all, is the most important tool he has. it's certainly not his brain.
LOL you too Buck you would have never made it in the Marine Corps. So you spew your insults at a man who did something you didn't have the BALLS to do. And do your best to belittle it. Only thing is EVERYONE see right thru you. Your a jealous little man who hides behind a keyboard. 13,000 post says it all Buck. You can try and twist it all you want.
But you will never be worth the primer on the bullet it would take to kill you.
Yeah Man your cool. LOL

Back to the pics of your hero Buck how sad for you


Well-Known Member
tbh I wasn't directing anything at you, and as much as it pains me to give Hemlock the satisfaction, I do respect the Corps, and I respect you, particularly since you immediately backed him up.

Neither of you have any idea what decorations grace my uniform because I don't need to keep reminding everyone just for some morsel of fake respect.
How many rows of fruit salad do you have?


Well-Known Member
...something you didn't have the BALLS to do...
or had the brains not to do, since there is nothing we are doing right now that is worth risking my life for or even fighting for.

i did especially well on my ASVABs, no way they would stick me in some meathead position like you even if i did choose to serve.


Well-Known Member
or had the brains not to do, since there is nothing we are doing right now that is worth risking my life for or even fighting for.

i did especially well on my ASVABs, no way they would stick me in some meathead position like you even if i did choose to serve.
I'm glad you did well on a test Buck YEAH for you. But all that is a placement test it does not denote whether or not you would be in charge of anything, espically a Combat Marine.

Buck Like I told you before I got more reps today pullin your chain than I have since I have been on this site. People don't care for ya Buck. and they are tiring of your BS.

I on the other hand pitty you. You will never be a man like me and Doc, you will always be the wanna be you are on the internet. 13,000 posts in 2 years says it all Buck. You spend you time trying to prove something you didn't do when you had the chance, your a pussy and you always will be and being mad at me won't make that better.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you did well on a test Buck YEAH for you. But all that is a placement test it does not denote whether or not you would be in charge of anything, espically a Combat Marine.

Buck Like I told you before I got more reps today pullin your chain than I have since I have been on this site. People don't care for ya Buck. and they are tiring of your BS.

I on the other hand pitty you. You will never be a man like me and Doc, you will always be the wanna be you are on the internet. 13,000 posts in 2 years says it all Buck. You spend you time trying to prove something you didn't do when you had the chance, your a pussy and you always will be and being mad at me won't make that better.
i'm not mad at ya, i had tons of fun with you today. i think it's cute that you thought you were pulling my chain.


Well-Known Member
i'm not mad at ya, i had tons of fun with you today. i think it's cute that you thought you were pulling my chain.
You pull this comment all the time when you can't think of something to say, your act is gettin old Buck

Not only did I jerk your chain I made you think and when you looked inside today you lacked everything a man should be. But i am glad that I got to tell you if that makes you feel any better.

Gotta go pal got some real people coming over for a toke. But I gave you enough to chew on today. LOL poor thing


Well-Known Member
You pull this comment all the time when you can't think of something to say, your act is gettin old Buck

Not only did I jerk your chain I made you think and when you looked inside today you lacked everything a man should be. But i am glad that I got to tell you if that makes you feel any better.
ya mean, testicles?


Well-Known Member
You pull this comment all the time when you can't think of something to say, your act is gettin old Buck

Not only did I jerk your chain I made you think and when you looked inside today you lacked everything a man should be. But i am glad that I got to tell you if that makes you feel any better.

Gotta go pal got some real people coming over for a toke. But I gave you enough to chew on today. LOL poor thing
It takes more balls to stand up for unpopular beliefs than to kill a barefoot Muslim.

UB is 10 times the man you are. You are a slave.