
Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member

How old were you when that happened? Age can be a factor. What question did you have in your mind and what was his answer? How can you conclude from that that he "read your mind"? As unlikely as it is for him to simply have been thinking about the exact same thing as you at that exact moment in time, it is infinitely more likely than what you're proposing.

What exactly did you interpret his quote to mean?

You 'communicated' through thought, but you couldn't hear his thoughts? How were you communicating with him exactly?

What else can he do?

Or, as I suspect, you're either unaware of the mechanisms fused in your physiology that simply trick your mind, as easily demonstrated multiple times, an example being something as basic as our ancestors ability to distinguish between the different sounds predators make and the wind in their environment, beneficial for survival, to today, your ability to distinguish between a bus and a bike without looking, beneficial for survival. All 5 of your senses are subject to change under different circumstances. I'm sure you've even experienced it yourself. Smoking weed alters your state of mind, drinking alcohol alters your state of mind and body, taste, touch, sight, smell, sound, all of them can be altered, this is a fact, there for you can't rely on only them to determine the truth about reality. This is why science is so useful.

Damnit! I really have to tell this long ass story again? well so be it... This happend about 8 months ago and it wasnt really a question he answered, he corrected a statement I thought of.(already an inconsistency, I know)... I got to start from the beginning though... This kid claimed to be a creation of Archangel Michael to which I thought he was fucking nuts then he said "dont believe me? I'll make you my slave for the rest of eternity" to which I said "WTF? theres slavery in the afterlife? the bullshit never ends" We both were kidding of course but I still acknowledged that he was probably insane.. But after listening to him talk a few times I realized he actually had some knowledge about spirituality, more than I had at the time, he would say stuff that Buddha would say and some profound shit like that, I respected him but I still thought he was a little crazy. So I began listening to everything he has to say to see if I can find truth and rationality to what he was trying to teach, and everything he said that I thought was crazy I found just down right entertaining.

So that night when he read my mind, a group of us went on a walk to get a bag of weed. We were just enjoying the silence and I got to thinking of his words and the topic was auras (which I didnt believe in at the time) so I THOUGHT in my head "He said I could have a divine aura like his, wtf does that mean?" and suddenly, out of silence he said "No you cant, shane" to which I said "WHAAT?!?!". My mind was completely blown, I was too shocked to ask if he read my mind so we all just kept walking silently. So on the way back my mind was racing, my anxiety and insecurities took over and I thought things like "Does he know this about me? SHIT! He does now because I just thought of it!". So after a while of that panicked thinking and near the end of the walk, he turned around and said "Shane, your faults are what define you, they are the diamond of your being" and that made me calm again. My interpretation of that is I have noting to be ashamed of, I am who I am, the faults are really attributes and they define me, what I am is neither good or bad, I am ME.

It was a couple days later when I confronted him on reading my mind, at this point I realized he wasnt crazy. I said "You read my fucking mind and I want to know what you know!". I was very excited throughout the conversations that we had, and when ever I had trouble wording a question I would say things like "what if I...uhhmm.." and then I would just look at him silently and he would answer the SPECIFIC question that I was thinking about. Sure you can say thats just a matter of guesswork on his part but guesses arent 0 accurate every single time like he is. That is what I meant by communicating with the mind. One time when I was still very uncomfortable around him because I felt like I had no privacy, I stood behind him and thought "hey buddy, hows it going? STFU! get outta my head you asshole!" then he turned around and laughed and so did I. Its not his intention to read peoples minds btw, if you include him in your thought process then that thought gets sent to him, he has no control over that. I would often think "get out of my head" and you could see his visible discomfort because he didnt want to be in my head in the first place.

I dont know the full extent of his abilities, when he sleeps its a totally new fully conscious world that he lives in, its still earth but its the spiritual side that we cant see I guess. From what I experienced from him, he can read minds and then fully enter your mind/heart, theres a big difference. He needs to be in a meditative state to enter your body. I told him to go inside my past out friends mind, so he went into a meditative state and entered MY mind instead, it was an amazing experience. I heard a low frequency pulsating vibration all around me, and I could feel him in my head and in my heart, especially my heart. In my chest it felt like a warm buzzing beehive of love that was very uplifting, a similar sensation was in my head, best way I can describe it. I was trying to sleep at the time and in my closed eyes I could see a symmetrical psychedelic shape shifting orb hovering over me... He said when I seen that, thats when I felt threatend and my "spirit body" kicked him out, though the buzzing in and around me stayed the same for a while.

And that is the story of my spiritually gifted friend... If it didnt convince you than I hope it entertained you... Well obviously I didnt convince you of anything because those are just my words... so I hope I entertained you lol


Well-Known Member
^^ Have you ever asked yourself why this 18 year old spiritually gifted guy would rather skate and party than use his gift to reach as many as possible? I mean, he has access to this amazing spiritual realm, and he chooses to skate and party instead. Doesn't say much for the wonders of the spiritual...

P.S. Yes, I finally showed up. I saw the TD beacon in the sky over my place...


Well-Known Member
Everyone guessing how this could be are going to be way off because of something that occurs in these situations and that's selective and enhanced recall. It is virtually impossible for anyone to remember any events precisely, especially when there is more going on than a person can know. The mind fills in blanks which is actually information that is inferred, not experienced. Someone here quoted Ian Rowland. As a performing mentalist, he is able to implant suggestions as to what was actually witnessed which reinforces this process that our brains are already wired to do. Of course I'm not a professional, but I have studied and performed magic for over 30 years, the last 10 spent almost exclusively in mentalism. IOW, I have seen this work for me and I'm not anywhere as talented as someone like Derren Brown or Marc Salem, or even people you would never know about unless you were in the field such as Jerome Finley, Christopher Carter and John Riggs. John is so good at cold reading that he has convinced himself that he is in fact psychic, yet he performs mindreading using tricks (he even markets his methods), but his actual "readings" are real. Not only do some people walk away from me thinking I read their minds, when they describe their experience to someone else, many of the details get lost and forgotten. I have had people literally not remember they wrote something down on a piece of paper.

I have no doubt Chief feels he experienced everything he says he has and remembers it vividly. Of course he will accuse me of claiming his friend used magicians tricks but of course I'm not even claiming that, in fact I don't even think that. I am merely giving examples of things we know about how the brain works, especially when thinking something extraordinary is occurring. Of course I cannot deny that his story as presented would be confounding if it happened to me. The problem is that these stories are all too common and these people with incredible abilities are always too spiritual or of such a higher purpose to ever be put to a test by skeptics. Of course the ones that do agree to be tested end up failing miserable, but they are the fakes, the REAL ones would never submit to being tested even if they would make a load of money, which they don't care about even thought they can donate it, etc.


Well-Known Member I THOUGHT in my head "He said I could have a divine aura like his, wtf does that mean?" and suddenly, out of silence he said "No you cant, shane" to which I said "WHAAT?!?!".
That's not conclusive enough. As much as you don't want to hear that. He could be remarking about anything, who knows? No follow up questions were asked.

I stood behind him and thought "hey buddy, hows it going? STFU! get outta my head you asshole!" then he turned around and laughed and so did I.
Again, inconclusive. He could have been laughing about anything, about the way your face looked, something in your teeth, who knows?

Its not his intention to read peoples minds btw, if you include him in your thought process then that thought gets sent to him, he has no control over that.
Why don't you and I set up an experiment with your friend?

From what I experienced from him, he can read minds and then fully enter your mind/heart, theres a big difference. He needs to be in a meditative state to enter your body. I told him to go inside my past out friends mind, so he went into a meditative state and entered MY mind instead, it was an amazing experience. I heard a low frequency pulsating vibration all around me, and I could feel him in my head and in my heart, especially my heart. In my chest it felt like a warm buzzing beehive of love that was very uplifting, a similar sensation was in my head, best way I can describe it. I was trying to sleep at the time and in my closed eyes I could see a symmetrical psychedelic shape shifting orb hovering over me... He said when I seen that, thats when I felt threatend and my "spirit body" kicked him out, though the buzzing in and around me stayed the same for a while.
Sounds really similar to a lot of religious testimonies out there. What you don't realize, accept and/or understand is that these experiences can be created by our own brains to make us think/feel a certain way, couple that with personal biases and preconceived notions and we really do genuinely think we're having a religious or spiritual experience. All it really is is a slightly different combination of chemicals inside your brain. How else would you explain people speaking in tongues or exorcisms?

What it comes down to is what is the value of something like this if it can't be scientifically proven?

If you skip this entire response, just answer that.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
^^ Have you ever asked yourself why this 18 year old spiritually gifted guy would rather skate and party than use his gift to reach as many as possible? I mean, he has access to this amazing spiritual realm, and he chooses to skate and party instead. Doesn't say much for the wonders of the spiritual...

P.S. Yes, I finally showed up. I saw the TD beacon in the sky over my place...
Im guessing that he doesnt want the attention that has to do with spreading all this knowledge. I can relate to him when trying to explain this stuff, you can instantly feel the ignorance when trying to explain this stuff to people. For him to start sharing this knowledge to the public eye is a very daunting task, NO ONE would believe him so he would have to show off his abilities every single time he wanted to convince people. Wouldnt you feel like the MC of a circus if you had to gather a following in such a way? That would be something he has to commit to if he wanted everyone to know these things. So he just tells those who are willing to listen, and all his friends know of what he can do, but they are not willing to listen, they get annoyed at me and him when we have our deep conversations, they know he can do amazing things but its almost like it scares them, they are stupid and weak just like most of the general public. He just wants to enjoy life and teaching is not one of his passions, he got annoyed enough from all the questions I asked him. I do relate to your question though, I want him to teach people but he just doesnt want to. He only figured out who he really was over a year ago.


Well-Known Member
Yes, compare completely plausible claims (plausible to you, realistic to me) to the millions that believe in a fairy tale. Totally shows the logic of my thinking<--- sarcasm... Nice try though... Btw I believe that Jesus may have indeed existed, not under the name Jesus of course. Theres too many characters that have been born on dec 25th, died on the cross, came back to life and ascended into heaven. Jesus just happens to be the most recent interpretation of that character, a very stupid interpretation.
Colorless green ideas sleep furiously, nice that you have finally understood this.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
That's not conclusive enough. As much as you don't want to hear that. He could be remarking about anything, who knows? No follow up questions were asked.

Again, inconclusive. He could have been laughing about anything, about the way your face looked, something in your teeth, who knows?

Why don't you and I set up an experiment with your friend?

Sounds really similar to a lot of religious testimonies out there. What you don't realize, accept and/or understand is that these experiences can be created by our own brains to make us think/feel a certain way, couple that with personal biases and preconceived notions and we really do genuinely think we're having a religious or spiritual experience. All it really is is a slightly different combination of chemicals inside your brain. How else would you explain people speaking in tongues or exorcisms?

What it comes down to is what is the value of something like this if it can't be scientifically proven?

If you skip this entire response, just answer that.
Like I said my intentions were not to convince you of anything, Im just telling my experiences with this gifted fellow, though the things you pointed out may be a tiny bit inconclusive, Im assuming the things you didnt point out were conclusive. Is there any other reason why he would say "No you cant, Shane"? hes not one to dwell on what people say so he wouldnt be referring to a previous conversation (even though he was because my thoughts were referring to a previous conversation). Was he just taking a stab in the dark hoping he could convince me that he was reading my mind? That doesnt sound likely... And when I was behind him and he read my thoughts and laughed, he laughed as he was turning and then made eye contact with me, he wasnt talking to anyone else. If the experiment your thinking of has to do with you thinking about him and him receiving the thoughts than it wont work, he doesnt know you, you dont know him, you dont know who your thinking of, theres also the distance factor. I find myself thinking of his words everyday so he'd probably tell me to SHUT THE FUCK UP if thoughts were able to travel that distance... And if some religious and spiritual testimonies sound similar to what I experienced, shouldnt that tell you of the slivers of truth that lie within religion and spirituality =p. I know, from your point of view it doesnt, just thought I'd say that... And who says it cant be scientifically proven? Im sure if he was willing to be studied than scientists would be shitting their pants in astonishment. Why would he do that if he feels he has nothing to prove? Because he knows hes able to do these things, you only need to prove God to yourself... But I contradicted myself, here I am explaining things when I said my intention wasnt to convince lol Take what you can from the story, perhaps the testimonies you heard of werent tricks of the mind.


Well-Known Member
Like I said my intentions were not to convince you of anything, Im just telling my experiences with this gifted fellow, though the things you pointed out may be a tiny bit inconclusive, Im assuming the things you didnt point out were conclusive. Is there any other reason why he would say "No you cant, Shane"? hes not one to dwell on what people say so he wouldnt be referring to a previous conversation (even though he was because my thoughts were referring to a previous conversation). Was he just taking a stab in the dark hoping he could convince me that he was reading my mind? That doesnt sound likely... And when I was behind him and he read my thoughts and laughed, he laughed as he was turning and then made eye contact with me, he wasnt talking to anyone else. If the experiment your thinking of has to do with you thinking about him and him receiving the thoughts than it wont work, he doesnt know you, you dont know him, you dont know who your thinking of, theres also the distance factor. I find myself thinking of his words everyday so he'd probably tell me to SHUT THE FUCK UP if thoughts were able to travel that distance... And if some religious and spiritual testimonies sound similar to what I experienced, shouldnt that tell you of the slivers of truth that lie within religion and spirituality =p. I know, from your point of view it doesnt, just thought I'd say that... And who says it cant be scientifically proven? Im sure if he was willing to be studied than scientists would be shitting their pants in astonishment. Why would he do that if he feels he has nothing to prove? Because he knows hes able to do these things, you only need to prove God to yourself... But I contradicted myself, here I am explaining things when I said my intention wasnt to convince lol Take what you can from the story, perhaps the testimonies you heard of werent tricks of the mind.
Yet do you disbelieve his claim about archangel Micheal? Wouldn't his claim support Xianity, a religion you don't accept as true?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Yet do you disbelieve his claim about archangel Micheal? Wouldn't his claim support Xianity, a religion you don't accept as true?
I dont accept the religion as a whole, but the archangels are in Christianity, Islam, and I THINK Judaism. There is truth in most religions but I wouldnt follow one because the words and teachings have been so disgustingly twisted. If I were to pick one than it would be Buddhism... My friend hates Christianity, even though theres some truth, Christianity was purposely invented to control people. He said that the God Christianity refers to was killed by other Gods because he thought he was perfect, which does kinda explain the mindset of christians lol. He said the Quran has way more truth in it but its still very twisted information.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
There is no inherent metaphysical truth unless you have the psychological need for it, if that's the case, you just make it up or barrow it from others and pretend it's the truth. Aint nothin wrong with that, cept for the whole lying to yourself part...

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
There is no inherent metaphysical truth unless you have the psychological need for it, if that's the case, you just make it up or barrow it from others and pretend it's the truth. Aint nothin wrong with that, cept for the whole lying to yourself part...
From your point of view, yes.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
its not a point of veiw its the truth .
No, its a point of view... He feels hes lying to himself if he believes in any aspect of spirituality because he doesnt KNOW them to be true... What I believe in I know to be true from experience, as you probably read. Not every supernatural claim can be rationalized with "tricks of the mind", it would be ignorant to believe that every single person who claimed to have experienced something spiritual is mistaken.


Well-Known Member
&#8203;I hate having to conform to societal standards. I always get mocked by the "cool" christian kids at school. Rebecca Jennings called me a heathen at lunch yesterday. Then her boyfriend Scott Frederick came over and knocked my lunch on the ground. It was friggin pizza day too. They always slide tracts into my locker but i use them and 666th page of the bible for joints now. Last week in third block math class Cole Sprigger definitely thought he was talking to god. He was just sitting there looking all stupid but I could tell he was thinking about it. My mom says we can't get the cable back at our house because I was wearing her dress and make up trying to get down Nikki Minaj's new dance moves. She thinks blacks are punished people who can't get into heaven because their skin is flawed I try telling her science proves otherwise but she always says science is a trick of the devil to put doubt in a good mans heart.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
&#8203;I hate having to conform to societal standards. I always get mocked by the "cool" christian kids at school. Rebecca Jennings called me a heathen at lunch yesterday. Then her boyfriend Scott Frederick came over and knocked my lunch on the ground. It was friggin pizza day too. They always slide tracts into my locker but i use them and 666th page of the bible for joints now. Last week in third block math class Cole Sprigger definitely thought he was talking to god. He was just sitting there looking all stupid but I could tell he was thinking about it. My mom says we can't get the cable back at our house because I was wearing her dress and make up trying to get down Nikki Minaj's new dance moves. She thinks blacks are punished people who can't get into heaven because their skin is flawed I try telling her science proves otherwise but she always says science is a trick of the devil to put doubt in a good mans heart.
Who are you talking to? I see no Christians