Obama's second term

I be as white as white can be and get me lots of free shit.

I guess I need to step up my whore game. The only "handout" I get is the earned income credit. But I'd gladly give it up for the government giving up corparate handouts, like in the medical scam. I pay premiums, a deductible and 20% of the bill. Before government stepped in, people were paying less than the 20% out of pocket. What people don't get, nothing's free. You end up paying in the end with higher taxes and government fees. Most of the gas price is tax. $2.00 gas would be here if no taxes were applied.
I guess I need to step up my whore game. The only "handout" I get is the earned income credit. But I'd gladly give it up for the government giving up corparate handouts, like in the medical scam. I pay premiums, a deductible and 20% of the bill. Before government stepped in, people were paying less than the 20% out of pocket. What people don't get, nothing's free. You end up paying in the end with higher taxes and government fees. Most of the gas price is tax. $2.00 gas would be here if no taxes were applied.

you state nothing is free, you point out the gas tax, but forget to mention what it funds.

you think roads and bridges build, maintain and repair themselves?

The fill factor is defined as the ratio of the actual maximum obtainable power, to the product of the open circuit voltage and short circuit current. This is a key parameter in evaluating the performance of solar cells. Typical commercial solar cells have a fill factor > 0.70. Grade B cells have a fill factor usually between 0.4 to 0.7. The fill factor is, besides efficiency, one of the most significant parameters for the energy yield of a photovoltaic cell.[SUP][14][/SUP] Cells with a high fill factor have a low equivalent series resistance and a high equivalent shunt resistance, so less of the current produced by light is dissipated in internal losses.

Single p-n junction crystalline silicon devices are now approaching the theoretical limiting power efficiency of 33.7%, noted as the Shockley–Queisser limit in 1961. In the extreme, with an infinite number of layers, the corresponding limit is 86% using concentrated sunlight.[SUP][15]

[/SUP]High-efficiency solar cells are of interest to decrease the cost of solar energy. Many of the costs of a solar power plant are proportional to the area of the plant; a higher efficiency cell may reduce area and plant cost, even if the cells themselves are more costly. Efficiencies of bare cells, to be useful in evaluating solar power plant economics, must be evaluated under realistic conditions. The basic parameters that need to be evaluated are the short circuit current, open circuit voltage.[SUP][17][/SUP]

Wikipedia is hardly an acceptable source.

however, if it were correct, you are completely overlooking AGAIN, that these super efficient cells would have likely been around a few decades by now if not for Ronnie.

Next, as China India etc become more dependant on black gold demand will increase while supply can only decrease forcing prices to climb and climb.

Also, when you finally rape Mother Earth of black gold what will you do then? Start researching? Thank us for doing your work now
I'll bite, who are these true engineers? Assuming you are correct, would you say all the brilliant Profs who taught me quite the opposite are in the conspiracy or are they completely gullible? When they go out into the field, are they scewing the numbers or is Big Bro changing them while they sleep? Pa leeze

go ahead and prove thermodynamics wrong then get back to me..durr thing get hot in sunlight:dunce:
show me the ways of your almighty ITT professors

the point is spend money in nuclear , wind & hydro.
I guess I need to step up my whore game. The only "handout" I get is the earned income credit. But I'd gladly give it up for the government giving up corparate handouts, like in the medical scam. I pay premiums, a deductible and 20% of the bill. Before government stepped in, people were paying less than the 20% out of pocket. What people don't get, nothing's free. You end up paying in the end with higher taxes and government fees. Most of the gas price is tax. $2.00 gas would be here if no taxes were applied.
Wow, I am a low class whore, bummer.

Before government stepped in Dr's were paid in chickens. Growing up my folks paid reasonable premiums and I had no co pay even at the dentist and brand prescriptions were $5

My first 3 jobs were not so generous but no complaints. After Hillary tried to reform the greedy crooks I mean Insurance companies they changed the Biz plan to get all the cash we can as quickly as we can before the party ends. My 3rd job was flying for an Insurance Agency I couldn't stomach. Pilots are just hired help too, they talk freely in front of us either oblivious we speak English too or just so cocky they don't give a shit. I felt like a high class whore in those days.

So you be better than me because you only get some dumb tax loophole as a handout? I was laid off from a very specialized Career. I tried to get back into the work force by completing more higher education where I accepted the handout of subsidized loans. There are very few job opportunities for highly skilled and educated peeps and they continue to dwindle. Because of dreaded TURNOVER it is very difficult to find work at a supermarket and such. They don't expect you to stay long ignoring the fact there is no where to go. Over half of recent college grads are either unemployed or underemployed and 80% moved back in with the parents.

why do you think there is an Occupy?

Now I could become a sex whore, alas it is likely my only option or let Pride keep me stubbornly on the streets starving begging for handouts.

Yup, you are by far the most qualified and deserving of a livable income. I did not take these handouts until three gardens were screwed by three different greedy acts, and they didn't have Cannabis Industry Insurance then. I will stop taking them when it is a stable source of income once again. This is why we have the safety net. And between you and me, I paid more in taxes than I've recieved and donated compassion to more needy patients than you've likely sold.

Wikipedia is hardly an acceptable source.

however, if it were correct, you are completely overlooking AGAIN, that these super efficient cells would have likely been around a few decades by now if not for Ronnie.

Next, as China India etc become more dependant on black gold demand will increase while supply can only decrease forcing prices to climb and climb.

Also, when you finally rape Mother Earth of black gold what will you do then? Start researching? Thank us for doing your work now

well according to you we will rape her of silicon and gallium
you state nothing is free, you point out the gas tax, but forget to mention what it funds.

you think roads and bridges build, maintain and repair themselves?


You think you're so damn clever with that LOL. Gas used to be cheap and not get overly taxed. OMA, Oregon has no sales tax, it must be on the brink of collapse!

Maybe get rid of the African hand job tax for one, hmmm? Lots of other pork could go away. How about Obama pays for his own damn vacations with his salary like I have to? Naw, those greedy politician fucks need every cent they can steal from me! What was I thinking. The biggest shocker, how about taxing the corporations who profit off the roads, pay? Instead of taxing the ever living shit out of the more efficient diesel. No way! Cause only semis and other commercial delivery trucks use it. Screw all that, punish the poor, like Canna Sylvan at the pump so politicians can stick their dick in Thai little boy ass. That's the American way!
You think you're so damn clever with that LOL. Gas used to be cheap and not get overly taxed. OMA, Oregon has no sales tax, it must be on the brink of collapse!

Maybe get rid of the African hand job tax for one, hmmm? Lots of other pork could go away. How about Obama pays for his own damn vacations with his salary like I have to? Naw, those greedy politician fucks need every cent they can steal from me! What was I thinking. The biggest shocker, how about taxing the corporations who profit off the roads, pay? Instead of taxing the ever living shit out of the more efficient diesel. No way! Cause only semis and other commercial delivery trucks use it. Screw all that, punish the poor, like Canna Sylvan at the pump so politicians can stick their dick in Thai little boy ass. That's the American way!
How about W give back 1/2 of what we paid him for all of his vacations? Are you bloody serious? the African hand job tax for one rofl do you have someone from Africa jerk you off so that taxes can be pried from you greedy hand?
Bucky actually agrees with that tax, which is why I brought it up. It's a preventative tax or something.

we're teaching hygiene to areas highly effected by AIDS. not only will less people die a horrible death, but it will decrease the amount of aid money we send over there in time since we are combatting the disease that has us sending aid money.

it's called an investment. i bet you would have been opposed to me putting a grand on my credit card when i got laid off a few years back to build a cabinet and buy some lights. but guess what? that grand has paid itself back many, many times over. not to mention the extra demand i inject into the market when i buy soil, replacement bulbs, electric, etc.

win win.

edit: and it's not a tax, baby einstein. it was included in the ARRA, so chances are it will expire some time, much like those EIC breaks you benefitted from but missed in your taxes. that's because obama doesn't go waving his dick around every time he does something to make your life easier.
ARRA wasn't funded by taxes? I forgot, government feel good programs are paid for by the liberal fairy.

I need to be on my knees pointed towards Mecca praising getting money back already stolen from me
Well if Obama wins another term , corporate ameria will continue to rape america and elected officials will continue to ignore the will of the people only to represent special interest, big banks, big pharma, etc...corruption will continue to get worse in government, we will lose more of our civil liberties and be imprisoned en mass for the sake of corporate profit if .

There will be a massive medical marijuana crackdown with the IRS and DEA jointly they will raid us all and kill our dogs and say we are not within the state guidelines, from there many of us will finally meet eachother at a large prison complex owned by Monsanto, we will beat unclebuck merciliessly for even suggesting that Obama would do something positive for the people or marijuana and for voting for him.

There will be a national drive to stop car crashes, the government will convince us that we need more speed limit signs. Every 50FT the speed limit will rapidly change turning every area into some kind of sick speed trap and we will all be constantly pulled over and given a full cavity body searches by the TSA.

The internet will probably be shut down all togather, youtube will only feature addresses from mein fuher Obama and we will go to war with Iran and probably a new domestic war such as the war on drugs and terror will form, next will be the war on Soccer Moms, we will all band togather as a country to put soccer in is place, "Europe", the evils of soccer will be fought against for many decades to come, Soccer players will attack inoccent civilians at shopping malls with headbuts, reverse kicks, and windmill kicks, this will be played on slow motion repeat on the news every night....the same thing will happen if we elect Mitt Romney...so thats my prediction, if we don't elect a libertarian then things will just keep getting worse because we will just keep doing the same shit.

Or maybe things will just stay the same pretty much...but how is that much different when this is our ultimate destiny?
Re-elections are simple equation. The challenger only has promises. The Incumbent just defends his record. So, let's talk about Obama's achievements.

I'd like to start off, but, I'm drawing a blank.
Re-elections are simple equation. The challenger only has promises. The Incumbent just defends his record. So, let's talk about Obama's achievements.

I'd like to start off, but, I'm drawing a blank.

He's shredded the constitution at a pace that I'm sure GWB is envious of. He has made unprecedented claims of executive authority as well.
Lets look at the big picture. Obama or mittens?

Mittens will fuck us way worse than Obama. With the exception of mitt helping the economy by raising taxes the dude will destroy everything else starting with mmj he has stated that many times. If Romney does not care about truely sick people then what will he do to the poor/"middle class" who are just trying to make it.

Romney as president scares the shit outta me. Obama may not be the best but he seems to be the best choice of the 2. Just IMO.
Romney is not the answer,but Obummer is a liar! He said he would stop the raids on medical marijuana! He told the black's he would make life better for them! There have been all kinds of raids since he took office and he has;nt done a damn thing for the black's.. He is a liar! He has'nt done a damn thing about the illegal immigrants and wants to grant citizenship to them, Million's of ungrateful welfare receiveing pig's that think they are doing us a favor by being here! Everytime they have a protest they march with the mexican flag, wtf! If your so damn proud of mexico, why the hell are you here? This is america, not mexico! These people are using up our welfare system and taking jobs away from tax paying american citizens, and sending the majority of the money to mexico every week without paying taxes! I want to laugh everytime I hear someone say they work so hard! Depending on where they send the money in mexico, its a 20 - 30 to 1 exchange rate, who would'nt work hard for that kind of money? What happens to an american that is caught in mexico without a passport? They throw your ass in jail to extort money from your family or they just kill you! Sure they work hard,but are'nt doing a damn thing to help our economy! Obama wants to grant citizenship to million's of people that have come here illegally! If they came here with greencards and paid income tax I would'nt have a problem with it,but millions of them did not! I cant beleive anyone would want to vote for this liar again! He said he would bring change and boy has he! He has effectivly wiped out the middle class and is working on taking away all of our rights.. Vote for a third party! I think Ron Paul is going to run for a third party! I think Obama has wasted enuf of the tax payers money! I hope the supreme court rules in favor of arizona's wishes! Then maybe the rest of the country will follow suit and there will be work for the american people again, and our wages can stimulate our own economy instead of mexico's! Oh yeah, if your an illegal immigrant reading my post and dont like it,to f***ing bad! Go back where you came from and fly your damn flag in mexico! And just for the record I have black relatives,American indian relatives and many american born mexican friend's! Im not prejudice, just sick of the bullshit!