Attempted Scam By "Dealer"

meechz 024

Active Member
If I lived in the UK, I would grow and not grab off the streets unless I knew the source. The amount of contaminated buds and cut hash that is being circulated throughout the whole country is pretty scary. Weed is mixed with powdered glass shards and hash cut with homemade appliances for weight, it's like an epidemic over there.


Well-Known Member
If I lived in the UK, I would grow and not grab off the streets unless I knew the source. The amount of contaminated buds and cut hash that is being circulated throughout the whole country is pretty scary. Weed is mixed with powdered glass shards and hash cut with homemade appliances for weight, it's like an epidemic over there.
I once bought hash that was cut with a homemade toaster.

meechz 024

Active Member
have you seen kids these days they fuckin scare the bejeezes out of me. i thought i was a tough nut at that age but today they have no respect and seem pretty well lawless.
England has always been a cesspool for disorderly youth but the rest of the world doesn't see it because they hide their povertized and depraved communities in tucked away council estates in the suburb limits.

So the suburbs in England isn't like America where a bunch of two-parent home kids and mid to high income families. England suburbs are filled with all the poor white trash so their is little youths with alcoholic parents or absent parents and kids as young as 11 years old join gangs.


Well-Known Member
One of my friends was out with some spanish friends for their birthday one night and they decided to go get some crack, and this girl said she knew where to get some, so they drive out to this house and they send her in with the money, she comes back out and hands them a little baggie, that is full of styrofoam my friend and his friends turn around and drive back to the house and just lay waste to everything in the area with rocks...
Then of course the dealer(s) inside come out shooting, and end up shooting the back window out of their own car, at which point my friend and his friends leave out in a hurry, having lost $60 but caused much more than that in damages...


Well-Known Member
england has always been a cesspool for disorderly youth but the rest of the world doesn't see it because they hide their povertized and depraved communities in tucked away council estates in the suburb limits.

so the suburbs in england isn't like america where a bunch of two-parent home kids and mid to high income families. england suburbs are filled with all the poor white trash so their is little youths with alcoholic parents or absent parents and kids as young as 11 years old join gangs.

meechz 024

Active Member
America suburbs = on average 2 parents are present, and on average it's mostly mid to high income families.
England suburbs = on average it's single parent homes, and on average it's low income families.

Lots of failed urban planning in the UK.

and when I say suburbs, I mean the areas just outside of city limits......not farm towns or isolated towns and such.

meechz 024

Active Member
Attempted scam by "buyers"

Epic fail

[Youtube]X-ef4zJEqO8 [/Youtube]
HAHA, you just made my day while I'm at work right now.
They tried to film it to show all they're highschool friends after and brag about how they robbed a black guy and got away, but it ends with the suburban white kid showing his true colors at the end and HAULING ASS to get away. HAHAHA! justice!
what was going through these kid's heads?

This is a true FAILURE right here. I hope the dealer stole his car and sold the parts.


Well-Known Member
Attempted scam by "buyers"

Epic fail

[Youtube]X-ef4zJEqO8 [/Youtube]
That kid made it obvious when he said it was fire and then stared at it for like 10 seconds without saying anything. It made me laugh so hard though when that kid crashed. lol.

meechz 024

Active Member
As the dealer, I would of been suspicious for these 3 reasons

first he said that he's been robbed before. Strike 1. (this should bring suspicion but not enough to act concerned so the deal goes on, but you stay alert of his body and eye movements)

and then when he said "i got the money right here just let me eye it out". Strike 2 (now I'd be concerned, good chance this guy will try something, i would ask to see the money now)

but the dealer gave him the bag so

the guy's staring at the bag not saying anything, as if he is contemplating something. Strike 3.......its a robbery.

Obviously not something the dealer expected from some white kids for a $40 bag though.


Well-Known Member
If you look at it again and pause it right when he decides to put it in drive,the dealer gave him that "you know you just fucked up right?" look ...lmao


Well-Known Member
If you look at it again and pause it right when he decides to put it in drive,the dealer gave him that "you know you just fucked up right?" look ...lmao
You know god damn well that dealer caught up with him, one way or the other. I bet that was epic. I wish we had THAT video. LOL!!


Well-Known Member
lol how come they left his car?? wtf. and how come his buddy got out of the car in the first place?
When he put the car in reverse, the car moved, then you can hear the engine rev. He's caught up. It's either beat cheeks down the street, or get yo ass kicked.

He was in such a hurry to flee, that he never put the car back in park. He left it in reverse. LOL!


Well-Known Member
When he put the car in reverse, the car moved, then you can hear the engine rev. He's caught up. It's either beat cheeks down the street, or get yo ass kicked.

He was in such a hurry to flee, that he never put the car back in park. He left it in reverse. LOL!

Did he even get the weed ? It looks like right before he got out he sat it on his lap .
It would really suck if he went through all that for nothing lol