after trying dyna gro im switching back to advanced nutrients 2 part


Well-Known Member
are you kidding me? you erase my post but you leave the others? take a look at the thread man. this clowns are here to start shit and that's it. tell me that there is nothing wrong with the posts from these guys! please. so then i'll know where i stand on this forum and gladly leave.
Hello Mr Two months. My name was mentioned in the first post, why exactly are YOU here? You have contributed nothing to this thread except insulting posts so tell us why the only educated people in this thread should have to leave?


New Member
Hello Mr Two months. My name was mentioned in the first post, why exactly are YOU here? You have contributed nothing to this thread except insulting posts so tell us why the only educated people in this thread should have to leave?
you are pathetic. you have done nothing but try and sell your product to people on this thread and forum. on several occasions the op has asked you to leave but you keep trolling your way back. just because you say that you are educated does not mean you are. you haven't contributed anything to this thread but your shameless sales techniques. you are a disgrace. you've been on this forum and others using the same pics to peddle your product. anyone that says different than you is attacked with your pics and the same lame excuses. you tried to pick a fight with the wrong guy on icmag and got clowned. then you picked a fight with phil and got clowned. everyone on both threads said that their buds beat yours. you burnt your advanced crop and they got fantastic plants with them. then you tried to make it out like their plants looked poor and everyone called you on it. you got punked. move along and peddle your nutes in your journal.


Well-Known Member
you tried to pick a fight with the wrong guy on icmag and got clowned.
Lol, that thread was about a product called Boombastic. How many botanists would swear by a product called Boombastic? The only people in that thread who 'got clowned' were the one's who purchased that product.

then you picked a fight with phil and got clowned.
Now that you mention it, why was phil here? He posts in the same manner as you, desperately wanting to be part of the conversation when it doesn't concern him.


New Member
Lol, that thread was about a product called Boombastic. How many botanists would swear by a product called Boombastic? The only people in that thread who 'got clowned' were the one's who purchased that product.

Now that you mention it, why was phil here? He posts in the same manner as you, desperately wanting to be part of the conversation when it doesn't concern him.
says you buddy. everyone in the other thread disagreed with you and a ton of people here disagreed with you. you are so aggorant as to think your opinion is the only one that counts. why are you still here? both phil and i have had conversations regarding the topic with the op. phil was giving him advice and they were talking about stuff. what have you done but troll this thread and insult the op's ability to grow? it's sad and pathetic. you haven't contributed anything to this thread in 20 pages. all you've done is prove yourself to be an ass. buds that were clearly grown correctly and looked great and you'll say anything to try and make yourself look good. the op has asked you to leave. you are not contributing. you are trolling. none of us respect your opnion so why are you still here? the only thing you have done is dragged in 2 career trolls (one of whom looks like it might be your ghost account). we don't care what you think. tree, myself, and phil have all said this. so why stay here? if none of us are going to take advice from you then just shut up and leave dude. you're not wanted. i prefer to take my advice from real growers who aren't here to sell products. i prefer to take my advice from real growers who know that they don't know everything. not pompous salesmen who's only motive on this forum is to fatten their bank account. if the op doesn't want you here and the rest of us don't care what you say cause we all know it's rehearsed diahrrea then just get lost man. you don't have to go away mad...just go away.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
you are pathetic. you have done nothing but try and sell your product to people on this thread and forum. on several occasions the op has asked you to leave but you keep trolling your way back. just because you say that you are educated does not mean you are. you haven't contributed anything to this thread but your shameless sales techniques. you are a disgrace. you've been on this forum and others using the same pics to peddle your product. anyone that says different than you is attacked with your pics and the same lame excuses. you tried to pick a fight with the wrong guy on icmag and got clowned. then you picked a fight with phil and got clowned. everyone on both threads said that their buds beat yours. you burnt your advanced crop and they got fantastic plants with them. then you tried to make it out like their plants looked poor and everyone called you on it. you got punked. move along and peddle your nutes in your journal.
you are just plain dense...hb did a gh vs DG grow with it on his mind to show DG was inferior to GH...but to his astonishment he found his first run with DG outperformed his nearly a decade use of GH and WAS AND ENOUGH TO ADMIT IT AND TELL EVERYONE HE WAS WRONG


btw those uvb lights you are attempting to use for enhancement will NEVER produce enough uvb for any effects

get one of these:uv_meter_62.jpg

and you will see this is true...I use these:

they emit over 400 uw/cm2 at 12 inches

I also use this as well and use it for the entire time the lights are on

This will produce the effect your are seeking which ie more of a creeper effect as well as trippier more up...seems to also enhance thcv levels if the genetics are there as well

now that you can see I could help you would you kindly pay heed and realize the lunacy of trying out nutes for only 17 days and drawing conclusions? that is utter noobness and idiocy...jus saying


New Member
you are just plain dense...hb did a gh vs DG grow with it on his mind to show DG was inferior to GH...but to his astonishment he found his first run with DG outperformed his nearly a decade use of GH and WAS AND ENOUGH TO ADMIT IT AND TELL EVERYONE HE WAS WRONG


btw those uvb lights you are attempting to use for enhancement will NEVER produce enough uvb for any effects

get one of these:View attachment 2150412

and you will see this is true...I use these:

they emit over 400 uw/cm2 at 12 inches

I also use this as well and use it for the entire time the lights are on

This will produce the effect your are seeking which ie more of a creeper effect as well as trippier more up...seems to also enhance thcv levels if the genetics are there as well

now that you can see I could help you would you kindly pay heed and realize the lunacy of trying out nutes for only 17 days and drawing conclusions? that is utter noobness and idiocy...jus saying

real smart. same spectrum but at a 3rd of the wattage. thanks for the "help" but i'd rather get assistance from real growers.


Well-Known Member
you are just plain dense...hb did a gh vs DG grow with it on his mind to show DG was inferior to GH...but to his astonishment he found his first run with DG outperformed his nearly a decade use of GH and WAS AND ENOUGH TO ADMIT IT AND TELL EVERYONE HE WAS WRONG


btw those uvb lights you are attempting to use for enhancement will NEVER produce enough uvb for any effects

get one of these:View attachment 2150412

and you will see this is true...I use these:

they emit over 400 uw/cm2 at 12 inches

I also use this as well and use it for the entire time the lights are on

This will produce the effect your are seeking which ie more of a creeper effect as well as trippier more up...seems to also enhance thcv levels if the genetics are there as well

now that you can see I could help you would you kindly pay heed and realize the lunacy of trying out nutes for only 17 days and drawing conclusions? that is utter noobness and idiocy...jus saying

I like it.....

Kite High

Well-Known Member
I like it.....
a lil more facts and truth for you then

Also side lighting the plants with uvb has proven better results than overhead

View attachment 2150467

And at 1 inch the 23 watt 10.0 cfls only emit 35 uw/cm2 as per measurements with the above meter...the range to produce the effect is 150-500 uw/cm2 which the cfls will never produce at any number or distance... Yes I have said meter and have taken readings on so many bulbs...this is why I use arcadias and megaray zoos...the meter doesnt lie nor does the herb

I keep it at 300-400 the entire grow with the megaray zoo bulbs and arcadias and both thc and thcv levels were increased compared to lab results from control was about 10% increase in thcv and 6% in thc...go above 500 uw/cm2 and the yield suffers with no apparent gain over the 400 level

more uppy creeper and longer lasting high were the effects reported by smokers in comparison

hope it helps...jus sayin

tree king

Well-Known Member
hey tree, what did you decide to do for the nute supplements? 33 or 50%?
i dont even know maybe a should just listen to phillip and try out the 33%. yeah thats what im gonna do im changing the res out tonight. i got a question for you guys, my plants stretch for 21 days ive never done this before but would it be a stupid idea to keep giving them grow nutes up to day 21? the more the plants stretch the higher my yield is gonna be and the extra nitrogen from the grow nutes will maximize the stretch. of course if i do that though than im guessing i wouldnt add the big bud till the 4th week so my plants would be missing that. stretch is real important for the style of growing im doing what do you think?


New Member
i dont even know maybe a should just listen to phillip and try out the 33%. yeah thats what im gonna do im changing the res out tonight. i got a question for you guys, my plants stretch for 21 days ive never done this before but would it be a stupid idea to keep giving them grow nutes up to day 21? the more the plants stretch the higher my yield is gonna be and the extra nitrogen from the grow nutes will maximize the stretch. of course if i do that though than im guessing i wouldnt add the big bud till the 4th week so my plants would be missing that. stretch is real important for the style of growing im doing what do you think?
i'd stick with the bloom nutes but just look for a N additive. since you are switching the photo period the plants will need the extra K in the bloom nutes while ramping up to produce buds. even a basic 1-1-1 like thrive alive should cover your N needs while stretching the plants.

tree king

Well-Known Member
i'd stick with the bloom nutes but just look for a N additive. since you are switching the photo period the plants will need the extra K in the bloom nutes while ramping up to produce buds. even a basic 1-1-1 like thrive alive should cover your N needs while stretching the plants.
tell you the truth its not that big of a deal il just use the bloom nutes ive never had a problem with the plants growing vigorously even when using the bloom from day 1 anyway. thanks nuglets

tree king

Well-Known Member
ok i just changed the res. i measured the ppm of just the additives and out of 300 ppm they make up 40 ppm. im curious if that sounds about correct to phillip. i havent seen the plants since monday and when i just looked at them they got a huge growth spurt since then. i just measured the height of the last crop that i used dyna gro on the they averaged only 21". theres alot of plants in my new crop right now that are already 27". since i still got another 6-7 days of growth i should have no problem getting alot of 3 footers.