you wouldn't know truth if it bit you in the ass.
i'll post the full section in question, along with a link to the bill. then i'll let you, the genius with the big brain, explain to me just how i took anything out of context.
Prohibits the expenditure of Federal funds to any organization which presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style.
skip to about 5:10. ron paul refers to an article in 'texas monthly' written about him called 'dr. no'. you can go into their archives and read it. he fully admits to lying in it.
just tell me: how were they debunked? ron paul bragged about writing them in 1996. he admits doing as much in the texas monthly article i referred you to. now he completely disavows them. but he's still buddying around with neo-nazis during this campaign cycle and he never sent back the money e made by publishing those racist newsletters. these are all facts.
the problem is that there is enough information on a site like this one that no one (save those 17 year olds trying to grow without mommy and daddy knowing) should be able to harvest more than the 3-5 grams you'll pull after 4 months worth of work.
the fact that you did so poorly while frequenting a site like this is an obvious sign that you are a poor consumer of information. ya know, that and the whole being completely ignorant about the candidate whose dick you might suck if given the chance.
say what you want, fact is that ron paul tried to impose his bigoted morality onto the nation with HR 7955. facts speak louder than teenagers who just read ayn rand.
I do know truth when it bites me in the ass, you just don't speak it, so of course I'm not going to acknowledge your fallacies, information-manipulation, and bigotry as fact.
Trying to explain to you, that you took something out of context is not possible, because bigots don't acknowledge when they've taken something out of context. They warp information to enforce their bigotry. You know, like when a funding bill is passed to prevent the wasting of federal money, yet is somehow construed as an act of hatred towards gays or the a forcing of a "morality" upon a people. The bill you're referring to is neither an act of hatred, nor an attempt at forcing a certain morality upon people, but a bigot will make it seem like it is.
So your "voice recording" all the sudden isn't what you originally claimed in regards to what Ron Paul said. I'm not even going to quote you on what you previously said you had "evidence" on, because you're lack of evidence and ignorance at this point is shinning bright on that subject.
If RP bragged about writing them in 1996 do you have a voice recording of that too? If you spent 10 seconds with a simple search on google, you would see pages upon pages of articles regarding the debunking. However the voice recordings you always speak of and his "bragging", is not plastered all over the internet. One would believe it would be easily accessible if it held any truth, as the anti-pauls are just as relentless as the pro-pauls when it comes to publicizing that stuff.
To put it simply the debunking states that while yes, the racist writings were put out under his newsletter, and his name, the writings were not written by him. You can deny this all you want, but a 10 second google search would save you of your denial. I think your bigotry has gotten the best of you on this subject as well though, so keep denying.
Regarding my grow again, I'm glad you're concerned, but yields can always believed to have been higher than what they are upon harvest, even if the yields can't actually be higher. That's just the "more, more, more" mentality of growing a plant like cannabis. You can say "more" all you want, but you'll just never really know.
On a side note, as a testament to how little I ultimately care, I consumed little information, other than curing which I looked up quite a bit of info on. No one needs any scientific guide to throw a seed in some soil. You seem to be angry at the fact that I didn't bother to consume much information on growing, because I didn't care about doing so. Now that's an LOL. Do you have a problem with free will? Yes, I chose not to research the deep science of placing a seed in soil... too funny.
And you can say what you want, fact is that you try to impose your bigoted views of RP onto others. Weren't you just condemning the act of imposing? Eh, I forgot I got lost in your sea of hypocrisy. Yes facts speak louder, and the facts say you're the bigot here.
My popcorn supply is dwindling quickly.