Left-handers are more quick and intelligent than Right-handers. FACT


Well-Known Member
well what if your ambidextrous? Do you get the worst of both or the best of both,meaning mental problems or physical,or are there more benefits than problems with being ambidextrous?
Yeah I'd like to know this...i'm ambidextrous :blsmoke:

I don't see how being ambidextrous would impact you negatively...


Well-Known Member
​If lefties were so smart they wouldn't have ink all over their hands when they write.
Those style of Rickenbacker's have got to be the ugliest guitars out there. And it's even worse when you consider the ridiculous price someone had to pay to buy it.
I'm less for the style but since I play music I've been around guitar design. It has a great sound and thats the most important starting at whether its a neck-thru-body model. Thats top end. True top end. Then theres the top ply of figured woods for price, and standard circuitry for the sound. A les paul must sound like a Les Paul, otherwise the body style is used by Hamer and a few others. The point I was working on is that I'm totally into metal and grind and death/black rock.. the ever known BC Rich Warlock is iconic. However, the Schecter Sinister gates Model has a much better sound, its a moderate body style simialr to the BC rich Mockingbird, and less heavy w/ seven strings. A true musician will know when the cost is too much; its the first ply of triple A figured wood on the top.


Well-Known Member
Most LEFT handers use their RIGHT hand to masterbate ...FACT !!
If i were still a teenager i would of replied
i used my left hand to finger your mum last night FACT !!
your dad was there too, and i can testify that he is ambidextrous

peace lol :)


Active Member
​If lefties were so smart they wouldn't have ink all over their hands when they write.
Ahhh, but you see us Lefties have solved this by using our incredible spacial relationship skills by rotating what we are writing on. We can also read upside-down and backwards.

Personally, I'm fairly ambidextrous; I shoot righty, use scissors as a righty, write left (but can write righty), can lead with either hand (muay thai, boxing), kick a soccer ball lefty, eat with my left...etc...

With that said I've know some dumb as rocks lefties.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
C'mon mate, It's not hard to lead with either hand in martial arts...

If you don't train for both then you disadvantage yourself...


Well-Known Member
I write with my left, catch w/ my left, masturbate with my left (mostly). Stronger in my right, throw with my right, use right to grab items more often.

in Short, my Left arm/hand is more precise & delicate. My right is more of a heavy tasker. Right arm is lead-punching arm

I was able to write w/ my right & left when younger, I now use my left only.


Well-Known Member
I am a South Paw, but I do not subscribe to the 'Left-Handers are exeptionally gifted' malarkey.

Mickey Mantle was one of the greatest baseball players EVER, and he hit from both sides of the plate.

On the plus side, I always know when someone else has been using my computer because the mouse is on the wrong side of the keyboard.

Being Left-handed in a Right-handed world has its drawbacks, however.

For the record, I slap the bishop with my Left hand.


Well-Known Member
Have any left handers ever used left handed scissors? Always wanted to try them, I can't cut paper in a straight line for shit.


Well-Known Member
It is not all left handed people, It is just that Left handed people have a higher percentage of geniuses... Left handed people are also more likely to be insane...
A lot of great minds end up going insane. Most chess masters it seems they eventually break down mentally. I'm sure it's because they see every possible move in more than just chess.

putrid retch

Active Member
I have to agree with the OP. I know that left-handed people are in their RIGHT frame-of-mind. The 1 bad thing about being left-handed (which I am) is trying to write on paper that's on a clipboard. Not sure about the rest of you left-handers, but when I write, my hand always gets in the way of the clip on the clipboard. I know when I was a kid learning to write (circa 1959), the teachers would always tell us to slant the paper to the right. Having that on the desk, I'd have to turn my hand all the way around to the top of the paper in order to write. Teachers didn't take into account a left-handed student. So now I take the clipboard & turn it upside-down & clip the paper by the bottom.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
​If lefties were so smart they wouldn't have ink all over their hands when they write.
lol. my mother grew up in the 40s when schools still used inkwells to write. she's left handed so she made a super mess and they never accepted her papers. so she figured out this way to write where she contorts her hand as to write "from above". it looks like she has some kind of palsy but she doesn't get a hand full of ink that way.

I am a South Paw, but I do not subscribe to the 'Left-Handers are exeptionally gifted' malarkey.

Mickey Mantle was one of the greatest baseball players EVER, and he hit from both sides of the plate.

On the plus side, I always know when someone else has been using my computer because the mouse is on the wrong side of the keyboard.

Being Left-handed in a Right-handed world has its drawbacks, however.

For the record, I slap the bishop with my Left hand.

i've always found sports to be a strange example of hand dominance. it always seems to blow common conceptions out of the water. the amount of righties who bat left in baseball is pretty high. many switch hitters identify dominance with a single hand.

we are born with a preference, but a lot of us have a very easy time adapting to using our other hand. i started smoking with my left hand just because i refuse to use the ashtray in the car because it smells. now i always smoke with my left hand.

i also unscrew jars with my left hand. is that normal or what?