Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

i'm trying this tek, and i gotta say, this thing smells. like really bad. is this normal. i just opened the bag after 10 days and just stink came out. i assumed hpoo would be stinky, but is this normal?
yah you shold use older hpoo with the white on it called firefang so it will not smell. your poo was prolly to fresh
Yeah man. Shit or manure from now on. I feel like this is an errant scooby-doo episode. And i'm not really into scooby, or his doo.
well all i could find was dehydrated horse manure. the kinda pelletized stuff. so any suggestions on modifying this tek for the poo i have?

First off. B4 taking any of my suggestions into actual physical action of any kind. Please visit shroomery and check my advice. First off. That pelletized stuff works. The only difference being that you can actually take it and pc it without having to think too much of killing the firefang. At least I think so. This way you can pc it with the rest of your recipe. The only thing that I don't know about is the % amount of h manure that you should be using. I would assume that you would be using the same amount that is in this recipe. So that should be fine. Good luck. As far as water ratio goes. Use the standard field test. Squeeze.
Any tips for stoping the 'dew' from forming on the surface of monotubs? Been taking the lid off and removing the drops, but some small water droplets still remain on the mycelium = not good. Any ideas? I'm pretty sure I got field capacity right, so it's not an issue with that.
Temps seem to also be my main issue. The funny thing is fruiting seems to be the difficult part for me in this whole endeavor. Everything else has been straight by the book. It's just fruiting with the bulk has been becoming my bane.
Just read this whole thread and great info!.
just confused on the tub part.
could someone explain the reason for the holes and the tape? does the micropore tape let out air? and do you take off tape at certain times to let air in.

holes alow for Fae or fresh air exchange during fruiting and tape lets air in but keeps out bad mirobs that could ruin cakes.