
The 3rd group is the group that will take over the world. We are brave, irreverent and not the least bit afraid to get very drunk on a Tuesday night. We are seldom right but we are very loud about it and absolutely certain that we are loud enough. We don't care for facts if they get in the way of making a point about which we feel strongly. We are not afraid to be wrong and we will defend whatever it was that we said no matter how wrong it my be. Beware of conversations with us because they are not likely to go your way and that's how we want it.
The 3rd group is the group that will take over the world. We are brave, irreverent and not the least bit afraid to get very drunk on a Tuesday night. We are seldom right but we are very loud about it and absolutely certain that we are loud enough. We don't care for facts if they get in the way of making a point about which we feel strongly. We are not afraid to be wrong and we will defend whatever it was that we said no matter how wrong it my be. Beware of conversations with us because they are not likely to go your way and that's how we want it.

xD awesome
That's right. When someone attempts to demonstrate how your claims are not based on reason and rationality, you prefer to just end the discussion because you actually DON'T have the evidence you claim to have. Everything you say amounts to special pleading. If you really had something, you wouldn't run away from someone's criticism just because they are skeptical.

nah you got it twisted im not gonna talk to YOU further about it because apparently you're soo wrapped up on what goes on in your brain and what you think you dont bother to read everythin correctly.
I assure you I will never do that. I’m not into the whole 2 girls 1 cup stuff :)

But seriously:

I haven't agreed or disagreed with anything in this topic so far. My response to you was my first post in this thread.

However, based on what I've read in the subsequent posts, it sounds like there are two mind sets here. One group that is basically approaching this as a casual conversation amongst friends where some bullshit and hyperbole will be expected and no proof is required. The other group is coming at this from a more academic/scientific perspective where bullshit and hyperbole will get stomped on without mercy.

The outcome of any attempt to exchange ideas between these two groups seems fairly predictable, and bares out in these threads. You can’t have the Harvard debate team walk into a drunken super bowl party and try engage the group in a discussion about free will. The very thought of doing that is comedic…. yet here we are doing just that.

Given the absurdity of the situation I don’t see any point in getting pissed off about what transpires in here. As maddening as it must be for some people, I find this absolutely fascinating.

i get that i also know you dont have to have a book tell you that somethin could be a reason as to how some things are. just because there isnt iron clad proof doesnt mean it was one of the possibilities
These idiots need a well respected man of science to tell them if something is real or not, kind of sad, isnt it? Its kinda like they dont even have their own opinion of things like these, just copy the opinions from people of the past... Perhaps they are fearful of the unbelievable and unexplainable because accepting something that doesnt correspond with their very very limited scientific sense of reality would alter their paradigm, they would rather keep it nice and simple and not think about things that mess with their head.
Here, this one will help explain things a little better as well.


^ "Uncertainty in the presence of vivid hopes, dreams and fears can be very painful... but must be endured if we wish to live our lives without the support of comforting fairy tales"
These idiots need a well respected man of science to tell them if something is real or not, kind of sad, isnt it? Its kinda like they dont even have their own opinion of things like these, just copy the opinions from people of the past... Perhaps they are fearful of the unbelievable and unexplainable because accepting something that doesnt correspond with their very very limited scientific sense of reality would alter their paradigm, they would rather keep it nice and simple and not think about things that mess with their head.

As one of the idiots you refer to, I am genuinely interested in your thought process here. I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I would like to run something by you:

Would it be fair to say that you don't believe evidence should be given as much weight as we are giving it? If so, what should we be using as a method for differentiating the merits of various ideas? Or maybe you believe our definition of evidence is too narrow and is excluding legitimate data. If so, do you have a definition we could reference so we understand what you mean when you refer to “evidence”? Thanks.
As one of the idiots you refer to, I am genuinely interested in your thought process here. I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I would like to run something by you:

Would it be fair to say that you don't believe evidence should be given as much weight as we are giving it? If so, what should we be using as a method for differentiating the merits of various ideas? Or maybe you believe our definition of evidence is too narrow and is excluding legitimate data. If so, do you have a definition we could reference so we understand what you mean when you refer to “evidence”? Thanks.

ah EVIDENCE! It always seems to come down to evidence for some reason... If I were to say "eye witnesses" for evidence you would say "tricks of the mind". If I were to refer to ancient texts you'd probably say they are like the bible and are wrong. If I were to refer to modern teachings of the divine science of spirit then I would be labelled a new age hippie... Theres really nothing we can do to prove anything to you people because you have such an atheistic scientific point of view, you go back to the words of great men of the past and use that as your platform of knowledge... but we are not in the past anymore... I think theres enough amazing mysteries in the world to make people accept that theres a lot more to life that we just cant comprehend because we have no way to... I think DMT is our best evidence of a spiritual world and of intelligent extraterrestrials. DMT is the most potent psychedelic drug known to man and we produce it every night when we sleep, it is produced from the Pineal gland (aka Third Eye) and it also floods our brain with DMT right before we die... DMT was put through experiments and often the the people using it would find themselves sharing DMT trips and talking to the same intelligent being... My man Joe Rogan explains DMT the best, I have yet to use it but I plan to soon.
Its funny you think us men of science dont have sweet ass ideas. Here, ill give RIU a good amount of time spent on some sweet ideas i have come up with.

God exists, yet time does not... it is an illusion, the only time is now... this moment. we are all just playing a game, we humans call it reality. no one has ever seen god, but you can experience IT. What we experience can never be explained, nor understood even by ourselves. god is merely asking us all a question... a very simple question, do you want to come home? are you ready to stop playing the game yet? In reality, we live out the same lives, over, and over, and over again... it is a never ending cycle, explaining deja vu experiences. When we die, we are born again in the same time, the same person, the same life... until we decide we are done playing the game and want to come home. How do you stop playing the game? You just stop, you sit, stop, and you eventually die of dehydration with the complete thought that you are done playing the game, only then, when you die, can you return to true reality.

God exists, it is the christian god. he has all the atributes of what we humans think of when we think of a power hungry, controlling, jealous selfish human. We are all trapped in a never ending cycle of death and rebirth, living the same "hell" over and over again, yet karma exists... and we reincarnate as something else higher or lower depending on the "good deeds" done while living out our lives, until we make the decision to have faith in jesus, ask god to forgive our sins, and then when we die, we get to go to heaven.

God does not exist, existence has always existed... there was never nothing, always something. We are really genetically engineered biological/mechanic beings with eternal life. (Produced by our super intelligence far off into what we perceive now... as the future) There is a list, of infinite different possibilities of existence we may choose to emulate in massively complex computer programs designed to emulate emotion, pain, happiness etc. etc. We spend our time of eternity experiencing different aspects of whatever our unimaginable imaginations can come up with. (Im going to pick star wars emulation next).

God does not exist, existence is merely the evolution of nothingness. The universe is merely the evolution of existence. Life is merely the evolution of the universe. Consciousness is merely the evolution of life. Acceptance of absurdity is merely the evolution of consciousness. Death means to cease to exist, life means to live as happily as we can before we die.

God exists, god is not a human, creature, nor being. god is merely the sound we give in an attempt to explain the first "IDEA" to ever spawn from nothingness. What we live in now, is merely a dream. A dream of an infinite amount of dreams created by the first idea, branching off into infinite different possibilities... some not even possible from our perspective. There are multiple and infinite universes being born every moment of every moment, each representing a different outcome of reality based on certian ideas created as a byproduct from god (life) Nothing is reality, everything is just a dream.

I have many, many, many more cool sweet ideas to share if anyone cares to hear. But my point to this, is that no matter what i think, these ideas i just wrote about... are just that, IDEAS. There is no amount of certainty pertaining to any of these thoughts. Just because i want something to be real or true, does not make it real or true.

Correct, it is up to me, to figure out for myself what is real and what is not... what is the closest approximation to truth and what is false. But no matter who you are, where you came from or what you think... it does not matter what you want to be true. Unless you have some sort of evidence, or tangible proof of some idea you have, whatever it is that you believe... you are merely lying to yourself and telling yourself it is true only because you want it to be true, regardless of lack of evidence, or evidence found that contradicts whatever idea you cling to so dearly.

It is up to each and everyone of us to choose weather we want to be completely honest with ourselves about what we know, and what we don't know (the wiser ones)... or just believe what we want to believe because its what we like best, regardless of available evidence or lack there of (The fools and fanatics).
ah EVIDENCE! It always seems to come down to evidence for some reason... If I were to say "eye witnesses" for evidence you would say "tricks of the mind". If I were to refer to ancient texts you'd probably say they are like the bible and are wrong. If I were to refer to modern teachings of the divine science of spirit then I would be labelled a new age hippie... Theres really nothing we can do to prove anything to you people because you have such an atheistic scientific point of view, you go back to the words of great men of the past and use that as your platform of knowledge... but we are not in the past anymore... I think theres enough amazing mysteries in the world to make people accept that theres a lot more to life that we just cant comprehend because we have no way to... I think DMT is our best evidence of a spiritual world and of intelligent extraterrestrials. DMT is the most potent psychedelic drug known to man and we produce it every night when we sleep, it is produced from the Pineal gland (aka Third Eye) and it also floods our brain with DMT right before we die... DMT was put through experiments and often the the people using it would find themselves sharing DMT trips and talking to the same intelligent being... My man Joe Rogan explains DMT the best, I have yet to use it but I plan to soon.

It's the bolded part of your post that I just don't get: This 'more to life than we can comprehend', if we can't comprehend it how do you know it exists? One of us is missing something here...
It's the bolded part of your post that I just don't get: This 'more to life than we can comprehend', if we can't comprehend it how do you know it exists? One of us is missing something here...

What I meant is that we cant explain it because we have no way to, because if science cant explain it, what can? apparently nothing can, from a scientists point of view. We cant say spiritual teachings explain it because once again we would get directed to science saying that theres no evidence of anything spiritual.
Its funny you think us men of science dont have sweet ass ideas. Here, ill give RIU a good amount of time spent on some sweet ideas i have come up with.

God exists, yet time does not... it is an illusion, the only time is now... this moment. we are all just playing a game, we humans call it reality. no one has ever seen god, but you can experience IT. What we experience can never be explained, nor understood even by ourselves. god is merely asking us all a question... a very simple question, do you want to come home? are you ready to stop playing the game yet? In reality, we live out the same lives, over, and over, and over again... it is a never ending cycle, explaining deja vu experiences. When we die, we are born again in the same time, the same person, the same life... until we decide we are done playing the game and want to come home. How do you stop playing the game? You just stop, you sit, stop, and you eventually die of dehydration with the complete thought that you are done playing the game, only then, when you die, can you return to true reality.

God exists, it is the christian god. he has all the atributes of what we humans think of when we think of a power hungry, controlling, jealous selfish human. We are all trapped in a never ending cycle of death and rebirth, living the same "hell" over and over again, yet karma exists... and we reincarnate as something else higher or lower depending on the "good deeds" done while living out our lives, until we make the decision to have faith in jesus, ask god to forgive our sins, and then when we die, we get to go to heaven.

God does not exist, existence has always existed... there was never nothing, always something. We are really genetically engineered biological/mechanic beings with eternal life. (Produced by our super intelligence far off into what we perceive now... as the future) There is a list, of infinite different possibilities of existence we may choose to emulate in massively complex computer programs designed to emulate emotion, pain, happiness etc. etc. We spend our time of eternity experiencing different aspects of whatever our unimaginable imaginations can come up with. (Im going to pick star wars emulation next).

God does not exist, existence is merely the evolution of nothingness. The universe is merely the evolution of existence. Life is merely the evolution of the universe. Consciousness is merely the evolution of life. Acceptance of absurdity is merely the evolution of consciousness. Death means to cease to exist, life means to live as happily as we can before we die.

God exists, god is not a human, creature, nor being. god is merely the sound we give in an attempt to explain the first "IDEA" to ever spawn from nothingness. What we live in now, is merely a dream. A dream of an infinite amount of dreams created by the first idea, branching off into infinite different possibilities... some not even possible from our perspective. There are multiple and infinite universes being born every moment of every moment, each representing a different outcome of reality based on certian ideas created as a byproduct from god (life) Nothing is reality, everything is just a dream.

I have many, many, many more cool sweet ideas to share if anyone cares to hear. But my point to this, is that no matter what i think, these ideas i just wrote about... are just that, IDEAS. There is no amount of certainty pertaining to any of these thoughts. Just because i want something to be real or true, does not make it real or true.

Correct, it is up to me, to figure out for myself what is real and what is not... what is the closest approximation to truth and what is false. But no matter who you are, where you came from or what you think... it does not matter what you want to be true. Unless you have some sort of evidence, or tangible proof of some idea you have, whatever it is that you believe... you are merely lying to yourself and telling yourself it is true only because you want it to be true, regardless of lack of evidence, or evidence found that contradicts whatever idea you cling to so dearly.

It is up to each and everyone of us to choose weather we want to be completely honest with ourselves about what we know, and what we don't know (the wiser ones)... or just believe what we want to believe because its what we like best, regardless of available evidence or lack there of (The fools and fanatics).

This was cool. I've had similar thoughts, thanks for sharing. +rep...
What I meant is that we cant explain it because we have no way to, because if science cant explain it, what can? apparently nothing can, from a scientists point of view. We cant say spiritual teachings explain it because once again we would get directed to science saying that theres no evidence of anything spiritual.

Everything that I experience in my life, I can comprehend. You are saying that there are things that you experience that you cannot comprehend. I guess this is the reason I can't understand where you're coming from. It must be scary sometimes to live in a world in which you have experiences that you can't comprehend. I understand that Alzheimer's patients report similar experiences...
Everything that I experience in my life, I can comprehend. You are saying that there are things that you experience that you cannot comprehend. I guess this is the reason I can't understand where you're coming from. It must be scary sometimes to live in a world in which you have experiences that you can't comprehend. I understand that Alzheimer's patients report similar experiences...

lol misunderstanding and twisting my words again, BIG surprise... I didnt say I had experiences that I couldnt comprehend, sure I couldnt comprehend them at the time because I was filled with shock and astonishment, but soon after I was able to accept it as reality once I talked to a few certain people... Now the question is could YOU comprehend what I experienced? Maybe but probably not. I know a group of guys that witnessed and experienced unbelievable things multiple times, they know what they seen and felt to be real yet they block it out of their heads. I try to talk about it and they just acknowledge its amazing and real then they change the subject, they are scared of these things, Its pathetic! Amazing, unexplainable things have happend to them and they are too scared to understand exactly what happend, so they just block it out... I seem to be the only one whos not fearful of the things Im talking about (besides the guy that made those amazing things happen). But wouldnt everyone with limited imagination be scared if something unbelievable and unexplainable happend infront of their eyes?
lol misunderstanding and twisting my words again, BIG surprise... I didnt say I had experiences that I couldnt comprehend, sure I couldnt comprehend them at the time because I was filled with shock and astonishment, but soon after I was able to accept it as reality once I talked to a few certain people... Now the question is could YOU comprehend what I experienced? Maybe but probably not. I know a group of guys that witnessed and experienced unbelievable things multiple times, they know what they seen and felt to be real yet they block it out of their heads. I try to talk about it and they just acknowledge its amazing and real then they change the subject, they are scared of these things, Its pathetic! Amazing, unexplainable things have happend to them and they are too scared to understand exactly what happend, so they just block it out... I seem to be the only one whos not fearful of the things Im talking about (besides the guy that made those amazing things happen). But wouldnt everyone with limited imagination be scared if something unbelievable and unexplainable happend infront of their eyes?

I would love to have amazing and unbelievable things happen before my eyes in real life! I don't know why the guys in your story are afraid to talk about a shared experience, no matter how extraordinary. I do find it strange that while you and these guys have witnessed so many unbelievable events in your life, none of these events have ever happened in front of skeptics/critical thinkers/scientists. There's a guy named James Randy that will pay anyone one million dollars to show him anything supernatural/spiritual. Many have tried, all have been hoaxes. Economic times are rough, you should go get that dough...

P.S. I'd love to hear the specifics of these unbelievable events, please share one or two...
I would love to have amazing and unbelievable things happen before my eyes in real life! I don't know why the guys in your story are afraid to talk about a shared experience, no matter how extraordinary. I do find it strange that while you and these guys have witnessed so many unbelievable events in your life, none of these events have ever happened in front of skeptics/critical thinkers/scientists. There's a guy named James Randy that will pay anyone one million dollars to show him anything supernatural/spiritual. Many have tried, all have been hoaxes. Economic times are rough, you should go get that dough...

P.S. I'd love to hear the specifics of these unbelievable events, please share one or two...

I think they are scared of it because they have simple minds, bunch of 17-19 year olds who just wanna party and get laid... And I guess none of these events never happend to skeptics is because spiritual beings and aliens feel that they have nothing to prove, thats just what I think.

The amazing experiences are kind of a long story... I became friends with this kid who claimed he was a Godly being of higher consciousness, so my reaction was "Yeah fuckn right". But after a few times talking about these types of things it ALMOST seemed like he knew what he was talking about, he would say things that Buddha would say and he was very insightful, he said a lot of things that I already believed in... So I started listening to this guy some more, listening to what ever craziness that comes out of his mouth and see if I can find a shred of truth to it... So one night a group of us were walking to get a bag of weed, enjoying the silence, and I got to thinking of his words. He said it was weird that I had a multi-colored Aura, and he said his Aura was white with golden hands and golden crown. Anyways, when we were walking I thought "He said I could have an Aura like his, wonder if thats true" and when I thought that, he looked at me and said "No you cant, shane" to which I said "WHAAAT??!!?!" my mind was fucking blown to say the least, because he just answered a question that I THOUGHT of... The rest of that silent walk was pretty interesting... I was freaking out that someone was in my head, I felt scared and violated, like I had no privacy what so ever... My mind was in a panic but I kept my composure. My mind started wondering to things that I was ashamed of and I couldnt think of anything else because I kept thinking "Does he know this about me now? shit! now he does because I thought of it!"... So after those thoughts of panic and anxiety he looked at me and said "Shane, your faults are what define you, they are the diamond of your being" ... And those words put me at ease.

A few times after that I was uncomfortable hanging around him because I knew if he was included in my thought process then he would be able to read the thought. We're cool now though, I just decided not to care if he read my mind, because I know he doesnt care, he is completely non judgemental because I know that he knows my secrets (not that Im some freak) and it didnt make him think any less of me.

The 19 year old Im talking about is very unassuming, he is a punk-looking skater who parties a lot, someone you usually dont go seeking advice from. But you cannot deny the kids abilities to read minds and a few other things. He only tells you and shows you these things if you are somewhat opened minded and willing to learn something from it, he doesnt go around preaching the amazing truth of reality to people. He doesnt want exposure or popularity because of what he can do, he just wants to inform certain people in his life of whats really going on, then those people can inform certain people and so on, but its kinda hard to pass along when you dont have the abilities to read minds lol

I've experienced much more than mind reading with him, he said because I had these certain experiences it means that I am special in a way, like he is... Which leads me to ponder "if Im so special, what is my purpose?" I got a feeling Im going to find that out soon...

Knowing these things can indeed give someone a big head though, "I know something you dont know!" <-- that kinda thing. It can also make you question your sanity, I have a couple of times, but I didnt struggle with it often.

Btw... The guy Im talking about claims to be a creation of Archangel Michael... And he has a circle of friends that have similar abilities to his, I am apart of that circle now but I only met one of his friends, the one that he calls his master (master of knowledge that is, he doesnt tell him what to do and shit). And Im looking forward to meeting the other two, one is apparently an Oracle that can tell me more about who I am and give hints to my purpose in this world.

I can go on and on about his stories and what he says to be true, the kid has a lot to say, but I also believe hes not living up to his potential at all. If I were able to read minds, I would become a spiritual assassin and murder the evil ones in power and save the planet, or at least try and shine the light on spirituality and reality, but hes just a skater punk who parties and works 7/11. I dont get it, maybe hes just waiting for something... Anyways, thats ONE of my crazy experiences, hope you enjoyed
17-19 year olds who just wanna party and get laid...

Pretty much sums up my 17-19 year old days.

Granted, I worked and went to school, but the school was mandatory, and work supported the "party and get laid" part of that equation.
Everything that I experience in my life, I can comprehend. You are saying that there are things that you experience that you cannot comprehend. I guess this is the reason I can't understand where you're coming from. It must be scary sometimes to live in a world in which you have experiences that you can't comprehend. I understand that Alzheimer's patients report similar experiences...

Tyler, I have experienced a few things myself that I cannot easily explain, or explain away.
I am not troubled by this because I have no faith in the capacity of the human mind to comprehend all of it ... to posit such is in violation of Gödel's theorem imo.
Of course I have scientifically plausible explanations to hand, but they are tentative, and I suspect them of being facile. So I won't commit to a pure-materialistic worldview ... but I'll be a rather tough customer in re ideas of spirit. I have noticed that people in general have an amazing, driving, at times desperate need to have it all make sense. Imo this drives some into a sort of hard-bitten materialist antitheism ... and others in pursuit of the mystical.

A consequence of this that i have seen is that many people will latch onto ideas or philosophies that Explain Stuff, but they will do so without keeping their faculties of discernment in play. How else explain the massive support for such proven scams as homeopathy, astrology and the doings and sayings of men in black robes? With so much noise, i don't see signal ... but I'm not entitled, or so arrogant, as to say that there is definitively no signal from something genuinely spiritual, not-self. But my capacity for credulity is sharply restrained by my knowledge that we humans have a talent for sensing magic and spirit where there often is demonstrably none. It's my nature to err on the side of caution.

So i live in a world that contains, and has presented, experiences that I cannot fit into an internally and externally consistent world-concept without applying some force. So I content myself with ... not doing so. Some may see this as quitting. I prefer to present it as humility. I may or may not get some answers before my time is called ... but I do have faith that once it is, I get to have an unlimited carefree rest from existence. Let the youngsters take the reins, and hope that they don't run the whole team off a cliff. cn
All I know is if I was ever visited by aliens the first thing i would do is offer a peace pipe and figure out a common language and see if they have any sweet space weed...I would think personally Minds advanced enough to travel through space lightyears at a time would evolve passed the idiotic thing we call violence in this world...Thats the hippie in me talking though...Would be cool to meet one though