The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
They're about 3 months old and the tallest is around 2 feet tall from the top of the pot, they're going into 15litre final pots under 1000w in a 3 square metre tent.

They've had a tough time, the lab's been moved 3 times and I've just sorted a PH problem that's taken 3 weeks to fight.
They should perk up this/next week.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
The Topped Nemesis is looking kicked to fuck though.

8 days ago.......
Topped Nemesis.jpg

And today.......

The wound where "knobhead Helper" snapped it in half down the centre (we've all done it) hasn't really healed properly and it's suffering.
I might have to make some big clones out of it or I'm thinking chop both stems off clean all the dead tissue away and graft both stems back on with clean wounds.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
So my bird is a freelance private interpreter Polish-English, she's mates with a Lithuanian girl who also interprets. They work for the same agency.
My bird was talking to this girl about a job she got sent to do in London, it's a crown court case and the clients name is all she knows before arriving. No other information is given (for obvious reasons).

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
The coach stops at his destination and he's stuck for somewhere to put the "mess", so as he's getting off he flicks his hand as he walks down the isle of the coach.
The "mess" hits an Arabic woman who is asleep in the face.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Some months later the Lithuanian guy has to go somewhere were a DNA swab needed to be taken, maybe a Hospital or he got arrested I don't know anyway......

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
The only way to get off the hook for the indecent assault charge was for him to tell the real story and get the CCTV footage of him "flicking" his hand from the coach company!