Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated

I grew up very poor. I paid for college with my GI bill, my education was paid for with my indoctrination into conservatism. I'm smart enough to be liberal anyway.

Your conservative indoctrination payed for your liberal indoctrination,

Noam Interview at 5:55
It is absolutely true, higher education is corrupt. It isn't a liberal agenda though, it is a capitalist agenda. For example, med students are force fed what Big Pharm wants them to parrot. I would bet that the writers of economy text books make millions from Wall Street. Turning it into an authoritarian academia conspiracy is absurd. I have never seen students forced to ideologically conform and I assure you he took Noam Chomsky out of context and edited footage to push his anti-liberal-agenda agenda.

The show is correctly named...bullshit.
Of course you haven't , capitlist agenda sure whatever you want to call it, but I don't think you actually think that college isn't BULLSHIT do you? (for the most part of course there is exceptions)

This is worthy of it's own thread. Although, I wouldn't want it open for charlatans to comment. I think that there are good things and bad things about the extra bull shit that comes with curriculum. An example of positive effects, business students must take ethics courses in some schools, that is wonderful. It is also along the lines of indoctrination.

I have met doctors (plural) who were not familiar with the word cannabis. One even thought that it was a slang word when I mentioned it. She asked, "what is that?", I replied that it is marijuana and her response was indignant, "well I don't know the slang names of street drugs." I have seen ibogaine restore lives (again plural) in fact my computer doesn't recognize the word ibogaine and there is a squiggly red line under it. Both of these medicines are nearly impossible to patent and neither one of them is exactly a gold mine for big pharm even if they were easily patented.

Yes I watched the video and no mentions were made of the real problems with the corruption of education, only that it is all the liberals trying to destroy America bullshit.
Yea it was pretty vague but I am suprised you don't recognize that they are indeed left wingers, the majority but whatever its not really an important point about the major problems your right...I think perhaps you miss a few important points if you really don't recognize that but this is not really how you would define this so much, more like you wrote 'Captilist Agenda'. In many ways college is a scam because they teach people that they can't get a job without it, In most scenarios thats just not true, you need a job first really, not so much a "job" but a passion. If you don't have a passion then you will not do well in your job and you shouldn't do well in school because your really not learning.

Its not really just the left that pushes this its the education 'cartels' as they have been called and this includes the right. anyway I wanted to write a lot more but got to go
Yea it was pretty vague but I am suprised you don't recognize that they are indeed left wingers, the majority but whatever its not really an important point about the major problems your right...I think perhaps you miss a few important points if you really don't recognize that but this is not really how you would define this so much, more like you wrote 'Captilist Agenda'. In many ways college is a scam because they teach people that they can't get a job without it, In most scenarios thats just not true, you need a job first really, not so much a "job" but a passion. If you don't have a passion then you will not do well in your job and you shouldn't do well in school because your really not learning.

Its not really just the left that pushes this its the education 'cartels' as they have been called and this includes the right. anyway I wanted to write a lot more but got to go

I can dig it, I will probably not ever make a 6 figure salary, but I will heal people. You're right about there being agenda pushers on both sides of the political spectrum. I have read "Manufactured Consent" by Chomsky, so I can't agree with the way they portrayed his views on the film.

fox news launched in 1996.

You are right, what was i thinking< I was watching the news on the local FOX station when I lived in Long Beach, 20 years ago, which has the same hosts since it turned into FOX news a few years later. Guess you got me there, huh. I suppose you are going to tell me FOX didn't exist in 1993 and didn't have the NFL contract too. That's what I remember the most about FOX that year, but you were in 3rd or 4th grade then and probably don't remember much either.
i don't give a fuck about the size of government. i don't think it should be bigger or smaller, i think it should be smarter.

mark me down as a social liberal and a fiscal technocrat.

they are, disproportionately. witness the prison population.

what goes on with a woman's body is between her and her doctor, and no one else.

anthropogenic climate change exists, and we should switch over to renewable, sustainable energy sources yesterday even if it did not exist. that way we can focus on the real elephant in the room, which is water. how do we produce enough crops to feed our ever growing population without water to grow those crops?

it's a pretty malthusian problem that i hear almost no one talking about, ever.

no, your strawboys do not a liberal make. but making strawboys like that all day long do feed into the title of this thread.

i am my brother's keeper daily. i can't help it. i stop at red lights so i don't kill people, i tell someone if they tucked their shirt into their underwear, i share food with my neighbors all the time, offer them help when i see them doing something.

what can i say? i think that the measure of society is how we treat our weakest and most vulnerable, and that no man is an island. the better we do as a whole, the better each of us do individually. "don't fuck with me and i won't fuck with you" is, i feel, not the best way to pass this most important of tests.

you and i wouldn't be on the internet right now if not for collectivism.

edit: you may disagree with me on the "no man is an island" thing, you may be more of the sartre type, i.e. "hell is other people". just remember, us humans are pack animals. i guarantee that if we got attacked tomorrow, we would put aside every single difference we had and bond together instantly to protect our country as a whole.

Odd, but I do those things as well (maybe not the underwear thing). All the things you mention are individual actions.

The problem with progressives is that their prescription is to use the force of government to take from Peter to pay Paul. Government is only too happy to oblige. The failure of the prescription is that government is always a bad actor in this arbitrage, politicians take the public's money and use it to drive wedges between otherwise good people, hence to divide us. It is the game that is being played in the Zimmerman case writ large. The only solution to this, that I can see, is to severely limit the power of government; fortunately, that is what the US constitution is meant to do, at least on the federal level.
Odd, but I do those things as well (maybe not the underwear thing). All the things you mention are individual actions.

The problem with progressives is that their prescription is to use the force of government to take from Peter to pay Paul. Government is only too happy to oblige. The failure of the prescription is that government is always a bad actor in this arbitrage, politicians take the public's money and use it to drive wedges between otherwise good people, hence to divide us. It is the game that is being played in the Zimmerman case writ large. The only solution to this, that I can see, is to severely limit the power of government; fortunately, that is what the US constitution is meant to do, at least on the federal level.

yes to all of this.
Odd, but I do those things as well (maybe not the underwear thing). All the things you mention are individual actions.

The problem with progressives is that their prescription is to use the force of government to take from Peter to pay Paul. Government is only too happy to oblige. The failure of the prescription is that government is always a bad actor in this arbitrage, politicians take the public's money and use it to drive wedges between otherwise good people, hence to divide us. It is the game that is being played in the Zimmerman case writ large. The only solution to this, that I can see, is to severely limit the power of government; fortunately, that is what the US constitution is meant to do, at least on the federal level.

The system is full of improper solutions to problems that do need solutions. What you fail to notice, is that it is the rich living off of the poor. Too many billionaires on welfare.

If I own all the natural resources, and you have to work your ass off to buy them, while I take your money to continue consolidating a monopoly, it is unfair. The government is facilitating this and then putting a bandaid on it by giving the poor a few breaks.

If I have an interest bearing account with a million dollars in it, I can live off of the interest (bank pays me) while a poor person is paying bank fees. In abstract, the poor person is the one paying the rich person.
The problem with progressives is that their prescription is to use the force of government to take from Peter to pay Paul.

the problem with conservatives who are too embarrassed to call themselves conservatives and so call themselves libertarians is simplified thinking like you see above.

i do not want to take from peter to pay paul, it's more like take from peter and paul to provide for basic services that both peter and paul rely on.

you can go on making strawboys all day long though, have fun in your imaginary world.
The system is full of improper solutions to problems that do need solutions. What you fail to notice, is that it is the rich living off of the poor. Too many billionaires on welfare.

If I own all the natural resources, and you have to work your ass off to buy them, while I take your money to continue consolidating a monopoly, it is unfair. The government is facilitating this and then putting a bandaid on it by giving the poor a few breaks.

If I have an interest bearing account with a million dollars in it, I can live off of the interest (bank pays me) while a poor person is paying bank fees. In abstract, the poor person is the one paying the rich person.
What kind of interest bearing account you got a Million in that pays more than .5% interest? At that rate you are making $5000 a year on interest. You must be living the high life on that $5K a year.

You can't live off the interest of a Million , maybe 10 million, but certainly not a million.