The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Aye, it's hard to say due to dreamtime jut being a mix of strains. If it were gonna keep cheese in the name i'd go for cheddar as opposed to cheese due to how well the aroma of cheddar evolves as it ages (evolves, so long as we're talking unpasteurised cheddar :D) And cheese supposedly gives you dreams (scientifically disproven but shhhhh) so maintaining the cheese in the name seems appropriate.

As the pollen chucker i demand final naming right :D but you seem to have better ideas than me :D i just keep reverting to black mans nob cheese. I hate the idea of naming strains for publicity. "super mega dominator cheese". I don't like all the strain names of late, seem to be a name that is eye catching as opposed to do with anything about the train.
u cant be namin it after me ill be wantin copy rights lmfao na seriously tho ttt ill only give it a bad name lol

yorkie did u get em pal?


Well-Known Member
Cheers pal sum rep wen ive spread sum lol
sorry bout quality ttt just sum quick snaps taken just to show u how your smokes comin on lad 3weeks 5days in so far mate im thinkin 9 atleast but we ll see ay

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Not a worry at all on the quality fella :) I just like being kept upto date with how my bairns are doing :) You guys all grow such healthy looking plants :) Just make sure you throw a bud over the rainbow and into my lap so i can runit through the bong or vape :) (1 week no tobacco, yeah baby yeah! and i ahve no intention of putting it into my joints when i do start toking again :))

I'm not quite sure what the fuck i'm playing at this evening. I'm knocking the beer abck like a champion (did you know Leffe wheat beer is 6.6%, that's a fucking good number!) and fully aware that while i'm not meant to be at work tomorrow i agreed to singlehandedly cater for a veyr large and very prestigeoud charity event :D Can't see myself rolling down the stairs into the kicthen before 12 tbh :D think i'm just gonna take a bottle of wine with me and ease the hangover out and do as best as i can, always work better when i'm pissed, it get's me singing, and when i'm singing, i cook fucking fanctastic food :D

Herbal Crow: I'm not ignoring your post, i'm just pissed up like a faggot, i'll see if i can reply to you in some sensible manner in the morning :)

Wimb: You are of course aware that we now get all of those discounts and have no need to sign upto this new forum whatsoever, thanks for the codes :lol: i thnk must of us are hppy here thanks :D

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
new forum launched members wanted..spread the link to other people u know in the community

attitude discount code is tc420 12%
og glass is discount code ck420 15%
irievibeseeds is 25% code in the forum

all discounts include stealth shipping..biggest discounts you can get on any forum ..also online shop launching soon with free credit to bu products with the more info u contribute

contest are also up and running for seeds and glass stop by and take part closing is 20th april

pop by register mate be great to see you there and spread our knowledge to other members.
Wiimb you seem to forget that it all started here!

Where's my prize for the SUBSTANTIAL amount of info I've contributed since day 1? And all original work I might add, not cut and paste plagiarism like your posts.


Well-Known Member
Not a worry at all on the quality fella :) I just like being kept upto date with how my bairns are doing :) You guys all grow such healthy looking plants :) Just make sure you throw a bud over the rainbow and into my lap so i can runit through the bong or vape :) (1 week no tobacco, yeah baby yeah! and i ahve no intention of putting it into my joints when i do start toking again :))

I'm not quite sure what the fuck i'm playing at this evening. I'm knocking the beer abck like a champion (did you know Leffe wheat beer is 6.6%, that's a fucking good number!) and fully aware that while i'm not meant to be at work tomorrow i agreed to singlehandedly cater for a veyr large and very prestigeoud charity event :D Can't see myself rolling down the stairs into the kicthen before 12 tbh :D think i'm just gonna take a bottle of wine with me and ease the hangover out and do as best as i can, always work better when i'm pissed, it get's me singing, and when i'm singing, i cook fucking fanctastic food :D

Herbal Crow: I'm not ignoring your post, i'm just pissed up like a faggot, i'll see if i can reply to you in some sensible manner in the morning :)

Wimb: You are of course aware that we now get all of those discounts and have no need to sign upto this new forum whatsoever, thanks for the codes :lol: i thnk must of us are hppy here thanks :D
Told ya lad half an o is yours already regardless of wot it pulls if its all then so be it lets call it a trial run and tbh im fuckin excited to say the least about this the nodes are just as tight as las's lemon and just as fat but less branchin so i think ive choose the best female there was there im gonna be afzer a purple/red exo afzer this run and im positive i can find a fucker with how many i got lol just hope it stones like the exo does if i can find that then ill be £££ in as it ll deffo be a keeper and clone only afzer ive finished lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, you're too good to me cheds :) not too many folk like you in this world. I'll have to make it upto you in some way or other, even if it is in as meagre an act as making you a basket of macaroons :D Fuck, if we're still pulling this summer shindig, then well, as you're aware i'm around for it counter to previous plans so maybe i'll try and cook up something truly wicked for everyone! Although knowing me, it'll be well, shrimp cocktail starters, fried shrimp in a shrimp sauce with a shrimp salad on the side with shrimp for pudding :D SHRIMP! Down a few beers, say shrimp out loud a handful of time and i'm convinced i made the word up. shhhrimp. shrimp shrimp. Lol, bring on tomorrow :D

And thoe were my thoughts on scotias plants eactly, leaves like razors, that's the exo traits coming throuhg without a doubt.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Somebody tell me about Las's SLH pheno (is this the best one?).
I want the most Lemonadey SLH going, I had some a month or so ago and it was awesome. Smelled like Lemonade, tasted like Lemonade and fucked me up royal!

I want to put it across this Exo x DT for some "Lemon Cheesecake" action!


Well-Known Member
You na need to give me nothin lad believe me i dont do it for anythin but the love of growin but hey i do well outta it already and like ive said if it was nt for you id av no seeds to practise with lol
yeah scotia found the exo alright its sticks out like a sore thumb i fuckin hope i find a purple fucker now scotia youve got me goin now hahaha i take it no 1s found 1 yet?? It ll be gods will if i do as i hate fuckin around with seeds lmfao


Well-Known Member
Somebody tell me about Las's SLH pheno (is this the best one?).
I want the most Lemonadey SLH going, I had some a month or so ago and it was awesome. Smelled like Lemonade, tasted like Lemonade and fucked me up royal!

I want to put it across this Exo x DT for some "Lemon Cheesecake" action!
A few words from me (fuckin beasts) check your emails

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
evening fellas, don`t think i can take much more of this sober craic....

don`t drink or do any other drugs so the lack of smoke is takeing its toll, and sooooo far away from harvest....:( only at end or week 4 of flower...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ah well fuck it, i'm gonna be hungover and drunk by the end of work tmorrow, but i've a 1kg faita sat in the fridge waiting to be cooked. Salt, pepper, cayenne, garlic, paprika, cumin, nutmeg, cinnamon, fuck yes! :)

Not entirely sure what is going on in this film, Haywire, but i'm enoying it in that it's not overdone. No 100mph car cahses in the snow, everything is very keyed down and seemingly mor realsitic than most flims. nothing spectacular but certaily worth a watch i'd say.


Well-Known Member
Ah well fuck it, i'm gonna be hungover and drunk by the end of work tmorrow, but i've a 1kg faita sat in the fridge waiting to be cooked. Salt, pepper, cayenne, garlic, paprika, cumin, nutmeg, cinnamon, fuck yes! :)
U lucky fucker ive not drank a drop tonite as work tomoz and sunday and tbh im bisy as fuck so cant be dealin with the hangover lol we ll see how i feel tomoz nite but u know the stella up the shop just jump at me wen i get in there haha