Obama's second term

Back then, I doubt the solar panels would have recouped their cost. These days the technology has improved and energy prices are higher.
Yes, but as research and technology improve, cost significantly decreases. It was a a start on the right path and I am not honestly knowledgeable enough on 1970 costs to say as true but 80% positive given the Embargo the fuel costs would not have been far off.
So I'm a racist because I say people who lose at life then blame others for being racist against them? Rather than admit they fucked up. No one else is to blame. That's the only racism that exists. I'm not living the life, but it's all me. It's not some illegal taking food stamps, free medical and pays no taxes. Whereas I get fucked by the government. But the only reason I'm fucked is because of my choices and actions. If I really wanted, I could get ahead. But that's hard, and I choose to live an easier life. I choose to have a life with my kids rather than a life with my work.

You live with what you're dealt. It's a shitty life controlling others morality.

White man's burden. It must be so tough for you.
Yes, but as research and technology improve, cost significantly decreases. It was a a start on the right path and I am not honestly knowledgeable enough on 1970 costs to say as true but 80% positive given the Embargo the fuel costs would not have been far off.

Over the life of those panels, they wouldn't have paid for themselves. Energy prices dropped like a rock during the 80's (which is the timeframe where the ROI would come from as they were no doubt extremely expensive at the time). Solar has only become economically viable recently.
White man's burden. It must be so tough for you.

That's what I'm talking about. Really, I get so pissed I wasn't born a race who gets free shit here. I cry myself to sleep. :dunce: But even when given tons of free shit, they still complain.

If I get something for "free" I'm glad. If not, oh well, I didn't earn it anyway.

What white burden do I have? I only have Canna Sylvan burden which is putting up with bullshit, like wondering what possible burden you could be talking about.
Over the life of those panels, they wouldn't have paid for themselves. Energy prices dropped like a rock during the 80's (which is the timeframe where the ROI would come from as they were no doubt extremely expensive at the time). Solar has only become economically viable recently.

Why does everything have to be about ROI? Some things go beyond the profit motive. Otherwise you end up a Romney.
If/when obama wins republicans will spend the next 4 yrs much as they have spent the last 4. blaming obama and lying about how they would be doing everything better while not doing anything useful. if romney wins nothing will happen either. democrats will use him as the scapegoat. if ron paul wins...he wont, why waste my time typing anything?
They shouldn't be put on in the first place!

Those solar panels will never recoup the cost to the taxpayers.

True engineers have proven that a solar panels will never create enough energy in their lifetime comparable to the energy used to create one.
True engineers have proven that a solar panels will never create enough energy in their lifetime comparable to the energy used to create one.
that is interesting, tbh i had never even thought of that angle when looking at solar panels. when were these studies done? do you have a link? how long ago was this study? i would like to read more. thanks
True engineers have proven that a solar panels will never create enough energy in their lifetime comparable to the energy used to create one.

The same way that making the batteries for electric cars creates more polution than the gas burning cars that they replace.
that is interesting, tbh i had never even thought of that angle when looking at solar panels. when were these studies done? do you have a link? how long ago was this study? i would like to read more. thanks

The fill factor is defined as the ratio of the actual maximum obtainable power, to the product of the open circuit voltage and short circuit current. This is a key parameter in evaluating the performance of solar cells. Typical commercial solar cells have a fill factor > 0.70. Grade B cells have a fill factor usually between 0.4 to 0.7. The fill factor is, besides efficiency, one of the most significant parameters for the energy yield of a photovoltaic cell.[SUP][14][/SUP] Cells with a high fill factor have a low equivalent series resistance and a high equivalent shunt resistance, so less of the current produced by light is dissipated in internal losses.

Single p-n junction crystalline silicon devices are now approaching the theoretical limiting power efficiency of 33.7%, noted as the Shockley–Queisser limit in 1961. In the extreme, with an infinite number of layers, the corresponding limit is 86% using concentrated sunlight.[SUP][15]

[/SUP]High-efficiency solar cells are of interest to decrease the cost of solar energy. Many of the costs of a solar power plant are proportional to the area of the plant; a higher efficiency cell may reduce area and plant cost, even if the cells themselves are more costly. Efficiencies of bare cells, to be useful in evaluating solar power plant economics, must be evaluated under realistic conditions. The basic parameters that need to be evaluated are the short circuit current, open circuit voltage.[SUP][17][/SUP]

True engineers have proven that a solar panels will never create enough energy in their lifetime comparable to the energy used to create one.

Solar cells have already reached 33.9% efficiency, which surpasses the theoretical limit of 33.7%. Solar cells continue to get cheaper, despite greater efficiency.
Solar cells have already reached 33.9% efficiency, which surpasses the theoretical limit of 33.7%. Solar cells continue to get cheaper, despite greater efficiency.

wow i wish i got back 33.9% of the money Obama spent on a futile resource... and are we talking closed circuit usable energy...

the skewed numbers you encounter incorporated government subsidies that make them look more efficient per dollar.
Over the life of those panels, they wouldn't have paid for themselves. Energy prices dropped like a rock during the 80's (which is the timeframe where the ROI would come from as they were no doubt extremely expensive at the time). Solar has only become economically viable recently.
You are not factoring in the costs of two oil wars.
Over the life of those panels, they wouldn't have paid for themselves. Energy prices dropped like a rock during the 80's (which is the timeframe where the ROI would come from as they were no doubt extremely expensive at the time). Solar has only become economically viable recently.
and hold up, solar has only become economically viable recently due to the complete hault of research after Ronnie tore out the solar panels and declare us an oil lovin nation. We would have arrived at the same decrease of costs somewhere around 1982 so screw oil costs of the 80s who needs any oil costs? Except hemp oil but that is negligable and another green energy.
That's what I'm talking about. Really, I get so pissed I wasn't born a race who gets free shit here. I cry myself to sleep. :dunce: But even when given tons of free shit, they still complain.

If I get something for "free" I'm glad. If not, oh well, I didn't earn it anyway.

What white burden do I have? I only have Canna Sylvan burden which is putting up with bullshit, like wondering what possible burden you could be talking about.
I be as white as white can be and get me lots of free shit. The majority of government hand outs go to rural whites. If one race attempts genocide on another the survivors are still SOL as to education and opportunity which handicapps the decendants for generations. If one race enslaves another and then denies them full citizen rights for a century, same raw deal. And the free shit consists of less than a G a month, 160% below poverty level, BS medical care although better than none, a few hundred for food stamps if your family is large enough and free school lunches and some college grants. Oh and 0% taxes - Are you serious?
wow i wish i got back 33.9% of the money Obama spent on a futile resource... and are we talking closed circuit usable energy...

the skewed numbers you encounter incorporated government subsidies that make them look more efficient per dollar.
No that be ethenol subsidies. It costs virtually the same fossil fuel oil to produce the crap as it actually produces.
True engineers have proven that a solar panels will never create enough energy in their lifetime comparable to the energy used to create one.
I'll bite, who are these true engineers? Assuming you are correct, would you say all the brilliant Profs who taught me quite the opposite are in the conspiracy or are they completely gullible? When they go out into the field, are they scewing the numbers or is Big Bro changing them while they sleep? Pa leeze