Obama: "I think same sex couples should be abe to get married


Well-Known Member
Why can't bigots at least be consistent?

Black people are different so Bi-racial marriage is wrong, lets make them only marry each other.

Homosexuals are different so gay marriage is wrong, lets make them only marry us...


New Member
finally, you said something not completely ridiculous.

yes, the equal protection clause does refer to laws implemented by the governments of the states. what it says it that any person under the jurisdiction of those states must be protected by those laws equally.

since one group of people (heterosexuals) can marry, and another group of people (homosexuals) can't marry, it is clear as day that the persons under the jurisdiction of those laws are not being equally protected.

LOL I've said the same thing from the very beginning, you just did a little research and now understand it.
And no I don't agree. The US Constitution does not distinguish gays as a class (not group)of people, therefore no basis for discrimination, or a violation of the 5th amendment.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Why can't bigots at least be consistent?

Black people are different so Bi-racial marriage is wrong, lets make them only marry each other.

Homosexuals are different so gay marriage is wrong, lets make them only marry us...
What the fuck is going on with this country? I just saw today a pastor saying that giving women the vote was a mistake. Has the GOP lost its fucking mind?


Well-Known Member
LOL I've said the same thing from the very beginning, you just did a little research and now understand it.
And no I don't agree. The US Constitution does not distinguish gays as a class (not group)of people, therefore no basis for discrimination, or a violation of the 5th amendment.
yeah buddy, i didn't do any new research, you just stopped making idiotic statements that disagreed with the very straightforward text of the 14th amendment.

please do tell how the 5th amendment enters in here. this i have to hear.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
LOL I've said the same thing from the very beginning, you just did a little research and now understand it.
And no I don't agree. The US Constitution does not distinguish gays as a class (not group)of people, therefore no basis for discrimination, or a violation of the 5th amendment.
I didn't realize the Constitution distinguishes heteros as a class of people.


Well-Known Member
What the fuck is going on with this country? I just saw today a pastor saying that giving women the vote was a mistake. Has the GOP lost its fucking mind?
demographics are king in politics, and the GOP lost that fight. but they're going down swinging. flailing, more like it.

that pastor who says giving women the vote was a mistake is fluffy clouds and unicorns compared to the one who said to beat your kids if they appear to be gay.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
demographics are king in politics, and the GOP lost that fight. but they're going down swinging. flailing, more like it.

that pastor who says giving women the vote was a mistake is fluffy clouds and unicorns compared to the one who said to beat your kids if they appear to be gay.
Yeah, saw that. He got a shit load of backlash. Mostly from younger adults. Did my old heart good.


New Member
What the fuck is going on with this country? I just saw today a pastor saying that giving women the vote was a mistake. Has the GOP lost its fucking mind?
Nice try, but it has noting to do with the GOP, blacks are also strongly apposed to gay marriage, are you a racist?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Nice try, but it has noting to do with the GOP, blacks are also strongly apposed to gay marriage, are you a racist?

I post about a pastor wanting to deny women the vote and that makes me a racist?

What kind of fucking drugs are you on?


New Member
did the constitution distinguish women as a class of people or mention gender before the 19th amendment?
You answered you own question again, you're getting smarter by the minute.
Keep googling the Constitution, you just might be enlightened, off course until it doesn't fit into your agenda. Then you'll want it to live and breath! LOL


Well-Known Member

I post about a pastor wanting to deny women the vote and that makes me a racist?

What kind of fucking drugs are you on?
he's a lawyer, he passed the california bar exam.

but then again, this is the internet, and i am an olympic figure skater who single handedly built the hoover dam.


Well-Known Member
You answered you own question again, you're getting smarter by the minute.
Keep googling the Constitution, you just might be enlightened, off course until it doesn't fit into your agenda. Then you'll want it to live and breath! LOL
you just keep on dodging questions and saying that the equal protection clause is to protect the states, not the people in them, all while bragging about being a lawyer (who grows the shittiest weed i have ever seen).