Given the potential of alien life, would it really matter wether we can physically visit each other? A phone call would be just as nice. 300 billion stars in the Milky Way gives us pretty good odds of finding life more nearby, too, particularly if you subscribe to Seed Theory. There are even 15,000 stars in our local (100 ly) neighborhood.
But that raises Fermi's Paradox: So where is everybody?? cn
c) Hiding is expensive.
I favor a darker take on your #2:
a) We see nobody.
b) That suggests they're hiding, if they are indeed there.
c) Hiding is expensive.
d) So by being the noisy incontinent equivalent of a newborn, we're targets.
e) For what- I don't know. But the smart ones are the quiet ones.
f) which suggests we'll be quiet ourselves, soon enough.
<edit> Missed your post, c2g ... and I agree.
Depends on the type, active or passive.
I think we would only be potentially harmed if we were either a threat or had something worth taking. Human civilization has only been around 15,000 years or so. We're barely crawling yet.
At the same time, we are saddled with purely Terrestrial concepts of predation. The threat might be of a sort only imagined by drug-addled sci-fi scribes ... cn
I think we would only be potentially harmed if we were either a threat or had something worth taking. Human civilization has only been around 15,000 years or so. We're barely crawling yet.
Considering that we monkeybabies have technologies for both, I'd have to say both will be needed. And both would be expensive for us ... imagine the cost of squelching all EM emissions and then optically masking our surface activities. Unless or until a truly superior masking tech comes along, both will be pricy imo.
of course, a superior masking tech probably can be cross-engineered into an even better detection tech. We should have been octopus-types. Octopodes have a natural advantage in an arms race. cn
Yes so what might our planet have that 'they' might want? If they are capable of efficient long distance space travel do you really think they'd have much concern about wiping out the ant hill surrounding the raw resource they want?
That's the dual edged sword of technology. Sufficiently low tech civilization is passive cloaking. Oh call yourself a monkeybaby I am not completely convinced that we are not a product of iterative design.
......snip........ Planets are at the bottom of an energy well. The REAL resources are in the asteroid and Kuiper belts
Even low-tech civilizations........