Adios, Amigos

What strikes me as odd is that he got on the phone to a "good lawyer" with the police standing there waiting? And then that lawyer, who couldn't possibly know the facts, said let them in?
If they didnt have a warrant, why did you let them in your house? That was your mistake. :(

I bet they'll test your green beans, the know its weed, quit trying to hide it here so much, its laughable. This is a pot growing forum. Live up to the standard!

I let them in because my lawyer advised me, after talking to the cops on my cell phone, that they would absolutely have a warrant in hand shortly, and things would go better if I just consented to search. And, yes, I'm really wondering if that was a good decision, but there's no way to change what's done. This lawyer has a very good rep in fighting this kind of case, and that's what I based the decision on.

In my last post, I merely related my conversation with the cops, in which I said I was growing green beans. Regardless of what is said here on riu, and whether I really have anonymity here, I was not about to say that I was growing weed directly to the cops, no matter what was going on that day.

Walk a mile in my shoes. Let's see if you have the presence of mind to keep a gang of 5 cops standing on your front lawn while you find a lawyer and get some competent advice. It's real easy to be a Monday morning quarterback.

It makes no sense though...if they had enough probable cause to get a warrant..why didn't they just get one and serve it at your house? They came and asked your permission first? You gotta be kidding me. Someone is blowing smoke up your bumhole!!
It makes no sense though...if they had enough probable cause to get a warrant..why didn't they just get one and serve it at your house? They came and asked your permission first? You gotta be kidding me. Someone is blowing smoke up your bumhole!!
What do you want me to say? I watch TV too, I know you never let the cops in without a warrant. Duh.

My situation: 5 cops at the door, saying they will stay there until the warrant arrives. I call a good lawyer, who talks to the cops and tells me that there definitely was a warrant on the way, and that things would go better if I demonstrated cooperation. So, I can believe the guys on "Law & Order" or I can believe a real local lawer whom I personally know has won many, many dope cases.

So call me an idiot all you like. It's just what I need as I stand here chin-deep in shit.
What a country, this would be, if policemen politely came to your door, and warned you of an impending search warrant.
First time I ever heard of it, too, but the lawyer wasn't surprised. Manatee County Florida is apparently located at the bottom of the rabbit hole. "We're all mad here."

......and don't anyone here try to tell me they haven't seen a tv show where the cops parked themselves on somebody's front steps while they waited for a warrant. If you don't have a law degree, please stop telling my how stupid I am. Thank you.
I had a knock on the door from the local porcine patrol yesterday. Seems they had an anonymous tip about some plants growing in my garage. Long story short, they found the grow op, left with some vegetative matter and tore down my setup like Elliot Ness used to bust up breweries with goons with axes (for those who remember that popular TV show about Prohibition). I mean they smashed expensive 1000W HPS lamps and slashed the tents to ribbons with (no shit) switch blades. Not to mention a lot of other unnecessary mayhem and destruction. Nazis.

A bit of good luck, combined with a good lawyer and a small life savings that is now gone, have kept me out of lockup (pending god-knows-what legal hell waits just around the corner) - this is my first offense EVER, I'm 64 years old with a wife and three dependent children, a decent home (in foreclosure) and a respectable job, so maybe that helped convince them not to lock me up immediately; who knows? At any rate, my growing days are over. I'm ruined financially (staying out of jail ain't cheap, but it's better than the alternative), and at my age and situation there are virtually no prospects for recovering from this financial disaster.

And there is still the possibility that I'll end up behind bars. This is far from over.

In the not-too-distant future, my family could be living in a cardboard box and eating out of dumpsters, because I just couldn't keep my big fuckin mouth shut. I don't know which of my "friends" made the call, but it doesn't's on me.

My fault, I let a couple of people in on what I was doing - I broke the first rule of basic security. I don't know who actually ratted me out, but the fault is mine, regardless. Let this be a cautionary tail to anyone else at riu who is tempted to share his cool secret with "trusted" friends.

And that is the last bit of advice I have to offer. I have contributed a bit here at riu, and gotten back invaluable help ten times over what I was able to give. Being a part of this brotherhood of growers, any one of whom has a superior moral compass the the thugs who play at protecting the public, has been one of the best experiences of my life.

Thank you all, and good luck.

At 64 have you not got the fucking life experience to be let choose whatever the fuck you want to do as long as it doesnt effect anyone else? Im sick of the way people are treated for this plant, especially if someone who has such huge life experience on their side to choose what they want to do.

I hope you get treated fairly by "the man", man, and may whatever fucker ratted you out get shitted on by life.

Peace dude.

EDIT: See the bolded part of the quote above? YOU'RE STILL ONE OF US dude, you're just out of the game for legal reasons. We've all been there for various reasons, but you still have it "up here" and will probably retake your position at the table when legal situations become more "favourable". Keep the head up, you may get fucked by the system, but at the end of the day, EVERYONE knows you did nothing wrong.
like I said...if they had a warrant coming..why would they come out before the warrant and ask your permission? You got mindfucked by the cops and by your lawyer. I don't think you are stupid and I really do feel for you, but you need to know and understand your rights as an American. If you had told them to leave your property, until they had a warrant..they would have had's the law...and I didn't learn about the law by watching television either!!
You may think that I'm getting on you, and I apologize if you feel as though I am kicking you when you are down, but people need to know the right thing to do. Now, the laws may vary from state to state but our constitutional rights are iron clad. People are always whining about how horrible the government is but in reality, what's more horrible, is the people who lay down and don't fight for their rights!! Just because someone has a badge, it doesn't mean that they are above the law. If you had told those policemen..."You are trespassing on private property please leave." they are required to do so, unless they have a warrant in hand, signed by a judge, stating probable cause.
They would have waited, in the street, for their warrant, while you had time to cut those plants to ribbons and flush, burn...whatever you had to do.. fuck I'd eat that shit! Once you said "Come on in" you flushed all your rights away...when you should have been flushing your plants!!!

Tis' the main reason why I went with the power-flush model!!
Sorry to hear that one of your 'friends' ratted on you.. I'm assuming your friends are roughly the same age as you?.. makes it even harder to stomach :(
Stand firm.